Alli - San Antonio, TX

Updated on June 25, 2008
I.O. asks from Bothell, WA
19 answers

has anyone tried alli? positive or negative experience?

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answers from San Antonio on

I personally have not tried alli but my sister is using it now. She says it is training her to eat better because the negative effects from eating a lot of fatty foods (pizza, hamburgers, french fries, etc) is very nasty. Basically the drug keeps your body from absorbing half of the fat found in these foods. So, what does your body do with what goes in? It comes out in its oil form instead of poop. It leaves a greasy nasty ring in your toilet. It will just leak out your bum all day if you eat poorly. However, she did lose quite a bit of weight with it and she isn't as likely to eat the high fat content foods. My husband is a dr. and said he couldn't believe he made this over the counter. It is usually a drug they only give to grossly obese people. Hope that helps.

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answers from Austin on

Hi I.,

I haven't tried alli; but have tried others like Hydroxycut and trim spa. I've lost a lot of weight on both. Unfortunately when I stopped taking those weightloss pills I gained back all of my weight plus a little more even though I'm pretty good about eating healthy meals. The only change was my exercise level. I am curious about alli having the same effects (great as long as you're taking them horrible when you stop). Please keep us posted on what you decide.

Good luck!

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answers from Houston on

A coworker of mine tried it and had a bad experience with it. She mentioned that u have to maintain a perfect, low fat diet or u may get the negative side affects.

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answers from Beaumont on

Don't waste your money! Nasty!!!

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answers from Houston on

My husband just lost 20+ lbs using it, but it's much more of a lifestyle change than a wonder-drug. He recently stopped taking the pills, and he's still losing weight because he's developed new habits over the last 5 months of taking it. There are a lot of good reviews on Amazon with stories of people taking it, too.

If you need help forcing yourself to not eat as much fat, then go ahead and try the pills. If you can manage to motivate yourself independently, just try cutting down to less than 15 grams of fat per meal (it's harder than it sounds at first, but you get used to it and there are lots of tasty things made with less fat and splenda for lower calories). He also started working out for 1/2 hour every morning, which makes him feel good and kick-starts his metabolism before work. (desk job, so not much activity during the day)

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answers from Houston on

I had used Alli for about 6 wks and lost about 6 lbs. I stopped using it because it is sooo expensive. I did not have any of the side effects but usually eat pretty healthy and needed some extra help. This was with minimum exercise. That is my problem. When I stopped taking it I pretty quickly gained about 2 lbs. and then gradually have gained it all back. I think 50% of that was me and 50% when you go off the meds. I would definitely use it again. It came with a lot of great resources to really help you change your lifestyle and not just diet but it all depends of your habits of eating for this particular pill because there are side effects.

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answers from Houston on

While I'm sure results vary from person to person in my opinion-DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!! I went through 1 1/2 bottles of these pills, changed my diet, got more active.... I lost 5 pounds in 30+ days. Now this is not to say that another person would not have better results. The key thing is how your metabolism is. I have very recently discovered that due to insulin resistance my metabolic rate is very slow. The moral to this story is, if you are an individual who has been dieting for a while and you're really sticking to it but you continue to get adverse results, go see an Endocrinologist before starting any other diets at all.

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answers from Corpus Christi on

I loved taking Alli. You do have to really watch your fat intake. If you consume too much fat, you can leak oil. I wore a pantyliner at first until I knew how it would react with me. My coworker also has done really well with it. Just follow the calorie/fat intake requirements it gives you for your weight and you should do fine. Email me if you have any questions. I am pregnant now, so that's the only reason I stopped taking it. As soon as I'm able, that's the diet plan I will get back on. Good luck!
PS...I wanted to add that I have not gained back the 15 pounds I lost on Alli and I'm 4 months pregnant now. I think that's pretty good. long as you stick with your same eating habits, you shouldn't gain any of the weight back. Alli isn't supposed to curb your appetite and it's not for fast dramatic weight loss. It's to help you lose more than just dieting on your own, and for me. It kept me on my diet because I knew if I cheated too badly I would suffer the consequences. It's definitely to help you make a lifestyle change...for the better. Not for a quick fix. I hope this helps. :)

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answers from Corpus Christi on

I tried it for a couple of months. I lost a little but not enough for me to keep using it cause of the cost. The side effects were not to bad as long as you did not eat fatty, greasy foods. I found though that it did not help with suppressing your appetite so I found myself still feeling very hungry. All in all it was ok, again i stopped taking it cause i found it to be a little expensive to continue taking especially with as slow as it takes to actually lose the weight. It may be good to buy it once cause it does have a lot of tools on helping you learn how to eat healthier so it may be worth it in that way and then continue to eat good and excercise. Good luck to you.

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answers from El Paso on

Well, Alli will make you think about what you put in your mouth so you don't have the gaseous side effects! The cost is too high, I feel, for what you get - just read today somewhere that people who took it for 6 months ($$$!) only lost 3-4 lbs more than people who took a placebo and no one lost more than 10 lbs! Doesn't seem worth it to me! Cut down portions and walk lots is my advice.

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answers from Houston on

I used it following the birth of my first son, and I had only positive experiences. As long as you follow the diet recommendations and take in too much fat you shouldn't have any "treatment effects;" or at least I didn't. I lost about 20 pounds taking it, and I would have continued but I had to stop when I got pregnant again. Obviously, not planned. They have a great website which helps you track your progress and message boards to communicate with others.

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answers from Houston on

Hi there! I've been taking Alli for about 8 months and have nothing but good things to say about it. I lost 23 pds/3 sizes in 3 months but let the holidays get the best of me and gained all but 10 back. I excerised daily - eliptical at home for 20-30 minutes or walked two miles at the park everyday but Sunday. Alli is terrific in it teaches you how to eat right, if you mess up you will suffer the consequences and you will never want to eat more than your 15 grams of fat again! It was once I stopped excerising that I started putting the weight on so I tell everyone that it is a major key as I don't believe I would have lost as much weight as I did without it. Good luck....and stick with it!

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answers from Austin on

A friend of mine in Calif tried it, the Side Effects are not too good, you can find these on their site.
I would suggest the Holy tea, it is working for me. (nothing to do with religion) and it is alot less expensive

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answers from Houston on

I have tried it and am using it now. I have had only 2 negative reponses but I also blew my diet that day! If you can eat low fat it will help you lose more weight than low fat diet alone. I have lost 7lbs in the time that I would normally lose 2 or 3lbs. If you know that you are going somewhere where you cannot control the amount of fat in your meal then don't take one before that meal. It really works but is safe and no bad side effects so far.

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answers from Houston on

I tried it for a couple of months and it did not work for me. Good luck, with whatever you decide.

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answers from Beaumont on

I haven't tried it , but everything I hear is negative. I hear it makes u have runny emmisions that are uncontrable. ( much akin to loose bowels ). So my vote is no , not on ur life ! G.

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answers from San Antonio on

i haven't used it personally but my mother has and she liked how she lost weight, but didn't like some of the sideaffects. i know she stopped using it.

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answers from El Paso on

I tried alli for a couple of months a while back, my experience was not a pleasent one. I have no idea if I lost any more weight on if than I have off of it, but I spent a lot of time on the toilet. My stools were disgusting, and sudden. I couldn't go anywhere that it might take more than a minute or two to find a restroom. And that can be harder than you think. I did work with a couple of women that were very pleased with their result, I just couldn't stand the restroom effects.



answers from Houston on

I haven't but am curious.
Okay now I have read the other responses and I have a couple of things to say.
It makes sense to me that the weight comes back after most of these things because taking them does not bring a lifestyle change. If one gained fat from a lifestyle before, why wouldn't one after?
The key to permanent weight loss is a body that is in balance through a regimen of healthy whole foods, lots of water, and at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.
Absolute no's would be sodas and most packaged foods which while convenient have very little nutritional value and lots of calories. Diet sodas are the worst and cause more weight gain than regular ones. They also contain sugar substitutes that are known carcinogens. Drinking soda is like slowly poisoning the body. And one word for parents with kids at home this summer, Kool Aid. Sorry that's two words. But WHAT IS THAT STUFF? It is certainly not meant for human consumption. JMHO There are studies where a school cut additives from food, i.e. food coloring, flavorings etc and saw a huge decrease in hyperactivity. Children were able to focus on lessons and control themselves. Adults are the same. Sorry I'm off track here a little but I'm a little passionate about what we feed kids. So passionate I'm starting a school where only organic, fresh whole foods are served.
So back to weight loss: restaurant portions are so huge here. One trick I use is to get my to go box when my entree is served and put everything in it, except a small reasonable portion.
Bottom line there are many aids to weight loss out there but as with most temporary diets they are ineffective in the long term. Why? Because it's not about being on a diet, it's about HAVING A DIET.
Oh and one more thing, if your adrenals are shot/exhausted then belly fat is a definite effect. Most of us today have tired adrenals.

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