just wondering why you are starting solids right now. Were you told to start them by your pediatrician? I did not start solids until 6 months. Which I did here flack from some peopel about... but if they aren't ready, they aren't ready. There used to be a bottle feeder called an "infafeeder" that you could put the rice cereal/milk mixture in to make the transition easier. Many babies are very sensitive to new textures and the texture of the food and the texture of the spoon may be too much stimulation for your little one. If youy don't want to buy the infafeeder, you can always make the hole on the nipple of one of your own bottles a little bit bigger and use that.
That way the only new texture baby is experiencing is the food. I also like to make my baby food. That way I can control the texture and the ingredients. Here is a good site... my little one loves the avecado recipes... but I didn't offer that until later! :)
Good luck!