Hi L.,
I had my son via c-section in July 2007. Since you might undergo general anesthesia, your experience may be different. I went into the hospial & they started an IV, then I went into the OR & that's where they gave me the epidural. My husband was not allowed in the room for that proceedure. Other than that he sat next to me for the whole thing. He even stood up to look when they pulled our son out. He's really squeamish when it comes to stuff like that but he was fine. He's a fainter & didn't faint. All I could feel was a little pressure & it felt like someone reached in & was "working" my son out by pulling side to side. Like if someone held your tummy & painlessly shook it. Start to finish it took 45 minutes. The longest part was after the baby was out when they had to sew me up. I held my son briefly before they took him to the NICU for fluid in his lungs. He was fine, but that is common with c-section babies because the fluid doesn't get squeezed out of their lungs like it does when they come through the birth canal.
The recovery was painful, but not as bad as I anticipated. Since you already have 3 children, GET PLENTY OF HELP! I can't stress that enough! You won't be totally bed-ridden, but you can't over do it & it's tempting with a new baby. My scar is below my underwear line & below my bikini bottom line, so no one sees it. It's only about 4 inches long, so it's not bad at all!
Here are a few things I didn't know before my c-section:
1. It's difficult to have a vaginal delivery after c-section. Many doctors simply won't do it.
2. I couldn't stand elastic on or near my incision site so I got some "granny" panties. The kind that come up to your navel. Those were the only undies I could wear for about a month.
3. You can't ride in a car for about a week after your c-section & you can't drive for longer than that. So make arrangements before hand.
4. The pain meds made me constipated & pushing to go was painful, so start your fiber asap after the surgery.
5. It's hard to sit up from a laying position, so once you're home, get out of bed by rolling on your side to the edge of the bed & putting your feet on the floor. Then use your hands to push yourself in a sitting position.
6. Sometimes when you don't have any labor, your milk can come in a lot later, because you don't have all the hormones that your body produces in labor that help milk production.
7. You may (especially since you love labor & delivery & have had 3 natural births & may end up under general anesthesia) feel like you missed out with this birth. I felt like I did & I didn't have anything to compare it to. I ended up with a little more than the "baby blues" & eventually spoke to a professional about it. If you end up having a hard time with it, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor.
I wish you all the best!!
Congrats on baby #4!
A. W