Any Advice?

Updated on October 12, 2008
C.F. asks from Hutchinson, KS
24 answers

I've gotten some great tips and advice thus far - a HUGE thank you to all!
We are going on a family vacation to Florida for 10 days and flying for the first time as a family. (We will be staying with my mother-in-law and will not be renting a car) I'm seeking any and all advice for the plane ride, for vacationing tips, etc.

Thank you in advance!

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answers from St. Louis on

If you are concerned about the trip, you could try giving them some Benadryl. I took my son to South Carolina over the summer (He was 20 months at the time) and I gave him some Benadryl and it worked great! He slept straight through! I was worried about his ears because he has had a lot of ear infections in the past. I called the doctor and they suggested the Benadryl. Come to find out he didn't really need it as he really enjoyed the plane ride. He wasn't scared but there were parts of it that he didn't like. He just snuggled closer to me and he was fine. Good luck and have a great trip!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from St. Louis on

The dollar stores in the book section have a variety of travel books with activities in it. There are also some travel hand held games like trouble and hangman at K mart. I would start writing down a list of things and keep it handy so when you think of something write it down.
You can google the Chamber of Commerence in the city you plan to visit for places to go and see.

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answers from Kansas City on

I agree, have lots of snacks and maybe they can each have their own cd player or game to do. Lots of snacks for the ride and make sure you have everything you need if you have a layover. As for your vacation in Florida. That sounds fun. I just went to Myrle beach this last summer with my family and took my two boys then 11 months and 2.5. Make sure you go with the flow and dont over do it. If you are going to a theme park make sure to dress them all in clothes you will remember. I dress my boys the you will be waiting in lines for rides see if they have a ride swap program so you all can wait in line together and then one rides with kids then you just swap out when they come back. Lots of times they also have a pass where you can get a ticket for a certain ride and it will say come back between 1 and 1:15 to cut to the front of the line. It works great. Just have fun be safe and remember all kids throw one point or another.:)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Springfield on

let them chew gum for their ears and bring plenty of activities. coloring books puzzles ect. I travel alot with my 6 and 3 year old. we fly from here springfield to california at least three times a year. snacks in a zip lock bag will do wonders too. also if you let them stay up late hopefully they might be tired for the trip. good luck AND HAVE FUN !!

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answers from Kansas City on

my best advice is to call the airline over any questions you might have. they are all similar in rules but there are always some variations. they're the only ones that can tell you definitively, AND they can document your record with any special needs you require- and what they told you, in case there's any mix up. i used to work for american airlines, and every time we touched a record we had to document what we did and what the passenger was advised. all airlines may not do it automatically, but they all have the ability to. that way if you're told something, and it's in your record, no one can argue with you at the gate later.

with the ages of your children you should be fine. if you're taking an umbrella stroller or something for your youngest, ask about gate checking it. they'll stow it in the front of the plane so when you enter and exit it's right there for you instead of putting it with the checked luggage. i'd just take lots to occupy them with. benadryl i'd use as a last resort, but i would bet even your two year old will be fine. good luck and have fun! what a lucky family :)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Springfield on

You've gotten good tips on the flight, but I would call or go online to check about what snacks are ok to bring so you don't end up throwing them away.

Florida.....again go online for the specific place you are going. IF Disney, get a copy of the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney Wotld. It really helped us last year with our trip. We didn't follow it word for word, but chose the advice that we wanted. It gave a lot of tips of what to do and how to enjoy things with kids.

Also, believe it or not, FL is actually pretty warm even at Christmas ( especially compared to MO) We walked off the airplane in winter clother (it was snowing in St Louis) and were very hot and changed as soon as we got to our hotel room. We wore shorts and tshirts for the most part, but be sure to take things you can layer.

God Luck and God bless



answers from Springfield on

My kids are 13, 10, and 9 months. I flew a bunch with the older shildren when they were little. I always gave them a dose of benedryl to dry out their sinus cavities...less chance of sinus pain that's a killer and can't be solved once it's begun. It also tended to calm them and aften they took naps. I also ALWAYS purchased "earplanes" ear plugs for them and used them. We never had an unpleasant flying experience. Sorry about not responding earlier. I figures everyone would say the same thing to you. : ) Have fun!! C.



answers from Kansas City on

I just flew with a 6 week old...which is very different than older children for one exception...we all have to worry about ear popping. Gum for older kids and paci/bottle for little ones to swallow/suck so they pop their ears like the big kids can with gum. Also diversion activties. Nothing worse than a "bored" child on a plane with nowhere to entertain them. We have a mobile DVD player to entertain even us adults when we go away. Makes time pass faster. Good luck!



answers from St. Louis on

Airplane tips - pack a small backpack for each child (if the have their own seat, they can have their own carry-on) with toys (favorites and a couple new) and snacks (same-faves and new). Bring drinks for them (juice boxes-must be sealed until you are on the plane). let them chew sugarless gum on take off and landing - even the 2 year old (cuz their ears will pop). check your car seat for the little one because he'll want to sit in his big chair or on your lap.

vacation tips - be flexible, try to stick to their routines (ie. naptime and bedtime) keep them busy but allow for downtime.

Have fun!!!!!!!!!



answers from Wichita on

I sure hope you enjoy Florida. I was born there and loved it. As for traveling with kids...I always make an entertainment bag. Crayons, coloring books, handheld video games(limited time)etch-a-sketch.....just stuff to occupy their hands and minds. I always buy new colors and books so they feel like they are getting something special. Good luck to you and your family. Have a safe trip.



answers from Memphis on

We've flown many times with our 3 boys (4, 6, and 8). Flying usually goes very, very well. Have each child take a back pack filled with toys/books/snacks for themselves. I'm not a big fan of TV or videogames, but...we always pack a travel size dvd player/tv with a few new movies (usually from the library). We also always have a laptop with us. This saved us once, when we had a 6 hour delay for our flight. We had a few games and a movie the kids watched. The kids always take their Gameboys with 1-2 new games (from Gamestop). We always let the kids pick out a few new books at the used book store and save them for the flight. Definately pack snacks-they'll give you soda or juice on the plane. Take your big stroller (not the umbrella one)! If anything, it's a great place to store things and keeps your little one close by. They'll check it at the gate and have it for you when you land.
Stickers, water color paint, crayons are all great for your little one. I would definately pick a DVD or two for him to watch on the plane!
Good luck and enjoy your trip!



answers from St. Louis on

We've flown internationally with our son four times. Before we leave I always stock up on a variety of odds & ends unusual toys that I surprise him with. I cruise the bargain aisles or go to a dollar store. I always include several new books. I always make sure to have several toys held back that he doesn't get on the plane either. Then when we get to our destination, right now we're in France, I have a few comforting toys from home and a few new ones too. I walk about 8 miles a day here so we invest in a new $20 umbrella stroller for each trip too. Jogging strollers are great if you have one, they are just to big for European stores. I agree with less-is-more travelling. You'll have your hands full with your children. So, slip on shoes and bare minimums are the easiest for travelling. Our 15 mos old son has been all over Europe and I don't even stress anymore about travelling with him. Have a great trip!



answers from Wichita on

I thought there were a lot of restrictions on food and such in your carry on? We went to Florida a year ago in March and I was on a special diet, they almost didn't let my sealed prepacked food through.
When we flew to Hawii we took a portable DVD player.I rec. window seats. Also make sure you call and confirm you are seated together. Our tickets got screwed up and we had to trade around in order for my 4 year old to be with one of us. It was a stress I could have lived without.

Renting a car with car seats is worth the extra money. It is nice not to have to carry all that stuff through the air port! We have always taken our jogging stroller. It is bulkier but it pushes so much easier that no matter if we were at the beach or Disney we weren't fighting it. It is also more stable so in the air port we could hang the kid's back packs of activities on it and we weren't lugging everything. They would check it as we boarded and it would be waiting for us in the hall way as we came off the plane. (Needs a luggage tag)

I also let my kids pick out two new things that they weren't allowed to touch until we boarded the plane. My son got a small lego kit and a new pack of crayons and paper. My daughter got a movie and a sticker book.

Go early, especially when leaving from a strange air port. I would rather sit and wait a little than push my kids through security and stress over missing our flight. Ruins the entire mood of a vacation! SLIP ON SHOES! Since you have to remove shoes in security make sure everyone has easy to slip on & off shoes. By the time you gather all your stuff you don't really want to stop in line to help your younger ones put on shoes. Last time my husband wore house slippers! LOL. Less is more - take as little as possible and security goes much smoother.



answers from Wichita on

Good Morning C., Not sure what type of info. you are looking for, but here goes.
If your little ones need car seats or booster seats, make sure the car rental place (if you are renting a car or van) has them for you when you arrive. Take along a small umbrella stroller for your little one, makes it easier for them when they get tired of walking site seeing or getting them through a Airport. Can be stored at check in on the plane.
Take small toys, books, snacks for the kid-o to amuse themselves on the plane.
Important Info. Leave all the Stress at the Front door when you leave home and enjoy yourselves.

Don't know where in Florida you are going, but I enjoyed Epcot in Orlando. Where ever you go just have a great memory making time.

God Bless
K. Nana of 5



answers from Kansas City on

Shove as many activities into the bag as you can and still carry necessities. I have flown a few times with my daughter (just turned 1) and she goes through books/activities at warp speed. My best suggestion (besides tons of healthy snacks) is to get those goofy wind-up toys and have them travel across the tray table...the two year old will love it. Have fun!



answers from St. Louis on

Here in St. Louis, at Walgreen you can buy those camera that you can have refilled for free very inexpensively. Get each of your children one. You may have to take the pictures for your two year old, but take pictures of things that seem to catch his eye.

Take pictures of the crew of the plane-ask the captain before the flight if your kids can come to the cockpit and take pictures with them. At the hotel take pictures of the hotel, your room and its workers.

If money is an object, I would suggest contacting the Florida bureau of tourism and having information sent to you; then your family can sit down and pick the things you want to do as a family.

Once you return then go a store that sells scrapbooking supplies and put together a memory scrapbook.

For the plane ride if you think your kids will be afraid make a pretend game like some your on a secret mission Like the backyardigans. Good luck



answers from Topeka on

Here are a few things you can take to make it easier. Water because it isn't free anymore and sugar drinks make them hyper.
Take some flash cards and punch a hole in each corner and put them on a key ring to keep them from falling all over the floor and maybe even one of those retractable key holders. It is fun and will keep them busy. Magna Doodle. Get 3 of the little ones and then they don't need colors or paper. A book with all the flaps that open is great to keep them busy. Something new, not something from home that they have already seen. One backpack with all these things just for the plane and have big brother be the one in charge of carrying it. The ones with wheels are good for the airport. Oh and slip on shoes are good for plane rides so you aren't stopping for untied shoes. Any kind of snack should be in a throw away container like a ziploc. Cereal is good and fruit snacks. And plenty of foam hand sanitizer and wipes are a must! Have a safe trip and breath!



answers from Kansas City on

One thing we do is buy toys that our daughter has never seen or books she's never read plus a few of her favs in 1 carry on bag so that she has new things to keep her occupied. I dont know if that's helpful, but that's all I have. :-) Good luck!



answers from St. Louis on

The only advice I have for you is to bring a LOT of distractions along. maybe even a couple inexpensive new things that will keep their attention longer. Plus have a couple of snacks along. The 2 older ones might like the travel size games like Connect Four or checkers for something to play with. Good luck!



answers from Kansas City on

First of all - approach it as an adventure and try not to get stressed out! Your 8 & 6 YO will pick up on your adventure spirit and then instead of set backs being problems, they'll be fun hew experiences.

That being said - I always plan for the worst and hope for the best.

If your 2-1/2 year old isn't potty trained - make sure to pack extra diapers in case of a layover. And extra diaper wipes are great for hands and any other questionable surfaces you might run across!

Dry snacks and dry formula are all ok to carry on. Flight attendants are (usually) really good about providing water before the flight if you ask for it the moment you get on the plane. For "warm" water you need 1/2 hot water and 1/2 cold water.

Gum, pacifier, suckers... all very good suggestions. (Takeoff and landing is when you challenge your kids to yawning contests to get them to move their jaw and pop their ears!)

Fill a gallon ziplock (the zipper kind so they can open & close it themselves) with misc. toys. Some paper & colored pencils, (maybe you could download coloring pages about FL for the older ones), little toys & puzzles, a deck of cards, candies, etc.

You can't pack liquid, but fruit snacks are ok. Fruit leather packs easily. 100 calorie packs of crackers are a special treat for my 2-1/2 year old son. He says "my little crackers!" every time!

And don't forget a few creature comforts... things that smell like home, a little blanket or stuffed animal. I like to pack our own pillowcases for the hotel. I am convinced that having the pillow smell like home makes them sleep better! :)

Have fun! Sounds like a neat trip is ahead of you! (don't forget the camera)




answers from St. Louis on

Get a guidebook and pick some of the things you want to do in advance, some restaurants, attractions, ect. It is better to have at least an idea or list of places in advance, that way if weather comes up, you have a few options.

not sure what type of advice you need/want, hope this was helpful in some way, if I knew what you were worried about I might have more to say, we are a family of experienced travelers (even the 5 month old (= ).

Bring stuff for the kids to do, bring snacks. Bring the car seats you will need when you get there. When my daughter was 2, we brought her chair on the plane, it made it easier for her to sit still in one place, bc she was used to it from car trips.

Chekc the security rules at the airport, remember no liquids can go through security, you will need to buy drinks on the other side if you want somehting other than what they will have on the plane. Food is not served on planes very often any more, you can bring some, or buy some and carry it on if you need it. Check bags with liquids. (or check the exact size you can bring on, the rules should be on the airlines website.)

If you 2 year old likes a stroller, you can use one in the airport, they will check it for you right when you get on the plane.

Talk to the hotel about anything extra you might need, such as a rollaway cot or crib for the youngest. Not sure where you are staying, but some hotels also offer babysitting if mom and dad want a nice dinner (the disney ones all do I think).

Remember, always travel with cash, you never know what is going to happen. <---- my dad always says this, I guess it is right, there has been one time when I would have been stranded if I had not had cash (no cell phone service).



answers from Kansas City on

One more tip, if they don't chew gum, try giving them suckers before take-off and landing, anything to keep them swallowing helps with the pressure change. If you find one of them having problems equilizing, get them to force a yawn, opening the mouth as much as possible (stretches their ear tubes) and then have them hold their mouth shut, pinch their nose and try to blow (not letting air come out), this is a scuba diving trick, but it works great on planes too.

As far as snacks you can carry on, liquids are supposed to be the only restricted thing, but you still may be able to take a "bottle" for the littlest one. Call the airline to confirm what is allowed based on your child's age. If he is too old for the bottle allowance, take an empty sippy cup and as soon as you get on the plane ask the attendant for something to put in it before take off, depending on how full the flight is, it may be awhile before they do drink service. You may also be able to buy someting after security before boarding. I would just reccomend having something ready as he may be too young for gum or a sucker, and if you can get him drinking while the pressure changes it will help. The harder the cup is to suck, the better it is for his ears.

Have fun!



answers from St. Joseph on

I'd say if the 8 and the 6 yr old are interested in video games or MP3 players I would get those for them to play with...that alone will probably keep them busy...if you don't have one you may want to consider the investment but I wouldn't give it to them until you are ready for the trip (but open it an make sure it DOES work before you leave

AT LEAST One of your pack on bags should be a change of clothes for everyone (including a swim suit) and vital meds you may need. Just ASSUME the airline will lose your luggage so pack so you have 1-2 outfits you can use until they get it to you.

Pack a bag of snacks and the powders you can add to water bottles to make lemondade, koolaid, etc. Baggies work great for small portion control. Kids are ALWAYS hungry and traveling just makes it matter where you are, they will hound you for more and there is no use paying exhorbitant airport prices...I'd also chuck in a few plastic cups that you wouldn't care if got thrown away (then you can always get refills in water fountains and add the mixes to it if the kids want some variety). Best part is you don't have to worry about the liquid ounces going through security b/c all you have to do is dump out the cups.

I love stuff like the Highlights magazines where the kids can find and search for stuff, do mazes and puzzles and you can dispose of it when they are done (that way you aren't lugging home stuff unnecessarily). Crayons are a must but get a little plasic container (like a sandwich container) to put them in so they don't get broken as easily as in baggies...I love the write on wipe off boards too b/c they are easily reused. The travel Doodle Pros rock!

Whatever you pack...DON'T show the kids all your stuff right away or they will breeze through stuff in a heartbeat and be bored before you know it. Even save some stuff for the return trip so it will be new and fresh. If they have a favorite book I would pack it too...I find that they like to be comforted by familiar things when you shake their snowglobe worlds...Definitely make sure you take any blankets, binkies, bears, etc. that you think they might need...

A lot of people like the chewing gum but I hate it because my kids always end up swallowing it. I use the Laughy Taffy, Tootsie Rolls or the Frutsie Tootsie rolls...they do the same thing. May not last as long but at least you don't end up with gum stuck where you don't want it.

Finally, pack the Dramamine whether you think you will need it or not. I would also get some of the berry tums/rolaids...when I get nauseaous that sometimes helps calm my stomach. Have the barf bags ready as well as wet wipes or the anti-bacterial wipes for a quick clean up if you need it. And don't forget to pack some of the plastic Wal-mart bags incase you need to stuff some unexpected dirty clothes into it. Have a great trip! Oh, and you might consider some sleep deperivation for the 2 1/2 yr old...that way once you get on the plane and get beyond take off, they will konk out and sleep the whole way... :) Sneeky mom!



answers from Kansas City on

Hi C.,

Good for you! My husband is an Airline Pilot, so we've flown alot and this really worked for my kids when they were little. They are now 17,12&10. I made a travel pack for each of them and had them carry it in their backpacks. It included all sorts of misc. items: travel games, coloring book & crayons, and assortment of various snacks. (nothing big). Most importantly have some gum on hand for their ears when you take off and land. Due to the change in altitude, they can chew and swallow to pop their ears. Also, for your older ones, I would recommend a disposable camera for them to take pictures that really interest them. It's amazing what you see and what they see on trips and it's a good way to scrapbook your memories. Always, have plan of action in place for what to do if they get lost and have phone numbers and contact info on them. I made a small laminated tag and had it in their pockets each time we went out. It's a little tedious with 3 children, but well worth it. Hope this gives you some ideas. Happy Vacationing!!!

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