It's the sweating not really allergy. My doc have me mycostatin cream for when
It is bad. I also use powder.
Is anyone allergic to bras.\? I usually wear Maidenform but have to put tissues in the cups to prevent itchiness. Just bought a great fitting Warner bra, wore it once five days ago, and have been suffering ever since with itchy red welts under my breasts. Any suggestions?
It's the sweating not really allergy. My doc have me mycostatin cream for when
It is bad. I also use powder.
Added: Was curious after reading your question and did a quick search and found this: www.cottonique.com. They make undergarments using all natural fibers, so maybe something like this would help. Seems there are quite a few women who have this problem.
At some point, many years ago, I started having a reaction (itchy red welts like you've described) to Victoria's Secret bras. This was after having worn them for years. I think it was a change in the materials they used. Of course I washed the new ones before wearing, and I use unscented laundry detergent. I really think it was something in the manufacturing process and the materials used.
A few years ago, I switched to Soma and haven't had any problem with them so far.
Allergies can develop at any time, so perhaps this is what happened and caused your reaction. Did you change styles? What materials are in the bras you're wearing? You may want to contact the manufacturer and see if others have reported this.
I would start searching for bras with natural fibers and materials, if you can find them, and see if this helps.
Good luck.
J. F.
Are you allergic to latex??
I get red, itchy rashes on my breasts, and that's usually from sweating, and not changing my bra promptly.
Using baby powder helps a lot.
Yes--I've had that reaction to certain bras. It seems like if it has the cloth that feels--almost rubbery around the underwires, I get itchy. It can get REALLY, maddeningly itchy! Gold Bond medicated powder does the trick for me.
Never heard of that issue.
Did you wash the bra before use? I typically wash anything Iike that in a cold water wash to get all manufacturer processing ingredients out of it.
That said, I've never had any issues. I do buy quality at good stores but at the same time.... I clean them before I use them.
It could be a latex allergy, but that's likely not an allergy but a yeast infection or diaper rash - if the bra is ill-fitting and your breast lies against your chest, you will be sweaty, and that dark moist environment can cause rashes. I have a few bras that do that to me. I find that a little zinc-based diaper creme makes a huge difference. My doctor treated me for a yeast infection there, but it didn't help - only the Desitin did.
Change your laundry soap, if that doesn't work then change your fabric softener. If that doesn't work then change your dryer sheets.
Your bra fits against your body in a different way than any other garment, snugger. What ever you are allergic to might be what's on the fabric.
Then again you might be allergic to Lycra or Spandex or something else.
I think I am allergic to the metal in the back clasp, yes. I don't quite know what to do about it. I try to find bras with enough fabric so the metal doesn't touch my skin. That seems to help. Maybe search for an all cotton bra? Or, avoid metal underwires if you have a metal allergy?
Unless you're paying a zillion dollars for your bras, your bra has synthetic latex in it. IF you are allergic, please be careful as this is a progressive allergy that gets worse every time you're exposed. If it continues, it can actually be lethal. Lots and lots of synthetic latex in all of our clothing these days has caused multiple issues with many people.
If it's not a latex allergy, I agree that it's either the yeast, which needs to be controlled internally, or possibly your laundry detergent on a very sensitive area. If you have yeast on the surface of your skin,then your entire body is eaten up with it. The LAST sign of yeast is topically.
Hope this gets resolved quickly! I can relate!
Of course hand wash and dry a new bra. Try wearing a comfortable clean undershirt or camisole with wide straps beneath your bra. It works for me.