K. it sounds a little like the way my DD eczema first started manifesting. We too eat organic and we knew there was a risk because of genetics at play here and had watched her very carefully. At 11 months this rash poped up w/o any known causative factor. It would come and go w/different foods but not consistently. We did elimination diets, blood allergy tests, everything we could think of...what we found was a chemical sensitivity.
Some of my DD allergies are to formaldehyde, artifical colors, preservatives, artificial sweetners, etc. She was miserable as were we. I tried everything on the market and took her to the naturopath who suggested I see a dermatologist.
I decided against that and eventually found an online wholesaler who makes products that are completely safe for my family.
What I've learned is she was being exposed to formaldehyde in body wash, shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. The labels read Q-15 or Quaternium-15 and when I started shopping online from them and got the chemicals out of my house and her rash was gone w/n 3 weeks. That was 3 years ago this March and we've not had a single recurrence.
You may want to try eliminating night shade plants (peppers, tomatos, potatos, etc.) that was something that I was told might help us.
If you have any questions I'd be happy to try to help. Feel free to send me a message.
WAHM to 4 y/o virtual twins