Not to contradict the docs and you should still probably talk to a gyne but our first two babies were Anthrax deployment babies . . . we are Air Force so our deployments are relatively short (4-8 months) and so we got a couple of weeks after one deployment (Anthrax was given prior to) and exactly one year later after a second deployment (Anthrax too). Our babies are completely healthy. So maybe they are just being extra precautionary which is good, especially if they are now starting to see results from War time exposure and haven't yet pin pointed it. There is like a huge burn pit is Ballad, Iraq that my husband has been exposed to straight through two deployments that we know is way unhealthy (depleted Ur, human waste, leftover chemicals, anything that can burn) and the cloud just hovers over the base. Basically we are expecting issues later on from that . . . so really the military may just be trying to protect us from whatever they are being exposed too and that is good that at least they are thinking about it . .. but as for Anthrax, I haven't heard anything. I would just talk to some experts (OBGYN, PCM, Pediatrician, ect). Good luck . . .with us military wives there is not ever really any perfect answer, sorry.