Hi M.. I am also a military wife from Chicago. I have 2 kids 3 and 6 and I remember at about this stage that you are in that I had that with my second. It turned out he was flipping around. Also it is possible you are having Braxton Hicks BUT if this is persisting past a day or two and is get worse (Braxton Hicks get better with walking) then I would go to the hospital for piece of mind. If you have not switched over your Tri-Care to the west coast you can do that at Balboa Hospital at the Tri-Care office. But you can go to the emergency room at Balboa. They will not turn you away and may even be able to help you get into OB. I know after a certain point in your pregnancy they automatically send you up to OB instead of waiting in the ER. But when you go to the Tri-Care office at Balboa they will give you a list of doctors to choose from, you sign up, and they ive you a temporary card so you can make an appointment that same day. I hope that helps and you can settle in. Remember that if you feel anything is not right do not hesitate to get checkd out. You are already experiencing mother's intuition so listen o your body! Hang in there and hope things go well. P. P.