My mother-in-law is a counselor and I just asked her. She said that Zoloft is one of the safest medications and you can take it while you're pregnant and nursing.
I was wondering if anyone was or is on Zoloft during pregnancy and breastfeeding? I am thinking about conceiving, but have some concerns.
I have a healthy, happy 2 1/2 year old little girl. I remained on 100mg of Zoloft throughout my entire pregnancy. I also breastfed for a year.
My mother-in-law is a counselor and I just asked her. She said that Zoloft is one of the safest medications and you can take it while you're pregnant and nursing.
I was on Wellbutrin with both of my girl through pregnancy and breastfeeding. My understanding is that it's one of the safest if you're going to be on something. I'm not sure Zoloft was recommended. Check with your doctor. In the mean time you may want to search and see what class of drug it is (A, B, or C) and then that will tell you how potentially dangerous it is.
Hi, S. ~
Welcome to your adventure! I think it's awesome you are getting all the information you need before jumping in. :)
No medical/psych professional is ever going to tell you that any medication is perfectly safe for your baby while you're pregnant. There are risks and benefits of each choice, and a good, caring doctor who will help you decide which outweighs what can not be overrated.
Zoloft has been one of those that has been out for quite a while - therefore tested extensively - and the powers that be have found it has little effect on pregnancy and breastfeeding. In my case, there was no option. For the sake of my baby, my husband and myself, the Zoloft had to stay. My pregnancies (two of my three included Zoloft) went just fine and my babies are healthy.
Kudos to you for your caution, S....also have fun and get excited! This is a beautiful stage of life. Congrats in advance!
~ R.
I was on Zoloft (100mg) for 3 years before getting pregnant with our first. My OBGYN told me that when my husband and I wanted to get pregnant to STAY on the Zoloft. The benefits of being "happy" outweighed the effects of trying to get off of them. So....I was on 100mg with my 1st pregnancy, then I had postpartum really bad and, my OBGYN upped it to 150mg. I breastfeed for 1 yr while still taking it. I continued the 150mg for the next two yrs and, got pregnant again, and breastfeed again with 150mg. Both my girls are healthy and developing well in all aspects.
My OBGYN told me that a lot of women are on Zoloft during prenancy. It is suppose to be the safest antidepressant out there. Now it worked great for me, but I would definitely talk to your OBGYN and see what they say. Also, get more then one opinion if you are highly concerned.
I hope this helped a little bit. If you have any questions for me feel free to email me.
God Bless, C.
I would talk to your Dr about it there are some Meds you cant be on and if Zoloft is one maybe Dr can get you on something else if you need so you can be safe while pregnant. Good Luck
My doctor put me on Zoloft about halfway through my 4th pregnancy when I was really struggling. I had postpartum depression with each of my children but was never properly treated. I got worse each time. When I got pregnant with our fourth I changed doctors and made sure I found someone who would give it to me straight. She talked to me about all the ins & outs, & told me the risks are minimal & far outweighed the benefits in my situation. It helped tremendously! I now have a beatiful, healthy 10 month old boy. He is ahead of the game in some areas of development & right on target for everything else. I think you should talk to your doctor about it. Good luck!!
I was on zoloft during my pregnancy, but due to other medications I take I couldn't breastfeed, so not sure about that part of your question.
I know it is safe to take while breastfeeding, but I would check with your OB or pharmacist before conceiving.
I was on Zoloft and the doctor lowered my dose. It all depends on how badly depressed you are.
I don't know about Zoloft but Wellbutrin is commonly prescribed to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There was another antidepressant that started with an "L" that my psych nurse at the time said was OK'd for pregnancy - Lexapro maybe?
Talk to your health care provider. You have options and as you know, you want to do the meds switch before you conceive. Good luck.
All pharmaceuticals are toxic - not only to those taking (or being fed) them but to any life you attempt to create while using them. They damage by clogging and putting stress on the organs as well as causing more side effects than positive effects in most cases. If you are on anything and want to conceive I would suggest talking to your doctor about not taking them anymore, then doing a good organ cleanse and balancing your system naturally before you make the attempt. Too many babies are born with dependencies on or damage from pharmaceuticals to believe they are at all safe - for anyone. The best thing to do is feed yourself good whole food, cleanse your system regularly and supplement your diet with pure herbal formulas instead of FDA-approved poison. If you are interested in more information about some excellent products feel free to contact me or visit my website: www.shootingstarherbs.amazonherb.net - good luck!
Hi S.. I was on Zoloft (100mg) for 10years and when I got pregnant unexpexctedly last year and I shared the same worries. The most info that I could get from my Dr was that there isn't much info out there to give informed advice! AAACK! Well I was hormonal and in a unsteady relationship so I made the decision to stay on it so I wouldn't "rock the boat" and stay level headed at a time where its so important to make good choices about my health. Once she was born I stopped taking them immediately (i was breast feeding) and I haven't looked back! My daughter just turned one 10-22 and this has truely been the best year of my life! I don't have time to get depressed and I can't overthink my problems til my head spins. I have someone that depends on me for everything and no matter what I won't let her down! It is really important for me to respond to you because of the lack of info out there- I never thought that I could be a mom because of my SEVERE depression but it is possible! Just remember to stay under your OB AND Psych's care during the entire process.
I have taken Zoloft for a very long time. I took Zoloft before, during, and after pregnancy with all three of my children. I also nursed each one of my kids for almost a year while taking the drug. I had a different ObGyn for each pregnancy, and all three, insisted that it perfectly safe to take Zoloft. Believe me, I would have gone without it- if it had posed any risk. However, I have a pretty long history of depression and anxiety, and felt that I needed to stay mentally healthy, especially during pregnancy and after. I only took 50mg during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but my doctors said that I could take more if I felt necessary. Obviously, talk it over with your healthcare provider and make the right decision for yourself. One thing that is interesting about me, is that I find that I have very little symptoms of depression when I am pregnant! Anyhow, I have 3 very healthy kids.
Although the moms on this website give great advice, I think you should ask your doctor on this one. Taking medications while you are pregnant is very risky. If Zoloft isn't recommended during pregnancy maybe your doctor can prescribe a different medication while you are pregnant.
I did not take Zoloft during my pregnancy. I am taking it since I delivered, 4 months ago, and I am breastfeeding. My doc said Zoloft was ok to take while breastfeeding. It helps me with my post partum depression. I have not noticed it effecting my milk production or my baby. Remember your mental health is very important during and after pregnancy. Take care of yourself and your baby will be fine. Good Luck!
I was on it when I miscarried recently. My pcp told me to quit taking it when I found out I was pregnant though my OB said it would have been fine to continue, I wish I had because the combo of miscarrying and quitting it was awful! My OB said that that there is a very small risk of pulmonary hypertension in the 3rd trimester but that it was incredibly rare and mom's mental state is very important. So if you need it to get through your day, double check with dr but I bet they would say continue.