Good morning, sorry to hear you are having trouble but it is the sitting. You may have to change chairs or put something under your desk to put your feet upon that will help to keep the blood moving and just stand up like every 30 mins... and stretch, there are things to put in your seat too that put you a little higher so that it don't cut the circulation off in your legs... hope this helps and good luck with the job... and your swelling hope it goes away...and yes cut back on the salt and sodas.. they are really not good for any of us.. I quit drinking soda and changed my diet and lost 27lbs over a year.. Just make sure there are not red lines up or down your legs and just take a walk at lunch too. Exercise will help and that bike thing will help too but moving every 30 mins or sooner will help too. I am also a mom of grown kids and have 14 grandkids now well so far have one not married we had 6 5 living...enjoy your kids S.