Try the ring on a string test,
it was right with both my children. Round and round for a girl or swinging back and forth for a boy :)
I say girl the chinese calendar and string test was right for me :)
On Monday, I am having the ultrasound that will hopefully reveal this baby's gender. So JUST FOR FUN, what do you think I'm having? A boy or a girl? We are hoping for a girl, but will obviously be happy either way as long as the baby is healthy.
Here are my answers to a "gender predictor quiz" to help you decide:
I am carrying low (I barely have a bump at all, but all of the baby movements are really low)
Pregnancy cleared away my acne
I crave sweets when I never have before
I am extremely klutzy (But I was before becoming pregnant)
I was nauseous pretty much every day during the first trimester (I didn't have any "morning sickness" with my first pregnancy)
My hair is growing like crazy
The Chinese pregnancy calender says, 'Girl'
I'll update the "So What Happened" Monday night with the results :)
It's a girl!!!
Try the ring on a string test,
it was right with both my children. Round and round for a girl or swinging back and forth for a boy :)
I say girl the chinese calendar and string test was right for me :)
I craved sweets with my girl but didn't with my boy. I was more nauseous with my boy, though. The rest of your answers didn't apply to me.
FWIW, I usually guess the the gender people don't already have, unless I get a strong feeling otherwise. So I will say "girl." However, I will tell you that I'm usually wrong. I don't know why, but really, I am. So if I say "girl," it's probably a boy. Except now I'm saying boy, so it's probably a girl. :D
Congratulations. Can't wait to hear.
Sorry, just not that into you.
Can you balance a plate on your belly? If so, then I say it's a boy.
I say BOY. I have a 50/50 chance to be right...I say BOY.
Has your voice changed? When I was pregnant with my boys - my voice got really deep- it was hilarious - when I was pregnant with girls? My voice got really high....
With ALL of my pregnancies my hair grew...and got curlier with each one.
Didn't have acne with any of my pregnancies...
I'm thinking a boy, because statistically its most likely to be the gender you already have. Either way, it's a baby! Congratulations!
Awesome for me to be wrong! You get the joy of raising both genders!
I am absolutely, positively certain it will be.... Either a boy or a girl😀.
with my 2nd pregnancy, I had lots of the symptoms you describe. I had a boy. But my first pregnancy, I had none of the symptoms you describe, and I had a boy!! Go figure!! Good luck, I hope you are having a girl!
Boy. And I hope you name him McCrae. LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Based on all the wive's tales and my own experience (pregnant w/#6!) It sounds like girl to me! Yay!! Although I wouldn't put any money on it though. :) Like you said before, as long as he or she is healthy. Congratulations!
I think you're having a girl based on your craving for sweets.
The Chinese Calendar is tricky. Did you type in your age or your date of birth? If you typed in you DOB then I would lean towards what the Chinese Calendar predicts. If you typed in your age go back online and find one to type in your DOB. For some reason the age i had from the Chinese calendar is different than my western age (I think they start out at age 1 when born with a few month depending on the season, so in my case I was 33 instead of my western age of 31 for the Chinese calendar.)
Do you have a gut feeling? I "knew" I was having a G. from the beginning. Either way, let us know!
P.S. Sorry you got the snark, apparently she is into you enough to reply to this thread.