HI S. my heart goes out to you !! I just went through this last week..my periods are very regular every 28 days...I started taking hpt about 4 days before my period was "supposed" to start and everyday I got a negative...I had symptoms but they are the same as pms so I waited and went to the dr at 3 days late and requested a blood test...it was negative and my period came 6 days late and it was worse than ever very heavy and clotty! :( so I understand what this uncertainty can bring...call your dr a simply blodd test can tell you for sure in less than 24 hrs....and put your mind at ease....I am hoping with you for a positive and sending sticky baby dust your way!!! Good luck! oh bty fertility friend.com and babyzone .com have ovulation calendars f.friend is very good and can tell you when you ovulate if you bbt...hth !