I love the books for the American Girls. They also have a GREAT line of books about relationships, sibling survival, how to care for yourself, and my favorite book is about emotions. Bookstores have a stand with the American Girl Library books.
I have not bought, nor do I plan to buy any of their dolls. I would rather take my daughter out for lunch with Mommy or Daddy than her doll. :) That falls in line with an experience I had with my oldest daughter at age of 5: She had been asking for almost two years for a Cabbage Patch doll, but I held off b/c they were $35. Then when her baby brother was born, she was kissing him constantly. So we suggested buying the Cabbage Patch to have another baby to kiss! :) As we were preparing to leave to a dinner party, I told her she had to do XYZ so we can stop for the Cabbage Patch doll. *Keep in mind that having a new baby brother, she had a new attitude that lasted 5 days* She casually said, "Nah... It's okay... I'll just wait until next time you offer it..."
Needless to say, she did not get that Cabbage Patch doll. :) Now at the age of 8, she is more into books & journaling than dolls.
I suggest holding off a while longer. She'll likely appreciate it more after a long wait, or she may even forget about it. :)