After Nap, Son Wakes up Mad at the World

Updated on December 11, 2006
H.S. asks from McDonough, GA
13 answers

I am just wondering if anyone else has a toddler who wakes up mad at the world, so to speak, after a nap. Doesn't matter how long the nap was, or where the nap was- he's screaming mad when he gets up. I don't wake him up, he gets up all by himself and finds me. He wants to be held indefintely, after, and I cannot do that. For a bit I will, but not for hours. I've also tried cutting out the nap entirely, but we are definitely not ready for that!

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So What Happened?

I appreciate the fact that I am not alone in this stage of his life. I always have had juice ready for him when he wakes, but sometimes he doesn't care. I think he's just mad and not much I can do. I have tried most of the suggestions. I will have to completely disagree w/ the caffeine idea though. Today I just told him to get back in bed and don't bother coming out until he can be civilized. This was the first time I didn't have to hear screaming for 2 hrs after waking up! Yay!
P.S. I also have been trying to put him down before 1:30 and that seems to be making a difference. The later he wakes up , the grouchier he appears to be. He has grumpy time around 4:30-5, so I think that was the problem before.

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answers from Memphis on

My 16 month old son does the same thing. It helps if I give him some cold juice, it calms him down. He wont even open his eyes when he wakes up, he immediately starts crying.

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answers from Nashville on

Wow, I'm glad to know I'm not the only mother dealing with this. My son is 2(3 nov. 30th) and he is like that. When he goes to sleep, god help anyone around when he wakes up. I have not found anything that helps other then holding him. I have tried not letting him take a nap, keeping him up longer at night hoping to wear himself out so I know he will get plenty of sleep. Nothing works. I am just hoping he outgrows it quick. My neighbors son is 3 almost 4 and she said he does it too. Kinda looks like we have some time left huh? Good luck and if you find something that works, please let me know.

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answers from Chattanooga on

Hi H.,
Kids always have a harder time adjusting to change, and it sounds like your son is having a hard time with the transition from sleep to wake time. Maybe start a daily routine--something you do together every day when he wakes up, like story time where you read to him, or snack time or coloring time, music time or just cuddle time. Something low-key you do together so he has time to acclimate. But having something stable he can rely on to happen may help, as well as a special time with you--kids LOVE structure! I realize it's hard at that time of day to spend a lot of time, but just 10 or fifteen minutes should work. Hope this helps!



answers from Clarksville on

Its very possible he may have a low sugar count. Two of my daughters and I wake up cranky until we get our first glass of juice. Try giving him orange or apple juice upon waking. That might help calm him down some. In the cooler months, and believe it or not, coffee or hot chocolate might work too. I know that is an old wives tale, to give a child coffee if they are overly agressive...but let me tell ya...there is something about those old wives!!! Just put more milk in it then coffee and just a tad of sugar or hot chocolate mix for taste. I know it has to do with the caffine. It worked for me as a child and now I use it with my oldest and middle daughter. works! J..



answers from Atlanta on

One of my daughters did the same thing. She would cry and scream the rest of the afternoon. I know you said you tried to cut out nap time, but that is what I did. The first couple of days were pretty bad, but then, with an earlier bedtime, everything got better. So, instead of naptime I just started bedtime about 45 minutes earlier and she would fall asleep in about 5 minutes and in the morning wake up happy. She is now 4 years old, and she stopped napping around 2.5. She will still sometimes start to fall asleep around 4:00 or 5:00, but I just start something fun or do bath and she is fine then she wants to go to bed earlier that night and we go up and read and she goes right to sleep.

I hope this helps.




answers from Atlanta on

Ahh yes my son went through a faze of this and even now occasionally it'll happen. Cameron is 2 as well. Why does he get so pissed off? I couldn't tell you. I try to old him and love him for a bit, but he even gets angry at that sometimes and it was his idea! One thing I have found is calming talking to Cameron. I get to his level and I ask him to calm down because mommy can't talk to him when he is acting that way. I then ask him if he needs a little time out. His response is always no, but I tell him if he continues this behavior he's going to go back to his room. His room is never a punishment, when he goes there when he's in a mood, I explain to him that he doesn't need to come out until he is calm and ready to be nice (or say sorry which is hugs and kisses). If he's just insane, sometimes I'll put him back in bed, but so he knows it isn't bedtime I'll put in a movie and give him a few cars. And if that doesn't work, we have a time out chair in the living and a timer. I say fine, you're going to the time out chair and he has to sit there, NO playing, until the bell dings, and he knows. Its took a few days of explaining, but he learned. The only thing you can do is explain to him that his behavior isn't right and is unacceptable. He'll learn, and I promise any of the ideas listed above, it should only take a few days of you fighting to remain calm and expaining it all to him and all should be better. Sometimes kids just need a time out away from the world to gather themselves.

One more thing, have you thought about waking him up sooner? Maybe it's too much sleep. Or perhaps, he needs a little more. If Cameron only sleeps for 30-45 minutes I tell him its not time to get up yet, he is still tired and didn't get enough sleep. Usually within 5 minutes he's back asleep and finishes his nap.

Good luck and let me know how it goes!



answers from Jackson on

My 2 yr old daughter does this too. Sometimes I don't even bother her with a nap because I know she'll wake up that way. If she ends up falling asleep on her own, I just make sure that there's a fresh drink and snack waiting for her when she wakes up and even give it to her while she's still sitting on the couch. Usually that will put out the flames.



answers from Columbus on

I feel your pain. I have a 2 yr old Grandson same thing. I'm not sure what to do we just try to ignore him. Some times it works he just starts playing. Other times a Sipcup of juice.
If you come up with a sue thing let me know.



answers from Atlanta on

My son used to do it too. I just had to distract him with some milk and let him watch a little TV. He stopped after a while. He's almost 4 and still naps every day and doesn't do this any more, so I'd try to hang in there!



answers from Augusta on

Hi H.- My 3 year old son does the same thing. He wakes up great in the morning but if he takes a nap he turns into godzilla when he wakes up. Two things I have found that have helped some: First- I think he wakes up with "morning wood" and I asked my husband about it and he said it can be uncomfortable but it goes away once he uses the bathroom. Try urging your soon to go to the bathroom after about 2 minutes of cuddling. More times than not that turns him around. The other thing (which I've only tried twice but it worked both times) I made a big deal out of letting him set an alarm clock to wake up after nap. I let him push the buttons for about a hour and half nap. When it started beeping my sons eyes pop open and he says okay mommy I had a good nap and he's fine. I will be trying this alarm clock thing again this afternoon as well as urging him to use the potty before he gets an after-nap snack.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi! H., My first question is did you breast feed when he was a baby? for some odd reason that myth seems to be true a little bit because I had one that was that way but when she got 2yrs old she started to leave me alone but she also had her sister to play with and other kids to play with her. Now your other child may need to go to school and the only reason why I say this is because she might not be concentrating good if your son is crying if you are not holding him and that can be an distraction for her. But if you have tried everything you could to satisfy your son you might need to take him to the doctors to see what the problem is.



answers from Atlanta on

Hi H.,

Yes, my 4 yr.old has done this since she was 2 or so. It is likes shes mad or shy or cranky everyday after her nap. I just tell her she can't be cranky in the room with me and she quiets a little or goes in another room. I also have some juice ready for her. It's really wierd, but it seems normal for some of us. Good luck with everything. You're not alone.




answers from New Orleans on

hey H.,
my 3yr little girl wakes up like that as well. I dont bother her when she wakes up (very cranky)i just let her have her time. mine wakes up crying nap time and bed time.. You can't possibly hold him all day, so try to distract him..if he watches tv put on his favorite show have it ready when you know he is about to wake up. or if he likes to look at the book have one ready for him..have his favorite toy..I dont know why they are so moody like that at such a yuong age but whatever i try distraction and it seems to work for me.... good luck and keep us posted..

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