I have four young girls. When we get this, I start giving them all-fruit popsicles, and keep giving them until they can keep them down, then after about 4 hours without vomiting I move to pedialite. I have hardwood everywhere but the bedrooms, so I let them sleep in the hall at night on a crib mattress close to the bathroom. That way I am not cleaning up carpet. If your little one is too young to sleep out of the crib, put towels down around the outside of the crib so you don't have to clean up the floor. Instead of changing sheets thousands of times, put a towel down on top of the sheet, and if you are lucky, you only have to pull up the towel and put a new one down.
We used to get this all the time. You might want to do some research on discinfectants, and antibactirial soaps. I used to use these, but there is some evidence that these actually harm your immune system by killing good bactiria too, and then make it more likely that your body can't fight off illness. I use a natural bar soap and baking soda and vinegar to clean almost every surface in my house. We eat more fruits and veggies and try to get everything organic, we are now only sick once or twice a year and normally just small colds. Hope this helps.