HI, Well I hate to burst your bubble on the credit scores. You might be looking at what is called the Vantgage credit score.. Fico scoring is what all lenders for Mortgage companies use. The highest possible score you can have is a 850. Now it is hard to help you without knowing if you home if a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac or FHA. New laws going into effect on FHA home purchased prior to May 31 2009, to refi, that MI will be so low, that it will benefit anyone who could or should refi with rates as low as they are. If you have a Fannie Mae home, you could refi with the Harp 2.0. Something to take into consideration is, if you plan on buying a 2nd home, an investment home or another primary home, you will need 10-20% down anyway. Your DTI (debt to income) will include all your current debt, plus the mortgage on your current house, since it is not rented or will not be rented prior to buying another home, and the current mortgage, you will have to meet the DTI guidelines. So depending on who owns your current Mortgage, will depend on if it is beneficial for you to refi. The harp is in effect now, but the new changes to FHA do not go in effect until June. If you home is an FHA, by all means refi that home in June when the new MI for refi's will be very low (if you bought your current home prior to the above mentioned date). Find yourself a good Loan officer with a Mortgage broker company. Not a bank, they only offer what products they have. A mortgage company which is a Broker, have many different companies, which would be into your best interest. Of course the higher the scores you have the better chance you have getting a better rates.. Rates are very very low right now and can be as low as 3.5. Dont let people run your credit until you shop around. This is my industry, but I only work in Nevada. Good luck to you.. By the way you can google about the Harp 2.0 program, or go to the HUD website, the FHA website, and you can even google is my home a fannie mae or freddie mac in case you dont know.