Guess it depends on if he's sitting up on his own, crawling, what he's doing.
Our daughter at that age was not doing these things yet.......and was still liking things that she could shake and that would make noise. We also got her one of those spindles w/rings that were soft and each ring either had some sound that it made when shaken or squeaked if you squeezed it. Also - there's that dog that fisher price soft dog that has blue ears and sounds when you squeeze it's hands and feet and ears and belly. She also LOVED and still does the soft picture book that we filled with pictures of us, and other people in the family - grandma/pa, cousins, etc.
Also, just good old songs sung from you - patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, etc. At this age, he is still very interested in faces - yours in particular!
these are some of the things she loved then...and actually, at 11 months still does!
as for the TV - obviously, a personal choice, but i'd stay away from the TV at this age....but again - totally up to you to decide.
I do know that the AAP suggests no TV until 2 yrs old.....
Good luck! And have fun!