The doctor's office can be a scarry place for some.
Especially when you're seeing and hearing other little people crying and nervous.
Hopefully the nurses and dorctor talk with him; drawing his thoughts away towards something else. They are usually good at that.
It would be neat if your husband could make a way to take him instead of you. Talk to him about it and change the appointment if possible.
Dads and sons just seem to have this "thing" going on!
Have something special for him when he gets home letting him know you appreciate his courage. Be sure to praise him...for the good that he did while at the doctor's office with Dad. Sit down. Listen, and ask him questions. Have encouraging words. Laugh "with" him when things are funny.
You know, with the swimming, it sounds like your son knows exactly what hes doing.
Brilliant little mind. (Reminds me of one of mine}
Be firm in a conversation with him letting him know your expectations.
Ask him why he is not working as a team with the others and listening to the teacher. Do you like swimming? If the answer is "no", then let him know why it is important to you that he learns to swim.
Let him know why it's important to listen and obey the teacher.
Stress your expectation concerning that because he belongs to you and you love him and want him to become great at swimming and learn much.
Give him a choice.
Act the way you should or be taken out of class. Perhaps we can try again when you're six or seven.
If there is cost involved, check to see if you can get your money back or most of it.
If you want him to continual swimming then perhaps the "choice" will take place at home.
OK. according to how you act at swimming will determine if you get to watch Barney or have your favorite snack. You choose. Obey at swimming or no snack.
Stay cool. Keep your word; stick with the plan
Let him know no matter what you love him.
I hope something in this will be of help.