Once upon a time, I was the same way your daughter is (for the most part.) I didn't handle my money well and was irresponsible with my time
(when it came to school/homework.) When I turned 18 my parents decided to move 8 hours away. I chose to stay. I wanted to stay close to MY home and the boy that I was dating (who is now my husband.) Although I did hold down a steady job, I also had an overdrawn bank account and found it hard to work 40 hours a week plus go to school full time. I was not great at keeping my stuff clean either. My parents were too far away to rescue me from all of my mistakes. That was the best thing that could have happened for me. It was a long slow process, but I found my way on MY terms. When I had an overdrawn account, I had to pay it off myself. When I moved out of the dorm, I had to do it myself. I am now a very independant person. I am a SAHM of two beautiful girls. My house is clean and organized, my bills are always paid...etc. Some of us have to learn our own lessons. Just pray for her (A LOT) and be there for her. God Bless you both, and good luck!!!