Have you gotten any kind of professional counselling for her by a specialist dealing w/ADHD? If not, you need to do that ASAP. If you already have, they haven't done their job and you need to find somebody else. It's so important that they specialize in ADD. She needs some professional help/tools in helping her to become and remain somewhat organized. This is probably something she will never master, but should be able to limp along, doing just fine for the most part. (You do know disorganization is so extremely common for ADD/ADHD people??) In the meantime, you need to STOP holding her hand. How will she master this if you are her crutch? Until you get further help, my advice is to set up a system where SHE is responsible for her assignments, etc. Put her on a weekly progress report if necessary. She gets rewards for a job well done and consequences for not getting it done. It's amazing how they can and will adapt when it's important enough to them. Allow her 1-2 "slip-ups" per month where you'll help bale her out---bring an assignment to school, etc. After that, she's on her own. Stick to your guns. She will probably struggle quite a bit in the beginning, especially if you've been holding her hand. Hopefully, she'll improve somewhat quickly. Even with this, I'd still recommend appts. with a therapist. Oh---one more thing. Have her get the phone numbers of 1-2 kids in each of her classes to call when she's not sure what's what. Also, most teachers have their assignments posted on a web page. I'm wondering why she'd be puzzled??? Good luck!