May not have college students but, we host foriegn exchange students. The way we handle the money. We take care of food, gas and shelter. With the students money they plan to pay for hair products, deodrant, clothes, cell phone,entertainment and ect. Now for the parents get year book, prom and phone call when big extra's come up. We share graduation if they are wanting to. Some times we can help and some time we can't.
Everyone understands that food, fuel and shelter come first.
I would make a budget of everything that is "a have to have."
You don't have to eat out every day, go to movies every week, or parties.
I have had to tell the students in the past, "your here for the education and the experience. Not for the parties".
I don't know about you but when I went to school.I was married, I was already a mom, had a house, worked a full time job to pay for the sitter and extra's. I didn't get a scholorship. I didn't have parents or grandparents that helped. He really should be grateful for all that you do because it is a something you really don't have to do. I hope that I will be able to do the same with my grandchildren.