I am sorry that things are not going as smoothly as u probably wanted them to go and my best wishes that things work out for the best in the end. Hopefully everything will be just fine. Often doctors just do bedrest as a precautionary way of making sure things are as easygoing for your body as possible. Sometimes it really doesn't make a difference and its not totally necessary. Either way, it just work out well. In regard to bed rest, the one thought I can share with you that may ease your feelings of feeling sorry for yourself or annoyed (if you do at any point) Hopefully you won't, is to realize how easy bed rest is when you are expecting your first. You have no one to worry about but yourself. I have so many friends who have older children and are expecting another child (third, fourth...) and their life is a living hell because bedrest is so hard when you have to arrange things for all the kids, take care of yourself, get carpools for everyone, and much much much more. It is horrible. So, hang in there and thank G-d you have a lot to be thankful for since its only your first. G-d bless you and your future bundle of joy. Have an easy smooth pregnancy, labor and delivery. Good luck!!!:)