I do after school child care so I have to be creative since I am feeding hungry second and fourth graders as well as one in Kindergarten.
I do cheese quesidillas, butter one side of a tortilla, put face down on a big pan then add cheese and a top tortilla with butter, do like you would a grilled cheese sandwich, cut into fours and make two or three like that. The kids here LOVE this!!!!
I cut up apples, do bananas,grapes, strawberries when in season and offer graham crackers, goldfish, cheese crackers too.
Before the peanut butter scare I did the prepackaged peanut butter crackers too.
Basically I do something substantial like the quesidillas and a side of fruit when they get home.
Even getting chicken nuggets, some dipping sauces and serving those when on sale. Getting a cheap cheese pizza and cutting it into squares too.