Anesthesia and a Three Your Old

Updated on November 09, 2010
T.H. asks from Albany, CA
14 answers

I have been stalking this website for a few days before deciding to join. I am going to put it all out...

Recently I have lost three people that I have been close with.
The first loss was a friend of the family.
The second loss was a friend of the family that I have known my whole life.
The third loss the one that I am having the hardest time accepting. Close friend who I seen daily overdosed and her family decided to let her go yesterday.

All of these losses have been sudden there was no idea that they were going to pass. The first one was she found out she had cancer to late, and the doctor gave her a while to live but she passed on a week later. The second one was a friend getting over a serve sinus infection. Like I said the third one was suicide.

My heart head it is too much to deal with. I never would have thought the third one would have passed, I had been preparing myself for it to be my husbands grandmother soon since she has stage four cancer...

Anyways finally this is where my question starts!

I know it might seem morbid that is why I put the information in above.

Next Monday, the 15th our daughter is having ear tubes put in. The ENT has gone over how they do this surgery, how it is quick, she will be in and out. She has never had surgery before. Therefore no anesthesia. I find myself freaking out about what if she doesn't come out of the anesthetic? I cannot shake it either. It is always with me in the back of my mind. I feel like I am losing it.

I know it is related to all of the recent deaths that have occurred in my life. They have all been close together. I don't who to talk about with this or if I should just keep it to myself. I will probably end up keeping it to myself...but I can't sleep at night, I just lay there thinking about this over and over because it won't leave!

Has anyone ever been though this before?


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So What Happened?

Thank you very much for all of the kind responses. I do plan on calling our church tomorrow and speaking with someone on staff. I'll keep you guys posted.

Once again last night I was up all night with worry. :( I am going to bed soon in hopes of some much needed sleep.



It was super quick and she was done! Her surgery was pushed forward by almost a hour it was nice not to wait around with all of the anxiety. She was a champ. Parents aren't allowed in recovery where we went and when she came back to us there was no screaming or tears! :) At home she has been doing good we had our first two pees, yay! She has been taking an extra long nap. The staff at the hospital was awesome!

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answers from Anchorage on

Not so much so together like you, but I have had to put my son under General when he was 2. He had to had a hip aspiration done due to suspected septic hip. I was so nervous, but he came through it great.

Blessed Be

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answers from Redding on

Take it from me....when you have had so many losses in a short period of time, it messes with your mind a bit. It's hard to wrap your head around it. It can be all you think about and cause you to have fears that every little thing will result in the worst. I'm NOT saying that your daughter's situation is a "little" thing, but your fears can be magnified.
It might be good for you to find someone to talk to. A professional. Your doctor at least. Grief is real and some of the fears you can have stemming from it can become irrational. It's normal to an extent, but getting some grief counselling can help you sort things out.
Your daughter needs to know that you are strong and you trust her doctor and she's going to be okay. She needs that affirmation from you so she won't be too frightened.
You don't want to transfer your fears to her.
Your doctor should have some referrals for grief counseling.
They deal with families and individuals who go through this.

I wish you the best and I'm sorry for your losses.
It's really hard, I know.

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answers from Laredo on

My son had eye surgery a year ago when he was three and it was the first time he was having any procedure done. I was having non stop panic attacks about it and I wasnt in the situation that you are in now. It is good that you recognize where these feelings are mostly coming from. But some of the feelings are just coming from you being a concerned mama.
If there is someone that you can talk to about this like your husband or mom... you should. It might make you feel better to just get it off your chest.
I know its hard to do but just try to stay calm and breathe because she is going to be able to sense if you are anxious at all which might just make it worse for her.
Lean on those closest to you for support right now.

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answers from San Francisco on

First, I am so very sorry for your losses. Your fear is certainly understandable - that much shock takes its toll, and it's hard not to feel uncertain about what the future holds.

Second, my three year old daughter had ear tubes put in two months ago. At the same time, she had her adenoids and tonsils removed. She came through the surgeries fine. There is one moment when little kids first wake up when they can seem really out of it and quite violent, which can be scary, so please brace yourself for that possibility. However, that is completely normal and to be expected.

A few people talked to me before my daughter's surgery, who had been through the same thing, and their children all came through it beautifully. Today, my daughter is so much happier and well-rested than before that I have no regrets about having had the surgery, despite the anxiousness beforehand.

Best of luck to you and your family.



answers from San Francisco on

You have to pray if you believe and moreover once you pray know that your prayers will be answered. You have to have blind faith that this is for the best. But pray specifically for each and every person that touches your daughter in anyway from the IV to the post Op.
Secondly you can go to alternative healing to prepare your mind for the surgury too. They have something called Bioenergy and they have a clinic in San Francisco and other places that takes the negative energy that you may be fostering due to your situation and helps you re-channel it to help you have peace. These are two different solutions to help. I hope one helps and God bless.



answers from Sacramento on

Talk to a therapist. If your ins wont cover it and you can't afford it, call the suicide hotline and talk to one of their counselors. They can help family and friends of someone who has tried and/or succeeded in taking their own lives and might be able to talk you through it. As for the tubes, my son had to have them put in twice and the anesthesia wasn't that big of a deal but I wasn't recovering from so many losses in such a short span of time. Please talk to someone about it. T.



answers from San Francisco on

My daughter had major reconstructive skull surgery at 10 months old. Both kids had ear tubes and adnenoids surgery at 3 and 5 years old respectively. And my son had dental surgery at 2 years. I have had my share of my kids and anesthesia, and I am like you, scared beyond belief. But one thing I have learned, kids are much more resilient than we are. My son was playing basketball the afternoon he got his ear tubes. My daughter went back to school the next day. Try to keep your fears (and they are real whether or not you have suffered the losses you mentioned) in context. Like others have said, try not to pass them onto your daughter. And just my personal opinion, don't be there when they give your daughter the anesthesia. It is scary even though it is safe. Just imagine her taking a a very short nap and she will back up to play with you sooner than you know. Oh yeah, talk up popsicles!!!!! They are a great thing to look forward to.



answers from San Francisco on

I'm sorry to hear about the losses that you've experienced but I wanted to let you know that my son had tubes when he was 7 (older than usual) and the surgery is very quick and as a result, they are not out for long. We barely had a chance to get a cup of coffee in the waiting room when the staff came in to tell us he was in recovery and we could see him shortly.

I'm not sure who or where the surgery is being done, but Dr. Wesman at Children's is amazing and you're in good hands if that's where you're going.

J. F.



answers from San Francisco on

It would be hard to have your child going under anesethesia at the best of times. While it is generally very safe, there is always that very slight chance that something will go wrong. With all you've dealt with, no wonder you're worried. But definitely talk to your child's doctor and the anesthesiologist so they can reassure you, and find a therapist for yourself. Losing just one person close to you is hard, even when it's expected--and you've had a triple whammy of unexpected deaths. A therapist can help you work through your emotions.
I'm so sorry for your losses, and hope that everything goes smoothly for your daughter. You're in my prayers.



answers from San Francisco on

You need to get some help, you have been through too much and you need help processing it. Talk to your GP and get a referral for a psychologist and see where that takes you. Do not keep this inside, it will eat you up. As for your daughter, she will be fine, but the timing is unfortunate for you. Explain your concerns to her ENT and ask that the nurse keep you posted as soon as she is waking from the anethesia. Usually at that point they will let you be with her. Anyway, my heart goes out to you and I urge you to get help for yourself. Hugs!



answers from Sacramento on

I agree with these ladies down below. My daughter had to have tubes and adnoid surgery and it was very hard for me as well to think about her going under. She had tubes when she was younger (before 2 years) and then again this passed year (she will be 4 soon). Both times she came out of the anesthesia INSANE! Be very prepared for that. I think that was the most difficultly that I had with the whole thing. After the 30-45 minutes of screaming and thrashing around ... she was fine and even said on the way home that she was ready to go to the park and play (not that I took her).

As for all the problems that I have you had recently with the losses. I do think you should find something to talk to. It doesn't do me any good (personally) if I keep things in. I end up exploding eventually.

Good Luck.



answers from Topeka on

I feel your pain here is what I have gone through with anethesia (I myself hate getting put under)
When my son was born he had an issue with his pee hole it wasn't where it should of been but was liveable till either I or he decided to get it fix it wouldn't cause any malfuntion in other ways just a missing of the toulet if not helf properly anyway he was 6 months old when he had this done they waited till then becuase it was an OK age to do the surgery..
Fast forward yrs he is still here with us doing well..
My daughter at the age of 2 fell down stairs that lead to the basement hadn't known she hurt herself becasue she didn't cry or complain not a scratch on her a month later she was p;aying with a pony my mom freaked yelled for me said that her thumb i'm like what is wrong with it she said look it's not right so I immediately took her in to the ER it wasn't broken it didn't hurt but soon after her splint came off it started to get stuck & pop in scertain ways then became painful.So here we go another visit to the DR she said ot was trigger thumb possibly born with it or by the fall.(never noticed it till after the fall)so I had went to 2 Ortho drs the 2nd was a pediartic DR they said surgery as well but wait till she is 3 so for a few more months we waited she had it done it was 10 min surgery but the thought of another 1 of my children going under is frightening.
So here i'am on baby #3 she is needing ear tubes quick procedure..There are risks involved but then there are the risks of not having the procdure done.Undecided she has an ear infection now so if the fluid from the anitbiotics helps along with Benadryl to help drain her ears it will be decided when her next hearing test is set for Dec.
I can't believe what you have endured it is horrible to loose the ones we love.As a mom of 3 I can't imagine losing my kids.



answers from Detroit on

So sorry to read about all of your losses!!! Wow, that is a lot for a person to handle! :*(
My almost 3 year old (who is a twin as was a preemie born at 30 weeks), had tubes but in 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was a mess leading up to it as to many people decided to "share" their experience with this procedure. Okay, well let me just tell you that TIMES HAVE CHANGED! :) I may depend on your doctor, but we were led back to the surgery center, I held my son in my lap while they put a little mask with gas coming out up to his face, and within seconds he went limp...they warned me that he would go limp and not to freak but the tears came anyway. I kid you not, 10 minutes later he was up and out of surgery :) No tears on his part :) A few shed by mommy though!
No worries, stay strong and good luck :)



answers from San Francisco on

Our son had tubes put in at 10 months and I was completely FREAKED out about the anesthesia, but it is very light, and they are very conservative with children. Also-the whole procedure is very fast and it was over within 45 minutes.

I totally understand and relate with your fear--this happened at a time where I was totally battling post partum depression anxiety and panic, and one of my biggest obsessions was death, as I was certain someone in our immediate family would not survive the year.

Anyway, don't worry about it too much, but make your concerns about the surgery known to the ENT and they will help keep you in the loop, informed and it will be over before you know it.

And if your daughter is anything like our son, the tubes totally cured his recurring (10!) ear infections. Nothing for 5 months now.

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