Airborne for 20 Month Old

Updated on February 17, 2008
F.D. asks from Moorpark, CA
6 answers

Hello Moms...need your guadance and advice...
My 20 month old is stuffed up. Her nose is like a faucet. There is no fever, no cough - just very cranky and irritated kid. I was wondering if any of you tried giving airborne to your kids. My husband and I love it and it really helps us. And I have given her a few sips before - but never full or even half a tablet. Any suggestions? I am not looking to 'cure' her, just give her a boost. She isn't eating well, either.

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone for your great input. In the end, i didn't give her any airborne. I just didn't want to take the risk. The only thing we did was give her the usual vitamins (Whole Food's are so great) and I added Pydiasure to her milk (she isn't eating well due to her cold). So this has been working great and her nose seems to have dried up. Though her nap and bedtime are horrible now :( Any supplement for that? JK Thanks again, great moms.

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answers from Los Angeles on

They have Airborne for kids. Otherwise, half of an adult tablet is fine. Also make sure she is drinking extra fluids right now.

*I'm not a Dr. but this is what was recommended to me in the past. (-:



answers from Los Angeles on

I don't know if Airborne is safe for kids. Our family uses (and highly recommends) Wellness Herbal Kids from Whole Foods. It is safe for children over 1. It is an excellent supplement with very similar 'immune boosting' capabilities. Comes in a liquid form that you can mix into juice. My husband & I swear by their Wellness Formula for adults to knock out colds! I was thrilled to find they have the same product for children. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

airborne is mostly vitamins, but most things aren't recommended to give to children under 2 unless prescribed by your doctor.

clear runny mucous is often a sign of allergies. talk to your pediatrician. they also have vitamin supplements for children as well.



answers from Los Angeles on

I would not give it to your child. If you take too much airborne, it is not good for you. Perhaps you might Google it for adverse effects. If she doesn't have a fever, i'd let her be. Good luck, happy motherhood,

E. D



answers from Los Angeles on

I would not suggest giving a child of that age any type of medication used by adults. I would suggest being a mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother to trying having the child hold a cold damp wash cloth over her nose at different times and at night lay the damp cloth over her forehead. Keep her head elevated a bit. Also It sounds like an allergy reaction, maybe???



answers from Los Angeles on

Some ingredients in Airborne are not regulated by the FDA, there is no regulation for quality control (how the are made/prepared). They have not been tested for safety or effectiveness on children.
I would never give these ingredients to a baby or young child. Try saline nose drops or nose spray several times a day. Talk to you Pediatrician if symptoms continue, she may have allergies.....

About me: Although not a mom, I am an Auntie many times over and a practicing Pediatric Nurse.....

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