Here is another way to look at this issue. When my granddaaughter was 2, she came to live with us for a year while her parents were working out their own problems, Being separated from them was stress enough, I felt, so I let her keep her beloved pacifier at sleep times. She used it until she was 5. When she started kindergarten she would forget about it for months, then find it in the toy box and use it for about a week or two, then forget about it again. One day she found it and said, "Grandma, remember this was my pacifier when I was a baby?" She was the one who weaned herself when SHE WAS READY. She is now in 3rd grade, has beautiful teeth, just got straight A's on her reportcard, and writes articles in her elementary school newspaper. Tonight I am going to school to watch her in her school play. She has a lot of strength and confidence in herself and I think that is important. Too many of us develop issues that we deal with for life because things that comfort us are taken away. Does this have anything to do with this pacifier? I don't know but I want to think so. I was warned by "everyone" to take it away from her but I listened to my own heart.