After Baby Party - Spin Off

Updated on January 12, 2012
A.F. asks from Richmond, TX
5 answers

I didn't want to highjack another's post, so I am posting this question separately.

I like the idea of an after-baby party, but can someone give me details about how it works? How long after the baby is born? Do you send invites? What about refreshments? Is it a drop-by at will during X-Y hours or is it everyone show up at a set time?

When my first was born, we had an impromptu after-baby party and I was ROYALLY PISSED. We had a friend with a young baby ask if they could come by to meet my daughter. No problem. Then another mutual friend asked if she could tag along. Also no problem. That's just visitors. Then, my husband decided to tell others we were having them over so he invited a third friend with two young children and his sister and entire family. I had a house full of people, he decided he wanted to smoke a brisket, and so I had to play happy hostess. It was two weeks after my c-section. I was still in pain and trying to recover. I was still trying to get the hang of breastfeeding and just being a mom in general (and I'm pretty sure I was starting to battle PPD). It was not okay with me.

So, all that to say that while I love the idea of an after-baby party I really need details on how to pull it off!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

O. word: Catering.

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answers from Houston on

Plan it like a baby shower. A set date and time, send invites or evites. It's like a 'meet and greet'. Chatting, snacking, cupcakes, cute decorations, but no need for shower games and stuff, people can come and go as they please within that 2-3 hour time frame you set. Mine was about 4 weeks after baby was born.

The one you had... yeah, I would be p'od about that too!

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answers from Missoula on

I would do it kind of like an open house. Kind of a "stop by and meet the new bundle between 2-5" sort of thing. Yes to invites, yes to refreshments, and as far as timeline, anytime within the first few months would be appropriate.



answers from Austin on

Ditto on the sip and see. Its an old southern tradition after the baby is born to show him or her off. Often similar to a shower, but no gifts - or it can be open house style.



answers from Chicago on

My sister is having a "sip and see".

They are going to do it when the baby is about 2 months old.

They will be having it "open house" style for about 4 hours and will have tables set up through out the house with appetizers and drinks.

appetizers will be simple - cheese and crackers, dips and chips, veggies, fruit and dessert (probably mini cupcakes with the baby's name on those little toothpick flag thingies). Maybe those bourbon wiener thingie and sweedish meatballs. They won't cater it because we have a chef in the family, but if we didn't it would be catered.

No games, just laid back. She is doing a small picture of the three of them to give to people.

Hope that helps.

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