Advice and Experiences on C-sections, Please!

Updated on July 27, 2009
L.I. asks from Houston, TX
57 answers

Hello Moms! I am 35+ weeks pregnant with my fourth baby and I am definitely going to have to have a c-section. I am nervous because I just don't know what to expect from the whole experience. Right now, I don't even know if I will be awake for the procedure or not, because of my health issues. Most likely they will put me under general anesthesia(according to my OB), but I will not know for sure until I meet with the anesthesiologist (sp?) on Monday. Those who have had c-sections, can you give me feedback on what to expect on not just the actual surgery, but also recovery and just the entire experience. I realize every situation is different, but I'd feel better if I get a clearer idea of what I'm getting myself into! Some things I wonder -
Was your husband with you? Did the cutting/surgery noises freak him out?
How is recovery? (I'd love details on this one - the length, pain, medication)
Experience with bonding with your baby?
How soon did you have sex after and start exercising?
What about the scar? I already have stretch marks - is it very noticeable?
Are there things you would do differently, or the same? Special things to pack?
Please tell me if you got an epidural, spinal block, or general anesthesia - I wonder what differene it makes?
Sorry for so many questions! Any details you are willing to share with me - I would love! Thank you!!!

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So What Happened?

Hi Moms - all of you are amazing! Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions and calm my fears. I had my c-section a couple of weeks ago and it went so smoothly. Because of all of you sharing your experiences and advice, I went in calm and unafraid - I just had a better idea of what to expect, so i didn't have to worry so much. I really can't thank you enough for helping me!
I was able to stay awake for the actual surgery and recovery was much less painful than I thought it would be. I really couldn't be happier with the outcome. Thanks to each of you for blessing me and truly making this experience that more relaxing and joyous!

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answers from Houston on

Hi L.,
I had my son via c-section in July 2007. Since you might undergo general anesthesia, your experience may be different. I went into the hospial & they started an IV, then I went into the OR & that's where they gave me the epidural. My husband was not allowed in the room for that proceedure. Other than that he sat next to me for the whole thing. He even stood up to look when they pulled our son out. He's really squeamish when it comes to stuff like that but he was fine. He's a fainter & didn't faint. All I could feel was a little pressure & it felt like someone reached in & was "working" my son out by pulling side to side. Like if someone held your tummy & painlessly shook it. Start to finish it took 45 minutes. The longest part was after the baby was out when they had to sew me up. I held my son briefly before they took him to the NICU for fluid in his lungs. He was fine, but that is common with c-section babies because the fluid doesn't get squeezed out of their lungs like it does when they come through the birth canal.
The recovery was painful, but not as bad as I anticipated. Since you already have 3 children, GET PLENTY OF HELP! I can't stress that enough! You won't be totally bed-ridden, but you can't over do it & it's tempting with a new baby. My scar is below my underwear line & below my bikini bottom line, so no one sees it. It's only about 4 inches long, so it's not bad at all!

Here are a few things I didn't know before my c-section:

1. It's difficult to have a vaginal delivery after c-section. Many doctors simply won't do it.
2. I couldn't stand elastic on or near my incision site so I got some "granny" panties. The kind that come up to your navel. Those were the only undies I could wear for about a month.
3. You can't ride in a car for about a week after your c-section & you can't drive for longer than that. So make arrangements before hand.
4. The pain meds made me constipated & pushing to go was painful, so start your fiber asap after the surgery.
5. It's hard to sit up from a laying position, so once you're home, get out of bed by rolling on your side to the edge of the bed & putting your feet on the floor. Then use your hands to push yourself in a sitting position.
6. Sometimes when you don't have any labor, your milk can come in a lot later, because you don't have all the hormones that your body produces in labor that help milk production.
7. You may (especially since you love labor & delivery & have had 3 natural births & may end up under general anesthesia) feel like you missed out with this birth. I felt like I did & I didn't have anything to compare it to. I ended up with a little more than the "baby blues" & eventually spoke to a professional about it. If you end up having a hard time with it, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor.
I wish you all the best!!
Congrats on baby #4!
A. W

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answers from Houston on

I had 2 c-sections and don't want to scare you, but when I woke up it hurt. I was too, put under general anesthesia, not by choice but for health reason. But, don't worry it will all go away and you don't even remember all the pain and suffering after a while. Eventhough it hurts to walk and get up from sitting or sleeping, it is best to do it, because it will help you in the long run. I had a bikini cut and the first doctor did a beautiful cut, but the second doctor left me more scar than the first one. But, the scar is not bad after knowing that my baby is a beautiful and lovable boy. Just take care of yourself and don't worry about house work, looking good or anything that will stress you more. It will all pass and you will get back to your normal life in not time. Best of luck to you and let me know if I can help you in anyway. Take care,

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answers from Houston on

I had an emergency c-section and I am 41. It was a epidural so the actual c-section was a relief after all the pain of labor and pushing. My husband was there and we got to hold our beautiful baby girl after she was born for about 15 minutes then she was whisked away for the next 6 hours for observation. I felt nothing whatsoever with the epidural but was awake which was wonderful. My husband didn't look (there was a screen in the way) and was just there to hold my hand and chat.

Recovery took forever because of back problems due to the pushing earlier. The best advice I got was start moving as soon as possible - straighten up and pace the room/halls and heal flexible. I only needed vicadin for a week instead of the prescibed 2 weeks. I was very pathetic for a few weeks but I had my husband working from home, my sister and mother-in-law to help. All I needed to do was hold the baby and sleep.

However the back took several months of healing. In comparison the scar and c-section were veryrapid.

Bonding with the baby was fine; once she was given back to me. I wouldn't part with her almost all the time we were in hospital. Except for bathtime!

Sex I waited 10 weeks but that was all fear since she was my first. Everything was great!

My scar is still horrible due to staples. Ask the doctor about one stitch - not staples. My sisters scar is non-existent while mine is like a purple rope. But it is bikini line. Could be due to the emergency c-section rather than routine.

Good Luck. I'm sure all will be fine - probably quicker than labor.

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answers from San Angelo on

I had three will be fine. What you have going for you is that it is planned. My first wasnt and was a disaster. I ended up laboring (on pitocin) for 19 hours then had the section. My epidural actually wore off during the cutting. I was screaming the doc was screaming at the anesthesiologist who wanted to put me out under general. I didn't want that as it was my first and I wanted to see my baby. I bit down and bore the pain until he held her up. My first words were "put me out." That is a worst-case scenario and should not happen to you and I survived that experience just fine. My other two sections were no problem. My husband was there all three times and he was fine and he gets queasy at the sight of blood. For me, recovery took a good four weeks for me and I was not afraid to use my painkillers. They never gave me a " high" I just needed them for the pain. My husband got a bit concerned because I needed them legitimately for almost two weeks. I told him if he wanted to have the next one without pain killers he was welcome to! My ab walls were weak for a long time, but I had been overweight before my babies by about 25 lbs. It took me a while but I concentrated on walking whenever I could. That is one of the most important things about post-op....get up and walk. They take out your intestines and lay them up on you so you have to get your bowels moving. Walk even when you don't think you can! I would also pack a few cans of pear juice (get them in the juice aisle at walmart) it has 7 grams of fiber per can. Constipation was a major problem for me even when they gave me a stool softener. You may even want to start the pear before the surgery. The scar should be low and not too bad. The ability of your Dr to suture will play a big part in this. My first doc was probably so wigged out by the whole screaming thing he didn't do a good job. The second did ok and the third cleaned up the prior scar tissue and made a great suture line. My pudge does tend to gather above the scar, but that can be fixed by a lower fat diet. Anyway you have a lot of things going for you, you should have no problems. Oh this is a hubby hint... You won't be able to get up and change the baby, so have hubby learn in the hospital if he doesn't usually. Once the baby is changed, he can hand him/ her to you for feeding! If you have other specific questions, feel free to ask.



answers from Houston on

I had a c-section with my daughter. It was a slice of cake!!! Here is my nichols-worth of wisdom...

When its all said and done and youre back at home with that tiny bundle....dont pull the "tape" off of you that helps hold the incision closed....also, dont scrub at this area to get the sticky residue off. Let all of it fall off naturally. You see, I srubbed at mine because my clothes were sticking to the tape...long story short, while at the doctors office for the infection I got from "slight opening" (about the size of two hairs)...I was told that this is a pretty common thing that happens. For WEEKS, I had to clean and pack this hole with gauze. It was no picnic. Why didnt someone tell me not to do that !!??!! So, I'm telling you...dont scrub it!!!

Good Luck and Congratulations!!!!
Margaret :)



answers from San Antonio on

I have a 11 month old and I had a C-section with her. It was a little nerve racking when I got the epideral. You have to stay very still and my husband wasn't in the room yet. The nurse was very nice though and as soon as my husband came in and they laid me on the table I calmed down both from the drug and my husband. During the procedure I was awake, my husband by my side. I didn't hear much but the chatter of the dr. with the nurses. I didn't feel anything at all and after they took my daughter out and stitched me up I went to recovery and it was uncomfortable for a little while because I shook from the drug leaving my system. I'd like to say about 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes later I had the shakes under control and was allowed to go see my daughter in the nursery. I've heard other experiences different than mine but I don't think it was so bad since I have my daughter now and as much as I'd love to have had her natually due to my health I had to have a C-section. It took about a day before I was walking just a little and although heavily medicated I felt discomfort where the stitches were. After 2 days I was allowed to leave the hospital and was walking short distances without major discomfort. A little awkward but that's all. I was on pain killers for about a week. Bonding with my daughter was amazing (of course she is my only one so I guess it depends on your situation) but I assume I bonded as much as anyone who just had aa baby. My husband and I waited 6 weeks before having real sex due to discomfort on my part but we were still intimate during those 6 weeks. Alot of cuddling and petting did the trick just fine for us but it's all about your comfort level. I walked for exercise for a few months before doing any really strenuous activities. I dont have any stretch marks but I do have a 4 inch light pink scar right at my bikini line across the front. It has lightened up considerably in the last 11 months. I used to be embarrassed naked but my husband explained that it was beautiful to him because our daughter came from there. I had a wonderful experience having my daughter and wouldn't change anything except I would brought my "baby bag" to my last months appoinmtments since I went to the hospital for a routine appointment at 37 weeks and was told I was having a baby that day. My husband wanted to be with me the whole time and had to leave to get my bag. That is all. Hope it helps. Congratulations on your new baby!



answers from Houston on

I can tell you a little about my daughter's c section experience. She had a spinal, her husband stood right there, watched them cut her and take the baby out. He held it first. She said that was the only way to have a baby. Of course she was sore but the scar was not bad at all being so low. She is very close to her baby as is his daddy.



answers from San Antonio on

Hi L.,
First of all, please try to not worry about the c-section. I've had two- the first was unplanned and the second planned.
Yes, you will have a scar- but its a thin line and right at the pubic line- so you will hardly notice it.
- Your husband and yourself wont really hear any cutting.. and if he doesn't want to see the procedure- he can sit next to you (you'll have a screen infront of you) and he can just focus on your face.
- I dont think there's anything additional to pack for delivery or for after that you wouldn't normally pack for the hospital.
- I just have one suggestion for the delivery: when they give you the epidural and meds for the surgery you will feel very shivery and cold.. ask the staff to put warming blankets around your head and arms- it really helps and makes the whole thing more comfortable.
- As for your post-operation- make sure you get up and walk around as much as possible when the doctor/nurses tell you to. Your recovery will be easier/faster if you start moving.
Oh- and another thing- do not try to get out of bed without pressing a pillow to your tummy- otherwise it will be very painful at first.

The delivery experience will feel much faster and much less effort on your part- but that doesn't mean its a lesser experience. Once you see your baby- you will bond and fall in love the way you did with your others.



answers from Austin on

I had a c-section with my 2 yr old. I have another c-section scheduled for my second child on November 7th. I would like to deliver "naturally" (and I don't mean no drugs). But, they cannot induce after a c-section so I have scheduled the c-section & will see what happens between now & then. I had an epidural. My husband was in there with me. I was awake. I did not notice any cutting sounds, but then I had already had 12 hours of back labor, a fever, IV pain meds (tried to skip the epidural), then an epidural, plus I had not eaten since around 5 pm on Saturday (this was around 7 pm on Sunday). One thing that I did not like (may be a minimal thing to you) is that you have to go longer without solids after a c-section. The recovery is pretty hard. It's pretty painful to walk around for awhile. And getting up & down out of bed is pretty hard. I found ways to cope, but it still wasn't easy. Even a couple months later when I was getting around much better I would still have problems, like if I tried to twist sideways while in bed to get the baby that hurt pretty bad. My husband was saying I should see if I can go home the next day after this one (which isn't an option anyways) but I told him it would be good to have the help of the nurses, plus the hospital bed has railings to help me get up. I don't know about anyone else, but I had my husband help me take showers for awhile afterwards. I hope I am not scaring you, I don't mean to, but you wanted to know what to expect so I am being honest. I know at least one person told me the second c-section is easier so I'm hoping that I won't have such a hard time this time.
Good luck!



answers from Houston on

Making Love/Sex - 3 1/2 months after the c section. When the doctor releases you. Don't do it sooner.
At the hospital make sure they do not leave ivy's on after the operation like Magnisum sulfate especially it can be harmful if you are overdose accidently if they say that. Just make sure someone stays with you and ask all kinds a question even the stupid question is important.
The c section cut is small it won't be so bad you can hide it still in bikini panty.
Use Avon best stretch mark cream and bio oil from walgreens of course any cocobutter products help too but the best for me was from Avon. If worked faster and lighten them up quick.
You can use it before you have your c section too.
After surgery- don't lift anything heavy, no sweeping, no vacumming and driving to avoid the cut from opening up. Good Luck and congrats on your new precious baby.



answers from Austin on

I'm also 35 wks along with my second son---and we're scheduled for a c-section on Nov 3rd! I seem to have a knack for growing big, healthy babies! :)
I had a c-section w/my first son (4 1/2 yrs ago) because he was huge and I never got past 3cm. He weighed 9lbs 13oz & was 21 1/2in long!
I was scheduled for a c-section but my water broke the day before & my OB let me "try" to deliver vaginally. I did have an epidural and when they finally took me to the OR for the procedure, I was given a much stronger medicine b/c the epidural wasn't working like they expected it to. I was alert during the whole thing, and my husband was by my side. There were lots of people in there talking/working on me, so there weren't really any noises that could be heard that were freaky. Although I was extremely nauseated in the very beginning. I never threw up or anything, but I did ask the anesthesiologist to just talk to me about anything BUT what was going on. I was wheeled into the OR at 9:00pm and my son was born at exactly 9:13pm. I could feel pressure when the nurses and doctor were pulling him out but no pain. It felt like it all happened in the blink of an eye, but I'm told I was in there for at least 45 min to an hour. I do remember being really sore in the recovery room and I could not get out of the bed on my own. I was able to hold my son, just not low on my belly due to the incision, and I did breast feed. I spent three days in the hospital & when I got home, it was just a little tough standing up straight or riding in the car on any bumpy roads. I think after 2 or 3 weeks it was a lot easier and I did have pain medication to take, as well as an antibiotic to prevent infection from the procedure. It was months before I could lay on my stomach and I don't think I exercised for at least a year b/c there was still some discomfort and tenderness at that area. Sex was also not as frequent b/c any pressure on my stomach was just uncomfortable. When I saw my OB for follow-ups, she assured me that any numbness and tenderness was normal even after a year. I had a bikini-cut, which is where I think everyone gets cut these days when you're having a c-section, so the scar isn't visible at all. I hope I've helped shed some light onto this subject for you. And even though I've been through it once before, I'm still terrified of childbirth. I think it's because I have no control over the delivery and I have to count on practical strangers to bring my child safely into this crazy world. I do wish you the best of luck. Who knows!? We might even have our kids on the same day!



answers from Houston on

Hi L.,

I've had 2 c-sections, 11 years apart and even though the last one was 14 years ago, not much has changed. I actually prefer them to vaginal delivery, as it's so much better for the baby. Both times I was allowed to go into labor, so if you love it, you'll probably get a few hours of it! I had an epidural, which was GREAT! My hubby was in the delivery room both times and didn't freak out. The nurses watch them pretty closely. Even guys who can't stand the sight of blood usually become so fascinated, they forget that. And there's not that much blood anyway, it's suctioned away. I could feel the "tugging" as they made the incisions, and them pulling the babies out, but no pain, just some feeling of tugging. If you're asleep, that won't be a problem. Also, if you're awake, you'll probably get the "shivers" from the anesthesia. Pretty bad, but the nurses will put warm blankets on you if you do. It goes away in just a few minutes and only happens (sometimes) once they cut the cord. I think it has something to do with what they give you for uterine contractions and the afterbirth. It's kind of weird if you are awake, cause you can't really see what's going on and can't feel anything from the waist down. Don't let yourself panic. Trust that things are proceeding as normal. The nurses are usually good about answering your questions about what's going on. They get excited too! I was fascinated listening to the Dr's and of course being with hubby. The whole procedure is pretty quick, and recovery room isn't bad, it'll be the last time you can take a nap in peace! By that time, you've been given pain medication and are really sleepy. They'll keep you there for at least an hour, then on to your room. One thing they don't tell you is that you'll have gas really bad. That's from the air they pump into your abdomen to expand it. It gets absorbed into your intestines. I found that lying on my side (either one), helped alot. That usually lasts a day, but if it's bad, they can give you something. Walking around helps alot. Speaking of walking, the sooner you can get out of bed and creep around, the better. It hurts, but it will help the pain go away faster and help things get back to normal quicker. When you are trying to sit up in bed, don't just sit up, like you would normally do, try to roll to your side first and use the bed rails to help you. Otherwise, it will really hurt. Take your time, there's no rush for anything. If you have to cough or sneeze, put a pillow against the incision and hold it there. Really helps. They won't let you go home til you have a BM and the first day you mostly get a liquid diet. You will be able to nurse the baby (if you choose to) right away, although the baby will only get colostrum. Nursing helps the uterus contract back to normal quicker which is good for your figure! You will bleed vaginally for awhile, sometimes 2 weeks, so make sure you have pads at home. Most doctors say you can resume normal activities in 6 weeks. Most likely you'll have staples, which they generally take out before you go home, but depends on how long you are in. They make for a better scar, which is well below your bikini line and about 4-5 inches long. Oh, and they'll shave you before surgery, so don't freak out! They'll put a special tape on the incision called Steri-Strips, and most of the time you don't have to change them, they'll just work loose after a few days. You can even shower with them as soon as your Dr says it's ok, which in my case was before I went home. I was in 5 days for both kids. They say you aren't supposed to drive, climb stairs, vacuum, stuff like that for a while. Your Dr will say when. You are going to hurt, I won't lie to you, but if you just take it easy, don't try to rush things, move too fast or do too much, it's bearable. They do have pain meds you can take that won't bother the baby if you're nursing. As soon as your Dr says you can exercise, about 6 weeks, do yourself a favor and do it! Otherwise, you'll end up with a tummy that you can't get rid of. I made the mistake of not exercising! All in all, it isn't as bad as you imagine, and just like a vaginal delivery, you do forget the pain, you KNOW it hurt, but can't really remember it. Take it easy and slow, don't overdo it. Enjoy your baby and the attention you'll get. Let other people help you out when they can. Good luck and congratulations! K.



answers from Houston on

Ok first of all I hav enever had labor so I don't have anything to compare a c-section to. I was completly out for mine b/c the spinal didn't work correctly. I woke up with a tiny woman doing "uterine massage" which is a fancy way of saying jumping up and down on your uterus it hurts a lot. I was able to get up and see my son by that night. he was in the NICU so he couldn't come see me. the more you ge tup the beeter it is. You will be very very sore and in pain for the first 2 weeks at least. I don't really have a scar they were able to hide it very well, but i do have a friend who has a pretty bad scar but it's so low only u and your hubby should see it. I would suggest wearing depends undergarments instead of pads it' just easier, take the drugs you will need them. I was able to have sex again at 6 weeks but it my husband put too much pressure on my tummy it was uncomfortable so u might need to try new positions. my Son will be 2 in 3 weeks and I am still numb so expect that. If you have any other q's feel free to email me personally.



answers from San Antonio on

I think the most valuable thing was readign PUSHED by Jennifer Block- so much information has been really kept from women regardign truth about statistics- this book was such a resource - I give it to everyone about to have a baby- as women we need to come together and share information to make us stronger and more informed when it comes to birthing and dleivery options.... I had similar labor in water experience- it helped so much to have the warm water to counter the pressure of contractions- also went natural and drug free! Blessings to you and your family! K



answers from Waco on

Hi L.!

I had a C-section with my first & had my second child natural. Between the two, natural is DEFINITELY the way to go if at all possible!

I had an epidural, so I was numb from the waist down. My husband was there, but he almost passed out when they began the cut! I was groggy from the anesthetic so after they delivered my son, I didn't get to hold him immediately after like I wanted to (I could barely lift my arm to touch him!) but after things calmed down & we returned to the recovery room, I got to bond with him more.

Recovery was painful for me...especially after the anesthesia wore off. Of course, this is basically major surgery, and you're being cut open, so there will be pain to contend with afterwards. I was given morphine while in the hospital & then given Vicodin to take home. I'd say recovery will last between 4 - 6 weeks.

As for sex/exercising, that's totally up to you whenever you feel up to it.

They did a bikini cut on me and while it was pretty noticeable and red for awhile, as the years go by, it will start to diminish and fade. Now I can hardly tell its there, unless I really look for it.

Congratulations & Good Luck!



answers from Austin on

I had 2 healthy boys via vaginal deliveries and my premature baby daughter born via C-section. It is major abdominal surgery so expect to hurt and need time to heal. I jog/walked throughout my pregnancy so the recovery was fairly quick - though, like with a vaginal delivery, you will be sore for a few weeks and you will bleed for a week or so.

I had an epidural (before I knew I'd have a C-section) and then whatever local they give you for the C-section. I was so freaked out about having unexpected surgery my husband focused 100% on calming and reassuring me during the procedure and forgot to even look at our baby being pulled out, so it didn't freak him out at all.

I began walking immediately (within one week) of surgery and was running again within 6 weeks, which I believe is the proscribed time off period. Sex? Ha! I'm sure you can start having that after 6-8 weeks but we were so tired - when are you both awake and the baby is asleep so it can happen?

The scar is not attractive but it is pretty low and I hear it fades fairly well over time. That was the least of my concerns.

Good luck! I wish you a safe delivery and speedy recovery.



answers from Houston on

I had natural childbirth the first 3 times then for my 4th pregnancy I had to have an emergency C-Section. For me it was so simple. They was able to give me a spinal block so I was awake the whole time but did not feel the cutting. They put up a curtain deal so you or your husband cannot see the cutting. I felt like a pressure was released the second they took her out. As far as recovery that was just a little different from natural. Because of the spinal block you can't walk right away, when you first put your feet to the ground its like..WHOA... But the faster you get to doing it the better. I really wouldnt have minded if all 4 of mine would have been c-sections. THe scar is very minimal these days. Can hardly tell its there.



answers from Houston on

Hello! I'd be happy to respond (at length!), even though you have lots of others to read, too. :-)

I've had two c-sections (two kids) and any future kids will be c-sections too. None planned or expected right now though. Like another poster, I had an epidural (for the first) and a spinal (for the second). The epidural gave me the side effect of a "spinal headache" which apparently ranks right up there with migraines as far as pain. It is caused by blood leaking from the original epidural site and the "fix" for it was for the anesthesiologist to come and put a needle back in there and inject my own blood to "patch" (clot) the hole. So, NO INTEREST in the epidural for the second c-section, obviously! If you have more questions about that feel free to send me a message.

Let's see ... yes, my husband was with me for both (after the epidural/spinal was administered, they let him into the OR). No, he was not freaked out at all, but he has an iron stomach for such things. For the first, he was warned not to look, but he looked anyway and was fine. He said it was a little freaky to see all my muscles & intestines & such, but he was fascinated, and loved seeing our daughter come out (and again for our son). I felt nothing for either one except some pressure on my chest when they pulled the babies out (like an elephant sat on me).

Recovery was easier for the first than the second. Various reasons for that -- I was younger! I wasn't chasing a toddler around (daughter was 21 months when son arrived)! And son sent me into full-blown labor & broke water two hours before the scheduled c-section, so I was sore from labor as well as surgery. I spent 4 days in hospital for both, was up and walking the day after delivery for both (albeit slowly), and only used Vicodin for pain while in the hospital (managed at home with extra-strength Motrin ... maybe for a week at most, I can't remember).

Full recovery (to where I felt normal again) was at least a month. You are doing a lot -- A LOT -- before that month is up, but Dr's will also limit what you can do. No driving for 4-6 weeks; no lifting over 10 lbs for 4-6 weeks (though my kids were 10 lbs so I had a 15 lb limit). That, by the way, includes lifting baby in the carrier -- that's too heavy. Also no sex for 4-6 weeks, and I think that was true for exercise too. Just need to give your abdominal muscles (which they cut through) time to heal. Can expand on all that in a message too, if you like.

Bonding with baby was great. Both times, as soon as the baby was weighed & wrapped in a blanket, I got to hold them for a little while. Amazing experience. The second time, the OR nurses took pictures for us! Pretty cool. Then baby and Daddy are taken to the nursery, and Mommy spends another hour in the OR while they finish the surgery. Good time to sleep, though I never could. Afterwards you spend a couple hours in recovery (under observation) before going to your room. And then, of course, you can bond with baby all you want!

Finally, my scar is barely visible. Even after the 2nd one (they cut through the original scar for repeats). It did hurt for a while, but Motrin helped, and sometimes I can tell when the weather is going to change, but it's fine. And mine is below the bikini line, so no one else can see it anyway!

Hope this helps. I know there's lots of questions about this stuff but I think you get great advice & stories here. Feel free to send me a message if you have more questions! And good luck & congrats on #4!!!



answers from Victoria on

Hugs! I didnt have a c-section but I was so nervous to be so druged up an not sure where my baby would be. Everything was fine and my husband was right there with me. As for the cutting you open most men really like gross stuff like blood. Not that its gross its just something most women dont want to watch. I have had surgery. The good thing about c-section babies is they are beautiful. Heads nice and round and they arent all swollen from going threw the birth canall. Good luck and congrats on the new baby.



answers from Odessa on

What I would do different, and will with my second one due 11/28 is general anesthesia as opposed to the spinal. I was sooooo sick, throwing up and itching from the spinal, I would have been able to bond quicker with my son had I had general anesthesia. I was so out of it, it was like four hours or more before they would leave my son with me. Only then because my family was with me.

The second thing I will do different is post op wearing my support belt. We now live with a flight of stairs and I recall one step jarring my belly. I'm definately going with my support belt this go around.

My husband was with me and ran the video camera. He didn't freak out. I was surprised.

It was a good six weeks or so before I started the sex and exercising. Breastfeeding, my body bounced back very well. I was delighted. Within the first six weeks, I was back in my pre-preggers clothes. Then I went on the pill and the pounds packed back on. It melted off when I got back off the pill.

My scar is down in my pubic hair area and not too noticeable.

I think yours will go just fine.

Congrats and good luck!!



answers from San Antonio on

I had a c-section just 4 months ago and it was no big deal at all. I had an epidural b/c I was at 10 centimeters and pushing until they had to do the c-section. I had no pain of course until recovering. And even then, I had little pain b/c I made sure to keep up on my pain medication. I do have a scar that is hidden by my underwear (any underwear from granny to thong will hide your scar). The scar is a scar and it will always be there, but it is really not a big deal at all b/c you hardly ever see it. I started jogging 2 weeks after my c-section and started weights up after 4 weeks. Your doctor will want you to do lots of walking basically the very next day (it helps tremendously with recovery). i wasn't able to have sex until 6 weeks after b/c i was fully dialated. but you will probably only have to wait about 2 weeks since your c-section is planned. there's nothing really special to pack except for things to entertain you b/c you'll be there for at least 3 days. the recovery does take time and the first week is the worst. but be sure to take your pain meds. don't try to be brave or strong - just take the medicine (it will make recovery so much better). my hubby was in the room with me and nothing bothered him. he did, however, mention the smell when they are closing you up. they usually sew you up by burning the skin together (sounds worse than it is) and he could smell the flesh burning. so, u may want to warn your hubby that he may smell that. there's much more i could tell u but i'm sure other ladies will cover just about everything. you'll be fine and it won't be as bad as you think. good luck and congrats on your soon to be addition!



answers from Houston on

Good morning! I have had both an epidural and a spinal block. My first c-section was unexpected and painful, the epidual wasn't strong enough and they had to give me something in the middle of the surgery, b/c I could feel what the doc. was doing. The recovery with this one was worse too. I think mainly b/c it was performed at 8:30pm and I went to sleep and didn't move much afterwards. The second one with the spinal block was easy and painless. The recovery was easier too. I had this one done at 6:30 am, was awake, and moving my legs throughout the day, which I think is very important. I was walking by the end of the day with little pain. I think the recovery period for driving was 2 weeks, and sex I think 6-8wks, just like a vaginal delivery. Hope this helps.



answers from San Antonio on

Hi LeeAnn! I had 3 of them, and 3 beautiful children which are all grown up now. Actually I'm a grandmother now. After you do the first one the others are even easier. But I was scared too because I had no one including my husband, we were separated at the time and he would upset me when he tried to come in to see me. But I did ok, I was out of it, can't remember but I think it was anethesia. Did not feel a thing. The hardest part was trying to get out of bed to walk around. The nurses try to help but they don't really care. All I can give you for advice is to hold on to the rails to sit up then bring your left hand over to the other rail so both hands are on one rail and this will help you get up easier. This will help you pull up faster and less painfully. They will give you a monitor push thing where if you need pain medication you can give it yourself. Do it, you'll need it. Especially if you've never had any kind of surgery. But its ok. If you don't want to get out of bed more often to walk around thats even better because it will make you stronger and it will let you out of the hospital on time. Make sure the cut is a a bikini cut, ask your doctor. On my second time I had a different dtr, an old fashion dtr I guess because I assumed he would do the same scar, but instead did an up and down cut and so now I have two! When I had my third child my OBGYN got so mad that he did that and asked me why he had done that. I told him I had no idea, he was older so maybe he was old fashion. He told me he should have used the same scar. So be sure and ask! Its not as noticible. I was married the second time with my second child and I really didn't want him in there and he's kind of freakish when it comes to stuff like that so I didn't want to put that pressure on him. So that's totally up to you. But I think they cover it up more now that it won't be that bad for him to see. They say when the babies are C section they come out prettier, less wrinkles and more color. The first time I needed a C section was cuz I was too small from my pelvis. They tried and waited but the baby couldn't come out. The second time was just because I had a c section the first time. And the third time was because the cord was around her neck so they needed to get in there fast. And the weird thing about that was I was just going in for my last ck up before the due date. He noticed there was not much fluid around the baby so he told me to get a sonogram at the hospital. So I drove myself over there only to find out that I was already in labor and didn't even know it. I felt no labor pains with the last one. Next thing I knew they were running in and preping me on the way to surgery cuz the monitor showed something wrong. It was the cord. But everything turned out fine and we are all doing great. Oh, one thing, my second husband on my second child thought I was ok to get out of bed more frequently when I was at home. He thought I was faking it. So he made me get up more. Well, from sitting up and stretching it the incision got infected. So I had to call the doctor and let him know. He prescribed an antibiotic cream and so I made my husband put it on me for his punishment because he felt so bad. The dtr explained to him I needed bed rest. So take it easy and don't do too much right away, its not the same as natural, its SURGERY! So it takes longer to heal. And you should feel better within 3 to 4 weeks, but they give you 8 now. As far as feeling different with the baby, no difference! And my sister had both,first natural and second csection, Ithink for the same reason, cord around the neck. But she's a grandma too now and we both did great. Also,I didn't exercise, I should have but got lazy. So I gained alot of weight after my last. So 4 yrs ago I had gastric bypass surgery. And that was a huge scar in the middle of my stomach. But you know I recouped so fast because of the experience of my csections that even the nurses were amazed how fast I was up and walking! So they only good advice I can give you is use both hands on one rail to push yourself out of bed and it will not hurt as bad to get out of bed. Everything else will come natural. Don't worry! Spend time in bed with your baby, don't try getting up so much. And have someone be there with you to help you, because you will need it. If not your husband, then a friend or relative that can help you with the baby. You are going to need alot of rest. Hope this helps and show it to your husband so he can understand. Mine didn't till it was too late. He took it better the third time and even helped me more. Have a good one!



answers from Killeen on

I, personally, didn't have too good of an experience with a c-section with my second child. But I'm fine to this day so nothing permanent.
I was pushing with no luck so I went from one room to another with an epidural (that wasn't working). They started to cut me and I could feel it. I don't think they believed me so they kept asking me which side I felt the cutting. Then they tried local anethetic..still no luck. And I was feeling every contraction at this point so they had to strap me down and put me under general anesthesia (I hated it, I wanted to see her so baaad!!) So a few hours later I awoke and saw the baby. After three night in the hospital they finally let me go home. I was walking like an old hunchback lady for about a The painkillers did make it tolerable though. But for the longest time I couldn't stretch out or lay down on my back without the incision sending lighteninglike pain up my body. It also itched a bunch for like 4 months...but like I side, it's all good now.
To answer some of your q's specifically:

Me and my husband didn't have sex until about a month after. Trust me, you probably won't want to.
I don't think they let your husband in until right when they're taking the baby out. My hubby recalls seeing the baby out but he had to wait while they put me under and cut me open. He was more freaked out by the baby coming out of my abdomen than the surgery noises. lol.
They had me on vicodin and ibuprofen to alternate doses. The recovery is definitely longer than regular birth but it gives you more of a chance to sit and hold your baby..and take in her beauty(or his). IN that sense, it does wonders for your bonding.
The scar looks gross at first...and I was so scared that it was going to stay like it was(it looked like my tummy had lips) They do it really low though. And now, today (11 months later) it's finally faded to the color of my skin and is not painful anymore.

I'm so sorry if I sound negative. It's really not as bad as it sounds but I just wanted to answer some q's for you! Good luck on FOUR kids. I stopped at two. lol.



answers from Houston on

HI L.!

I have had 2 sections, they are exactly 5 yrs apart and totally different!!

My first one, (5 years ago) I labored for 20 hours. I had a epidural and was on medicince so that day was kind of blur. I was rushed to the operating room and it happened to fast. I do know that the bed you are ly on in the OR is very narrow. I also was too sleepy to bond with Ethan afterwards. The recovery part was fine. (My ex-husband was in the room for just a little and then they sent him out when the baby is out.)

My second one,(5 mos ago) it was schedule,so you just show up and they start preping you and get everything ready for the procedure and the baby. I had an IV and a spinal block and was awake durning. I was very nervous, you can feel some tugging and moving. Then Eli cried and it was over and so worth it. My husband was there the entire time! They usually dont allow it , but my husband told the doctor that he wasnt leaving my side-even when the baby was in the room he waited. We all came out together!! The recovery was was fine as well.

So I have 2 scars but very close together and look fine and not very noticeable. My strecth marks- yep they are there!!! But tanning helps!!

Both procedures went fine and worth it!

Pray about it!! God Bless!



answers from Houston on

First Congrats :)

I have had a C section with each of my 2 boys... the first because he was so large and the second for basically the same reason and that i had one with the first...

I didn't think it was all that bad. I had an epidural for both and didn't really feel a thing. My husband was there but has a tenedency to faint at the sight of blood so he isn't a good one to base the " freaked out " question.. Sorry. ( he was better the second time though)

Recovery wasn't too bad. Really about 5 days of R&R. One thing that is VITALLY important is to get up and walk as soon as the nurses tell you to. They called it the Csection shuffle and you wander around the maternity ward leaning on the bassinet. This helps you to recover faster and not get stiff. Keep it up once you get home. Just down the street.....

You just have to remember this is technically a MAJOR Surgery. Dont pick up the other kids for at least a week. Dont even let them in your lap. They get anxious and fidgety and accidentally hit the sore spot. Take the pain killers as you feel comfortable with but dont wait for it to hurt ( takes too long to get it back under control)

If you can make sure you have someone to help you around the house. The first time i started to do laundry 3 days after and pulled those muscles wrong..... set me back a few days. I never thought about laundry being a problem but the bending and pulling put strain on the muscles that I never even thought about.

be careful if you have stairs at home.

Good luck.......You will be fine :)



answers from Houston on

I had a c-section with my first and it was all fine. They gave me a spinal block and then an epidural (spinal block and epidural are both administered through the same catheter, spinal block is first (they poke the needle through the epidural space and into the spinal column and release the medicine, then back it out to the epidural space and administer more medicine and that is where it stays for the duration of time you have your epidural)). It started working within 10 minutes and then my OB started to work. I was awake the whole time, which was great. It did not take her long to get him out. I just felt some tugging and then we saw our baby. I felt more tugging once they had him out and they were sewing me up. Bonding with the baby was great. My husband was fine. There are tool noises in the room and the smell of burning skin when they close you up, but it is still major surgery, so it comes with the territory. If you husband is squeemish around blood, then you might want to tell him to stay by your head/shoulders. The recovery was not bad either. Just make sure you get up the next day and walk. I felt fine by 4 weeks after and husband wanted intimacy, but Dr. recommends 6 weeks. Same for exercise. The scar is not bad either. It's there, but will go away with time. Good luck!



answers from Houston on

Hi L.....My first child was a scheduled c-section (my second was as well, but I ended up having a VBAC, not my choice). Anyway, my c-section was no problem. I had spinal block and my husband was with me from immediately after the spinal block until he left w/the baby while they stitched me up. Oh-very important-make sure your dr. is going to stitch you-no staples! The spinal block-you are awake but not fully there....kind of like getting the gas at the dentist, but not quite. I knew what was going on, but I felt very relaxed....kinda like I was floating above and watching everything. The rest of the day I was really tired, but the next day, I was fine. The one thing I can say about general anesthesia is that you may not feel well for a few days. I held the my baby and nursed her right after I was stitched as far as bonding, it really wasn't any different than with my son. As far as pain, the medication they gave me took care of it. I was on the hard stuff for maybe 2 days, then they took the cathter (sp?) out and I could move around more and I switched to maybe vicodin or something. The hard part was getting in and out of bed or a chair. That lasted maybe a week. Just make sure you bring something soft w/a stretchy waist to wear home....also bring a pillow with you to put between your stomach and seat belt for the ride home. The other few things that I can think of is I do have a scar, but it is REALLY low and only about 4 inches wide. I can wear any kind of underwear and you would never know it is there. Depending on what kind of bikini wax I get-you don't see it. With the c-section as with the vaginal birth, you bleed afterward for weeks, but with a c-section you have no trauma down there. So your soreness is in a totally different place. In fact, I thought the c-section recovery was alot easier. It just took me so long to feel "normal" down there with the vaginal birth (and I had no problems with tearing, stitches, etc.) I was able to have sex and exercise at the 6-week mark-just like with vaginal births. I have to say, I recovery may have been easier because I worked out up until 2 weeks before my c-section. I was able to go right back to working out my abs....but I do know that is not the norm. I hope your experience is as good as mine was. Good Luck!



answers from Austin on


Don't be scared. After trying to have my daughter (2 years) vaginally, we ended up having a c-section. At the time I was very emotional & a little hurt that I ended up having a c-section. When she was delivered, it was found that she had turned side ways, so it would have been extremely painful had I delivered her naturally. Ok, that was a little bit about me. On to your question.

I had an epidural while I was in labor & still on the path to have my daughter vaginally. Once it was determined she wasn't coming on her own (since she was stuck) I was given moriphin via my epidural. Once I went into the surgery room, my anesthesiologist talked me through everything since I wasn't allowed to look & I couldn't feel anything.

My husband was in there with me once I was prepped & ready. He didn't want to watch the actual cuts, but did watch our daughter be delivered. (From what I've been told by many fathers that were in the room during a c-section, they have NO desire to watch their wives insides be moved around to deliver their babies.)

Personally, my recover was very good. I had a bit of pain early on, but the meds helped that! I was laying on the floor with our daughter within about 2 weeks. I was getting down & getting up on my own. I was moving slow, but I did it. Now, I wasn't holding our daughter while I was getting up or down initially. Within about 4 weeks I could hold her & get down & up with no problems.

I know this was a little long. I hope this helps put your mind at ease a little on having a c-section. I'm actually pregnant with our second (due in April) and I'm planning to do a VBAC, but we'll see if this little one is going to be stubborn or not! :o)

Congrats on your new little one!!



answers from Austin on

As a SAHM of 4 boys (3 c-sections), it's really not a big deal. Your recovery time will be longer since this is your first, but not horrible. You'll be more sore in the middle, obviously. If you're in fairly good shape, you'll recover faster. I didn't work out with my number 2, and I paid for it a bit. He was 11 lbs 3 oz at birth....hence, the C-section. Number 3, I worked out with him and they took him a bit early (since the last one was so big---he was 7, 15.) Then, the last one, I only gained 17 pounds and worked out alot and he was still 9 lbs. Anyway, they are all healthy happy BOYS and I bonded with them just fine.
You'll find that going "potty" is weird cuz pushing hurts. But, if you take the stool softener like they tell you (I actually brought in an Ex Lax to the hospital), it's much easier.
Also, working out, you'll have to wait the full 6 weeks, you don't want to tear that incision. Scar, not so bad, if they do it low (the usually do). Just don't rush it. Especially the driving (I know, it's annoying), but important for your safety and the babys'. Good luck to you and if you have any more questions, email me directly if you want





answers from El Paso on

I can only tell you about my (one) experience. It was also a controlled environment, like it sounds like yours will be. I had an epidural which was much more scary in theory than in reality, really not a big deal to get and besides it being wierd not to be able to move my legs, i felt good after it was administered. It took an hour or two to wear off after the delivery. My husband was with me the whole time, from the moment i checked into the hospital until the moment the baby and i were discharged. He stood by my head during the delivery and i don't think anything (sounds, smells) bothered him at all. after the baby was born, my husband went with him to the nursery and then the doctors closed my up and took me to recovery, where my husband met me soon after. I wasn't in any pain yet. I started to feel a little pain and discomfort maybe like 4 hours later. they brought me dinner, of which i only ate a couple bites of jello - and then vomitted. that hurt!!!! getting out of bed was really hard the first 2 days and progressivley got easier, as i practiced often. bonding with my baby was fine - at the time i was really upset because i didn't get to see him (besides the minute just after delivery) for almost 6 hours. but everything worked out fine. In fact we are still nursing and he is nine months old. I started feelilng pretty good less than 2 weeks later - i went for short walks to the mailbox and the in the grocery store. i had a script for some narcotic for pain, but i didn;t want to be any sleepier than i already was so i chose to take ibuprofen instead which helped a lot. i think we resumed sexual activity 6 weeks after the birth. As far as the scar goes - mine is barely noticable. It is below where my hair starts so it is covered - my stretch marks are much worse than the scar. packing for the hospital... just make sure you have something very comfortable to wear home. elastic waist. like i said before the only bad thing about the whole process was not being able to see my baby for so long, but this might not be the case everywhere - i was told it was shift change. everything else was fine. obviously the rehab is harder and longer than after a vaginal delivery but it wasn't that bad - i think i will probably do it again. good luck and make sure to ask your doctor and people who have delivered at the hospital you will be going to about things like your husband being there and how soon you should be able to see the baby. if you are planning to breastfeed, make it known to everyone and don't let them feed the baby anything in the nursery.



answers from Longview on




answers from Houston on

First. Congrats to you and all of your little blessings. I had an emergency c-section. I was fully expecting to have my baby girl by vaginal birth. Not! LOL. I only dilated 6 cm. I had an epidural because I was tired and hurting. She is my first child (maybe only! and my water actually broke at 6am but since I had nothing to compare it to; I went to the store and Borders Books (because I actually thought I was gonna push her out and have time to READ later..LOL.) I was in labor while shopping and when I pulled into the drive way, the rest of my water broke in the drivers seat. The c-section is pretty quick and very clinical. I was hopped up on morphine and barely aware. I did hear my baby girl's first cry and it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I also saw my boyfriend's face as they stuffed my insides back in. Since I lost so much of my amniotic fluid (while they had to vaginally inject liquid back in until she was ready to come out. I was bigger leaving the hospital than coming in and I had blood pressure issues. Although I was in pain (serious pain) due to my surgery, and bloated to the size of a manatee due to the magnesium they give you, I was still able to walk the next day and hold my baby. Unlike you, I am a wuss when it comes to pain and I think you will be just fine. God Bless and I hope this helps. Also, babies like to use you as a trampoline but be careful with playing bouncy on your scar. My baby girl is almost 7 months old and my scar still gets tender.



answers from Austin on

I've had both. My first, a c-section was with an epi. I didn't feel anything painful, just tugging, etc. My scar is barely noticable and very low. It did itch some while the nerves grow back but not terrible.

It's somewhat painful recovery but so was my vaginal birth. Just in a diff area. I probably took it to fast so with 4 kids you HAVE to be careful not to push it. Especially on stairs. I found it hurt to laugh some at first. I also learned a different hold while nursing so it would be more comfortable. I found less bleeding with my csection since they suction some out. My husband did fine but he was scared b/c our baby was under stress. CAn you find out if someone can be in recovery with you while your husband is with the baby? It would have been nicer for me.

Also, you can't eat regular food for a little while.

Best of luck. Just remember to take it easy!!!



answers from San Antonio on

Hey L.,

Well, the big thing you should keep in mind is to relax and trust your physicians, but with that said, you need to voice your fears as you go. DON'T feel like you can't say things during the procedure. This is your body so speak up because no one else will know what you're going through as you do unless you say something.

Unless there's a reason, you will be awake for the procedure. You get an epidural or spinal block, depending on what the anesethsiologist prefers. One thing I remember with mine is that I started to have trouble breathing, like there was a weight on my chest. I didn't say anything because I thought it was nerves/anxiety, but my OB/Gyn said you can get the epidural "cranked up too high" and have some diaphram involvement, making it harder to breathe. If that's the case, SAY SOMETHING! All the anesthesiologist has to do is "crank it down" a bit. This won't take away the block to your belly.

If you are having pain with the procedure, say something! This is supposed to be a wonderful experience, don't be so stoic that you forget that.

As for the exercise/sex, that can depend entirely on how good of shape you're in before hand. There is a great book called "Getting Rid of your Mummy Tummy" and it's got wonderful exercises for post-c-section (and vaginal delivery) tummies. Also, there are pilates for post-pardum DVD's out there and the great thing about those exercises are you can have your baby right next to you when you exercise. Post-partum yoga can also be a great workout.

Brooke Burke, the actress and winner of Dancing with the Stars, has a product on her website that helped her get her pre-baby body back. It's a wrap that goes around your body and helps you support your belly muscles and reminds you to hold your tummy in. I think if you go to you can find it. You can also do a google search.

The sex will depend on you and how you're feeling. Most docs say a good 3-6 weeks, but again, can depend on your body. If no intercourse for 3-6 weeks doesn't sound like it's going to work, there are always other ways of "outer-course" (as I quote the 40-year old Virgin Movie). And this also depends on your fatigue level, etc.

You're going to feel a bit more exhausted after the c-section because it's more of a tax on your body. You'll be in the hospital for at least 3 days. If you've breast-fed, that should be the same amount of time or less, to come in.

Exercise is dependent as well. Short walks are good, but again, you know what you can do now and before you were pregant. Don't beat yourself up if you're not in perfect shape as fast as you were for your previous babies when you had a vaginal delivery. Your body needs more time to repair because, let's face it, this is major surgery.

One bit of advice I will offer is this: I was in our lazy boy chair with my feet up after I had our daughter. I had her on my chest and needed to get up to use the bathroom. Problem was because I had a fresh c-section, I couldn't push down the foot rest and had to wait for my husband to come home to help me. I didn't have any place to lay down my child so I could roll over and get up. In all honesty, it was quite funny, but remember those little things when you're recovering from a c-section.

As for scarring, I think any kind of lotion is beneficial. Some work better than others, but I think it's all dependent on the person. Find something you like and stick with it.

Best of luck!



answers from Odessa on

I had a C-section with both of my boys. My first was 12 days past my due date. I was induced and after 13 hours with no progress, the doctor told me the only way the baby was coming out was by C-section. I kind of went in and out of realizing what was going on. I had had an epidural 9 hours into the induction and I don't know what they did as far as spinal block or epidural. With my second one, I was due April 21st and I had a C-section scheduled for April 13th, but I went into labor on April 5th. My doctor had scheduled the C-section to prevent me from going into labor because the risk of the uterus rupturing was greater if I went into labor. When I went into labor, I went into panic mode. The second child I do know they did a spinal block. I was sitting in the operating room when my anesthesiologist gave me the spinal block. This time I was much more aware of my surroundings. I was more aware of the smells in the room (try not to smell). I was more aware of the sensations of the the doctor working on me (they told me I would feel the pressure of the doctor pushing under my breast to push the baby down so he could pull him out). My husband watched the process the first time, but the second time he kept his face by mine and kept talking to me and holding my hand. As far as recovery goes, my friend said she didn't ever take pain medication because she is allergic. I thought if she can do it without pain meds, I can too. I waited until I was bawling and in immense pain before I surrendered to allowing the nurse to give me pain medication. Later I found out that my friend did not take pain medication, but she did take Tylenol every 3-4 hours. Maybe if I had done that I wouldn't have had to resort to the pain medication. However, I filled a prescription for pain meds after I left the hospital, but never took the first one. You have to understand, you are having your belly sliced in half and there will be pain in recovery. You shouldn't expect to be running marathons the next week. As far as bonding, I was a little disappointed to not be able to breastfeed immediately because I went to recovery and he went to get a bath and be monitored. My husband was able to give each of them their first bottle and the next time they were supposed to be fed, they were brought to me. As far as sex, both times we waited until after the 6 week checkup and were given the go ahead. As far as exercising goes, I walked as much as possible (fresh air works wonders for the attitude). About the scar, My first incision was almost invisible by the time my second c-section came around. Things to pack - pack your bag now! I didn't get my bag packed before baby #2 because I wasn't expecting him so early. As a result, I had to rely on my husband to search through my stuff and he wound up not bringing what I wanted. Pack some nice pajamas that you will be comfortable walking around the hospital in and some house shoes that are easy to get on and off. Pack the clothes you want to wear when you leave the hospital as well as clothes for the baby to leave the hospital in. Plus any toiletries you need (contact lens solution and case, makeup, shampoo, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste). The baby book for visitors to sign. Thank you cards, envelopes and stamps. As for things I would do different, cherish the time you have with your newborn, before you know it, they are walking and talking. Another thing I would do different is that my child had a touch of jaundice. They told me that before they released us. Knowing now what we had to go through that first week, I would have stayed at the hospital a little longer to avoid having to go back every day for a week to have his foot pricked to have his bilirubin levels tested. I was more interested in getting home with my baby. I know I have written alot, maybe more than you wanted to know, but I tried to answer all your questions. I wish you many blessings in your delivery and I pray everything goes well.



answers from Austin on

hey hun, u most likely will not be awake for the surgery. Most doctors prefer you to be out so expect to be out for a couple of hrs. When i had my c-section, my husband was supposed to be there wth me but because of an unseen complication with my daughter and i, he was left out in the hall way. my precedure only took about 5-10 min, start to finish. For about the first 5 or 6 hrs after the surgery, the nurses will come in and change out the pad under you in between ur legs every 1 1/2. it hurts but dont struggle against them like i did it hurts more.The recovery is slow and it hurts like hell when u first start to move but it get better the more u move, trust me dont be stubborn or anything like that about moving b/c of the pain. they will give you this little handle to hold with a button on top to push any time u are in pain. its basically a shot straight into you IV.U can only push it like every 10 mins. you get that ur first day. after that u are given hydrocodone pills every 5-6 hrs. they also give a RX to take home.the bonding is wonderful. Im still my daughters favorite person except at night night time. She needs her daddy for that. I didnt have sex for 2 weeks after the manditory 6 weeks the doctor tells u about. I had some seepage problems where they took out the staples( they dont do stiches anymore) but doctor said that was normal. The scar is still there and yes it is very visable to u and ur hubby, but they do what is called a bikini cut now where they cut u right above ur pubic hairline. Go buy the extra big pads so that while u bleed u dont have to get up as often to change it out. I would do next to nothing different except the struggling with the nurses. also go buy you some aloe enriched socks in the foot asle at any walmart. they help you swelling in you feet go down faster. i had genereal anestheia. well i think that is all that you asked for and that i could remember. I hope it goes well. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!



answers from Houston on

First, do not freak out. I do not know your health but it is not bad. I had a spinal block. As for medication, they gave me some pain medicine thru my iv for the first 24 hrs and then I started taking pain pills along with stool softeners.

I think I stayed on the pain medicine for about a week after the surgery.

The nurses at the hospital suggested that I start to walk ASAP. They said it would help in my recovery. I did and I think that is why I had no issues. Also, I think that is why all of my 40 lbs I had gain was gone in 12 weeks.

The day after surgery I started walking the floor once a day at the hospital. When I say walking I mean shuffling my feet. I continued doing this everyday for about 20 to 30 min outside until my 6 weeks appointment with the Dr. At that time, she said I could start working out, but if something hurt to take a step back and ease into it. I was back to running 3 miles by 3.5 months. I am now training for the marathon and I just had a csection 9 months ago.

At first, you are sore and you need to take it slow when sitting and standing. Also, laughing hurts a little. Just take it easy. Be sure you have some help with the children and baby.

As for the scar, my dr. did a nice straight line very very low. It was a big cut b/c I had a 10 lb baby but overtime it has gotten very small. I still have it but according to my friends it will get smaller as time goes on.

I do not remember the first time with my husband after everything. I do know it was after my 6 wks visit to the Dr. I do remember I was nervous but everything went back to normal.

As for the surgery, they did not let my husband in until they were actually taking my daughter out. But...I do not recall hearing any noises. I was pretty drugged. It actually is funny. I asked them if we could turn on the radio, 104.1. Once they turned on the radio, I started singing to Fergie. I was so nervous. You are probably wondering how old I am, 32.

I hope I have calmed your nerves. I am looking forward to having my second in a few years and I tell you I am looking forward to knowing when I will be delivering and that the recovery is not bad as long as you follow dr.'s orders.



answers from Houston on

Both my babies were C-sections, so I've definitely been there! So let's see . . . my husband was there by my side both times. I got a shot in the spine - epidural? All those names confuse me. With the first one it made me sick to my stomach, so be aware of that possibility. (There's usually someone there with a little bucket thing for you if you need it.) They lay you down, arms extended out, and hang a sheet up about at your neck so he doesn't have to look if he doesn't want to. Most of them try to keep talking to you so you're not really listening to any tools clinking or anything like that. After they get baby out, you go completely under (if you were awake) so they can put everything back together again while papa takes baby to get cleaned and measured and shown off. Recovery is rough - some things to remember: if you have to potty, go! Your muscles have been tested during this and you just can't hold it like you used to! (It will get better, but don't push it.) Rock in the rocking chair as much as possible to help healing. When you stand up, consciously use your legs instead of your ab muscles. I had to firmly plant my feet, take a deep breath, then push up with my thighs and hands at the same time. I only mastered this with my second baby and the first was miserable!! Oh I also discovered everything I did while in bed was easier and more comfortable if I had a pillow under my knees. As far as bonding with my babies, Daddy had to do a lot of the work at first - changing diapers, handing them to me, etc. But I tried to keep them in someone's arms as much as possible. We had no trouble at all bonding with either one of them. I stayed in the hospital about 4 days, and was on pain medication for about another 4 days after coming home. So figure on taking it super easy for about two weeks.

As for resuming normal activities afterward, we waited about 5 weeks, but probably should have waited longer. It'll depend on how you heal. The scar is nothing - I can't see either one of mine. The first they put about at the hariline down there, and the second they shaved a little bit and put it a little lower. So I don't see either one of them at all. You do want to watch out for ingrown hairs, though, under that tape. It's going to have to be pulled off, too, so I recommend soaking them off - it hurts if you don't!! Try baby oil, a wet rag, long bath, all those tricks.

Packing your bag isn't really much different. Be sure you have a good bra and nursing pads if you'll be nursing. I love the Lansinoh, so have a tube of that, too, again, if you'll be nursing. A good pair of slippers or non-slip socks so you can walk around and heal up - you'll need to walk around as much as possible, and those floors are cold! Something very loose in the waist to wear home - maybe a smaller size maternity clothing. I would stay away from pants with a belly panel because that seem rubs right on the scar! Maybe a loose fitting dress. You don't really have to worry much about having plenty of underwear - they give you those "high fashion" (HA!) mesh ones to hold onto the gauze and all that at the incision. Obviously a bruch, toothbrush, cameras, phones, CHARGERS, all the standard stuff - I know you've been through this before! You don't really need anything special for the surgery because the hospital gives you what you need.

Best of luck with your new baby and surgery! Don't worry - it's not that bad at all. :)



answers from Austin on

My, a lot of questions. I will try to answer in a million words or less, LOL.

Well, I have had two previous c-sections. Both were very different but I honestly milked the first one and suffered because of it!!

First one: spinal (took about 12+ hours to get the feeling back in my legs so I didn't get out of bed right away. Saw my baby about 1 hour after surgery. Nurses kept wanting me to "get some sleep" and INSISTED on me leaving my baby in the hospital nursery instead of my room most of the time. I also didn't get up and walk right away (again, because I couldn't feel my legs) and this really slowed my recovery. Then, when I did get up and walk, I was being a sissy about it and wouldn't stand up straight, yes it tugs a little, but the stitches are not going to "rip open" from you walking in the hospital hallways!! You can't eat until you "pass gas" due to the surgery, the walking helps move things along. Needless to say, I didn't get to eat until day 4, very hungery and miserable!!! I had 4 days in the hospital (my husband was there the entire time....during football season....sleeping- or rather watching the games in my room all day and night) DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN, TRUST ME! Then after getting home, the recovery was about 4 weeks before I felt good, although the doctor does restrict your activities for 8 weeks. No sex for 6 weeks, same as a vaginal delivery.

The second one:
Saw baby about 1 hour post surgery. Spinal again, but felt my legs about 2 hours post surgery. Got up and walked up and down hallways standing straight up (don't over due it) as soon as I could feel my legs and was able to eat a nice turkey sandwich about 5 hours post surgery (from working things out..) Took all my meds instead of trying to tough it out!!! Disregarded the nurses advice on the baby in the nursery thing. Co-slept with baby in the bed (they didn't like it but I slept better and so did she). NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO SPEND THE NIGHT IN MY ROOM EXCEPT ME AND BABY!!! Got up and walked often and limited my visitors. No visitors the first day, scheduled them the rest of the days, how long and who!! Much better, more peacful, less stress. I did get an extra day in the hospital, but she had jaundice. Recovery was much quicker at home (walking in the hospital helped BIG TIME!) I felt great at home by day two (but the doctors restrictions are still the same, 8 weeks) and no sex for 6 weeks.
The scar from the first one was replaced by the scar from the second one. Couldn't see either one. They are very low and just below the hair line, so it's not noticable. No "cutting noises" and nothing really scary. Lots of pressure during the proceedure, but that's it. After baby is born, they get wisked off to the nursery for a check up and dad usually follows. Then, you stay on the table for a while to stitch things up and clean everything, then off to recovery for an hour or so (for general it's probably longer). Take advantage of the free use of the breast pump in the hospital if you need it, if not, they will give you copious amounts of formula!!

This is your 4th child, so take advantage of the "limited visitors" thing and enjoy your new one. Walk standing as straight up as you can every time. Take your meds when they are due! TOOT as soon as you can so you can eat!

Everyone is different in the way they react to surgery and recovery, but if you just get up and walk around it really does make a big difference, especially in your general overall attitude after surgery.

Good luck and congradulations!! Welcome to the zipper club!!



answers from Austin on

you'll be fine! I have had 2 c-sections, both under general anesthesia. If they do have to put you to sleep they might not let your husband in the OR, so be sure to ask that ahead of time.
I don't have anything else to compare it to, but overall I think it went very well for me. I felt a lot better than my friends who had stitches in their episiotomies! (sp?) after my first baby, they put me in an abdominal binder (similar to a big ace bandage with velcro that goes around your belly)---that really helped me to feel better with that support on my incision. I didn't get that the second time, but for some reason, I didn't miss it. I would recommend walking/staying as active as your doctor allows during your seems to me that women who stay relatively active do better than those who don't or who are on bedrest.

best of luck!



answers from Austin on

My C-Sections were quite some time ago..... but they weren't anyway near as bad as I imagined they would be. My first child was natural birth...but had to be turned with foreceps as she was head down..but facing the wrong way. My second daughter went on a sit down strike.. so we scheduled her C-Section... knowing there way no way she could get out other wise.... and everyone told me how wonderful it would be to have everything all planned.... do my nails my hair etc.. and go it.......but she had other ideas on that too.. I went in to labor...and to the hospital we went... Had my first one been the C Section my husband would not have been able to join me..but rules had changed in the 2 1/2 years between them... so he was standing at my head... We had a mirror.. so we were able to see her as soon as she was delivered... I was awake and they brought her up to snuggle right away. I am sure it took me a little longer to recouperate from the C-Section than the normal birth...but not much.. I know I shocked my Aunt because when she came over to see the baby when she was just a few days old.. I was sitting on the floor while my Grandmother held the baby.. and my aunt (who is a nurse) was amazed that I could get up and down off the floor so easily....

The scar was really low and certainly never showed in anything I would wear... I think they call them a bikini cut.. and I would never wear a bikini that low.

I don't remember my second C section being any worse than my first...even though I then had the other two young children a home.. Just didn't do any lifting.. If my 22 month old wanted to be with me.. I sat down and she sat beside me.

The stitches were the dissolving type.. which was nice....

Hope that helps some what.. should you have any more questions feel free to contact me at I said before my c-sections were years ago.




answers from San Antonio on

Hi L.,

I had my one and only by emergency c-section and I was like you nervous, scared, didn't know what to expect fear of the unknown. I remember entering the operating room in a wheelchair and I was trembling with fear. They asked me if I was cold and I said no, I'm just scared. The nurse hugged me and told me everything would be fine. I had the best antestheigiolist (sp?). She walked me through everything. You don't hear any cutting or anything like that. I think I had an epidural. Your husband enters the room after this procedure and he stays with you the entire time. It's up to him if he wants to look or not, but they have a huge sheet between your head and your belly. My husband chose to look and did not freak out at all. After surgery, you'll be groggy and will want to fall asleep. So, relax sleep it off. The following day you will feel the pain. It is excutiating pain. I don't know what child birth feels like, but you can not be without your pain medication. They gave me Vicadin and you have to take it as often as your doctor tells you not sooner not later. Make sure the nurses give it to you when it is time. My first shift nurses missed my dose and boy was I in pain. You shouldn't feel too much pain if you take the pain meds. This medication was safe while I breast fed. It does take somewhere between 8-12 weeks to heal. You can not walk up and down stairs the first two weeks. You can not lift anything heavier than your baby. You can not drive the first two weeks or three weeks. Just stay at home take it easy with your maternity gown the first two weeks. While taking the pain medication and as you start healing you will feel like you can do anything, but you have to keep reminding yourself that you've just had a major operation. Walk very slowly this helps you heal faster. You will have to stay in the hospital for the first 3 days. My scar is right below the hair line and is about 3 inches. So, you can't see it at all! I know my thoughts have been all over the place, my surgery was in 2004. So, it's hard to remember all the details. If you want, you can keep a journal of your experience so that you won't forget it. I did not have any problems bonding with my baby, but I do remember not knowing what to do since she is my one and only. But, since this is your fourth I'm sure you know exactly what to do. Pack your maternity gown, you may need to walk up and down the hallway. You will be able to take showers. All the vaginal bleeding afterwards freaked me out, I knew there was bleeding, but I didn't know it was that much. I'm sure you know about that. I can't think of anything else.

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

I'll be praying for you on Monday!




answers from Houston on

I had a c-section with both of my boys. They are now 5 & 1/2. I would not change a thing. My first one was a little rough and took a little longer to recover. My second one was easy breezy. I had a spinal block with both and was up walking around that same evening. There was no problem with bonding and I was not able to breast feed either of my boys. Sex & excercise was about 8 weeks after the c-section and was a little uncomfortable the 1st time after each, but not bad. A lot of it is not over doing it. My biggest suggestion is if someone can help you with tasks like laundry, sweeping, vaccuuming, mopping, etc, anything with push pull movement would be really helpful. Those are the things that can pull your incision afterwards. The scar is not bad, its a bikini cut from hip bone to hip bone. Mine is barely visible & I was cut in the exact same spot twice. Bleeding afterwards is not near as bad as with a vaginal birth, you bleed alot less because they clean your parts after the c-section. I really hope this was helpful. & congratulations & good luck.



answers from Odessa on

I have had two c-sections, the first an emergency section... the second one was planned. I was actually relieved that I knew what to expect the 2nd time around, so I can appreciate your anxiety. I had an epidural with both births and welcomed the first, more than the second (I was in labor the first time, the second not so). Both times I was awake, but relaxed from the meds they gave me. They put up a shield to where I couldnt see the incision and I heard nothing. My doctor and I have a great relationship and he kept me distracted by telling me what he was doing and what to expect. My husband is also a physician, so he wasnt freaked out by any of the situations. The afterwards pain, was tough at first, but I was determined it wasnt going to get me. I learned to raise the bed as high into a sitting position, then I was able to pull myself the rest of the way up. I was walking the very next morning; showering slowly, but moving around and it felt great. I would wash my hair the morning you go in so that you dont feel the need to do that the next day; but other than that, pack and everything else the same. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me and ask. Best wishes for your next blessing!!



answers from Austin on

Hi L.
I had a great C Section experience. I would definately do it again if given the choice - and I was planning on a home birth and the whole "natural" birth thing. My husband wasn't with me but my best friend was and it was a good thing I had a C because my daughter had the cord wrapped around her neck and she was breech. She had an Akbar score of 9 and did you know that it's actually been proven that children born from C's actually generally have higher IQ's!!! I felt sick afterwards - I had a spinal block but so what? I had a healthy baby and there as no problem bonding. There was a problem breastfeeding. My milk never came in properly, but you know what? That's life. Recovery was no big deal. Sure it hurt a little bit but it wasn't anything major and I was out of the house taking a walk with my new baby and husband 2 weeks later. The scar was a bikini line scar and although wasn't a big deal in itself it was numb - which was kinda weird - for quite awhile. I was awake during the whole proceedure and found it very rewarding to be awake. It was amazing to see my baby being taken out of me and given to me, while having no pain whatsoever. Woo Hoo! I would say I couldn't have wished for a more beautiful birth experience. Have fun and enjoy it for what it is. At the end of the whole thing you'll have a beautiful baby to enjoy and love and that's the main thing!



answers from Houston on

Don't get yourself too freaked out. It's not as bad as you think.

I ended up having an emergency c-section a couple of years ago and have one planned that is coming up in March 2009. My husband did get a little freaked out during surgery when he smelled the burning smell but I was so out of it, I thought someone was microwaving food. The epidural I was given gave me the shakes so that also freaked my husband a little because I was shaking all through surgery. At least we know what to expect this time so I'm sure he won't be as freaked out.

The one thing that helped me a lot was this belt that I had heard about. After having the surgery, your stomach may be swollen and it hurts to laugh, cough, or even turn over in bed. I got this belt that is about $25 (about 10 inches wide or so) and wore it when I came home from the hospital. It really helped me a lot and didn't make moving around as painful. I was walking up and down the stairs my first day home from the hospital and my doctor said to make sure I stayed busy during my pregnancy because it really does make recovery a lot easier.
Sometimes the hospital will provide you with that velco belt (my sister in law was given one at the same hospital where I delivered a few months later) but I had to go get one on my own. I just saw it at Motherhood Maternity the other day for I think $24. My husband picked mine up at a store in the village where they sell all types of pregnancy and new mom things. Sorry I forgot the name of the store.

I did have really bad pain the first few days because it is an adjustment. When you sit down, try not to sit down in a chair that is too deep because I found it really hurt to get up then. When you try to get out of bed, roll over on your side, put your legs over the side of the bed and push up with your arms. It helps your midsection not strain.

The scar is not as bad as I would have though. I did find out about 6 months later that I am prone to getting keloids. That is basically where my skin is a little swollen and slightly painful in the scar area. My doctor said that now we are aware of it, she can inject something before my next surgery to help prevent that from happening again. My keloid is a little painful and very itchy, even 2 years after my initial c-section.

I hope this info isn't overkill since you have received a ton of replies. If you have any questions or want to know about something in particular, feel free to email me and I will answer any questions you have.

Good luck and congrats on the upcoming arrival of your little one.




answers from San Antonio on

I had 2 c-sections and the second one was by choice. Both had to have general anthesthisia(sp?). The first one I was so sleepy it took to me 3-4 hours to wake up enough to see the baby. I mentioned that to the anethisiologist the second time around and I was awake and talking on the phone in about 1 1/2 hours. The incision line is so fine they had a hard time finding it for the second surgery. It is at the bikini line. They put staples for both sections and they come out before you go home not much pain with them coming out and I think that is what helps make a pretty line/scar. I'm not going to lie the hardest thing about the c-section is the GAS pains after. Ask them for something before the section and be careful about you eat in those last 24-36 hours before surgery that will help ALOT! If you are in alot of pain from gas they recommend hot prune juice or an enema believe me they work! My husband chose not to go in and they said since I was doing general anethesia they usually don't have the father go in that was '84 and '86. I was in the hospital for 4 days. You will be incapacitated for 6 weeks. Nothing heavier than the baby are you allowed to lift, no driving, no sex, no heavy house cleaning, or staying on your feet for long periods, and no exercise. I hope this has helped I realize some of my inforamation is old school but it still gives you some idea. God Bless you.



answers from Houston on

I have had both general and epidural. Understand wanting to know. I hate the unknown.

I had a general the first time because my health was in really bad shape and everything had to go so quickly. If we had not we probably would have lost our oldest son. With general I felt like I got hit by a mack truck. But I was cut from navel down so not a good comparision. Also, I personally do not come out of surgery very well. I have had four in the last five years.

I have had one epidural and was scared to death. I really wanted to do general but I wanted my husband in there for the birth of our second. He was not allowed in the first one. It was not bad at all I thought. You feel some tugging as they pull the baby out and my anesthesiolist was great! They talked to me throughout the entire thing. Also, you might get nausious and they have meds for that also. You just need to let them know. I did not though but I have had friends that did. Welled off to recovery they kept the epidural in for 24 hours which I did not like, because I could not get up at that point. You need to lay flat on your back I think so you don't get a really bad headache.

I have seriouse health issues so I was in recovery for two days and then put down with the rest of the new mommies. They also let you control your meds through your IV so you can control how much pain you are in. I did not use the pump at all in the epidural but with general I did. You will also be expected to be up and moving asap. That is good don't fight it you will recover faster the more you move.

No lifting so if I would have my oldest crawl in my lap so he did not feel excluded. ALso your scar will be at the top of your pubic hair or under it. They will shave you there also and yes it is itchy when it grows back in.

With both of mine they gave me a large wrap type thing that went around my stomach which was awsume support. My tummy felt much better wearing it than not.

I was back at working out about 2 months after and sex when I stopped bleeding. I think about 6 to 8 weeks but don't remember exactly.

I hope this helps.



answers from Houston on

Yes, my husband was with me, and nothing really freaked him out. They're too excited to get freaked out. When they were cutting me open, I could smell my skin burning, but I didn't know what the smell was until it was over. My advice for a great recovery is to WALK. I paced around the hospital room all day, and walked around the hospital with the baby. I recovered very easily and it was because I moved around. I did have vicodin and another pain meds to take home. You can have sex after about 6 weeks and the same with exercising. From what I understand the scar will always be there. It really doesn't bother me too much, sometimes it itches, but it is so low down that you really can't see it. I packed 3 bags and didn't use anything. I had an epidural and loved it! Good luck. I hope I answered everything.



answers from San Antonio on

You are starting off the right way by asking questions. The medical field has lots of experts but it is best to be informed to know what to ask!!!
My 2nd child was premature and I had to have a c-section with only one day notice. I did not feel pain but I was awake. I remember singing rock & roll with the anethesiologist and later my husband told me there was no radio on in the room-just me!! LOL So yes my husband was there. I had to stay in the hospital for 6 days and my child was in another hospital so I could not see her until I was released. I could not be released until my blood pressure went down. She was in the hospital 72 days total but that 1st day I saw her and talked to her, she responded to my voice so don't worry about the bonding issue.
The worst pain was sneezing/coughing. Put a pillow over your belly and hold it. I did take meds in the hospital but not at home-I have always heard you heal faster w/o them.
Pack a few things you can do while in the hospital-maybe thank you cards. Reading didn't work since I would fall asleep.
I was told not to drive for 3-4 weeks so you may want to have some help with the other children-also you won't be able to lift them. GET SOME HELP FOR A WEEK OR SO!
Listen to what the nurses tell you and take their advice but also ask questions.
I don't know what your insurance is but I would make sure that you can stay over night with a c-section. Don't rush out-your body will need rest and you won't get it at home with the little ones. Take one extra day for yourself.



answers from Beaumont on

I have had 2 c- sections and will be having another in April. I was awake. Yes my husband was with me and none it it freaked him out. They put up a cloth that covered anything gross. The majority of the cutting is done before he is even brought in. I had to go in by myself for the spinal which is fine cause everyone does their part to make you comfortable and ease your anxiety. Your husband gets the baby to bring to you cause you will not be a ble to hold him/her for a while. I promise you it is still just as joyous as a vaginal delivery. Unfortunately your recovery period is a little longer and a little more painful but really not all that bad. i'd say about a week I do not feel like going to many places but after that I was ready. I was given pain pills which I took cause I felt I needed them and it was safe for my children to be nursed, of course I had a friend who went back to work a week after hers and never took any of the pain meds at all . Just to show you the different extremes of how people handle things.
imediate bonding with your children depends on the hospital but most will allow it right away in recovery if you talk it out with them. MY first son I had to wait 4 hour to even see him cause the hospital was new and with my second it was different . I got him while in recovery and was able to nurse him right away.
Any way congrats and enjoy your upcoming bundle of joy



answers from College Station on

Hi L.,

Well I have two boys both were c-section,I do have a scar and I think mainly because I was heavy before and after,but I noticed with myself and others when you loose the weight it does shrink and the color does lighten. I did have an epidy and it was okay my mind was on the baby so much I wasnt thinking of anything else. Except lets get this done. lol..I was awake(groggy)but awake. You feel kinda like well like a board(lol)and you feel tugging on your stomach, but it does not hurt. My husband was there not alot of crazy noise or anything like that it seemed pretty calm and quiet until you heard the baby and beside your spouse saying honey honey its a boy! All I got was funny funny I was to groggy to really understand and I that he was saying our son was funny. LOL...Its not a bad experience. You might want to pack some socks just incase you get cold feet and a comfortable house robe. The time of recovery well I think it is always differnent do to your body healing power. It took 3 days in the hospital and a couple of weeks of soarness. When they put in staples after the procedure they will want to remove them and it does not hurt it feels like someone pinch your skin.
Sex, I waited about a month in a half, but I think it just depends on you and you will know when your ready. Well, I hope this helped. Congradulations and just remember its all going to be all right.



answers from Houston on


I have had 4 C-sections and it has all been fine. Of course, with all surgeries there is a concern, but with my experience it has been good. I had an epidural for two and I had general for two. With the epidural, I enjoyed being awake. My husband was in the room and quite enjoyed seeing the entire thing. The only thing I had an issue with was the smell of them clipping and burning my tubes. It was great. With the general...I was fine, no problems either. I would prefer being woke, but with one it was an emergency c-section, and the other - they had a hard time doing the epidural. anyway, recovery, get up and move. don't lie in bed. I usually get up the very next day (if not the same day) and walk, sit up, etc. I sit up in the bed on delivery day (if i can) and walk a lot, it will help the gas and make you heal faster. also, keep a pillow by your stomach for will hurt a little. at times, it even feels like you are going to bust your staples (when you laugh) _ but you won't. i have a high tolerance for pain, so i never took medicine after my c-section (i didn't hurt) but i don't know if it was b/c i had done it before or what. but, if you need pain med, take them early. bonding was, sex after 4 to 6 weeks. husband pushed 4, but doctor says 6. exercise after 6 as well. any other questions, you can email me at luck!!



answers from Houston on

i had my first c-section with my oldest daughter is 7 and i had her natural w/o any epidural. But as far as a c-section goes... it was horrible!! :) I had it all planned out this time around. I was going to exercise immediatley while i breast feed to get the weight off until i found out that i was having a c-section. I was woke for the procedure but they give u an epidureum so that you will be numb from the waist down. I couldn't feel a thing. I have a bikini cut so it isn't very noticeable. But omg the pain afterwards was a killer. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Once the numbness wears off is horrible. then u have a nurse come in every so often to press down on your stomach so that your uterus goes back in place and so that u pass gas(have a bm). I was on morphine shots which means u are going to be hooked up to an iv and have a button to push everytime you feel pain but if you push it to much the nurse has to come in with her key to adjust it so that u don't get to much. but the morphine mad me itch really really bad after awhile so i had to be given some benyhdril.u also will be given some ibeprohne. u will be hooked up to a catheter until the numbness wears off. i also had staples w/ the c-section.they removed them it was painless. the pain just really came after the numbness wore off. and man i was very uncomfortable and restless. well i hope this helps any more questions just ask.



answers from San Antonio on

I think that every woman's experience is going to be different. And I also think it is what each person makes of it. :) I tried to have my daughter didn't work. Ended up in a c-section...but because I had had abdominal surgery before...I was not too freaked out by it. I had an epidural during labor...and they just added an extra dose of it right before the c-section started. My husband watched everything...thought it was the coolest thing ever. My co-workers husband fainted at his child's I really think it depends on the man. My husband LOVES stuff like he thought it was great! :)

After the baby was FINALLY out (she didn't even want to come out with a c-section)...they cleaned her up...handed her to my husband...and he held her right by my face while they finished stitching me up and cleaning up everything. I was in there for a little while because they also did some maintainence on my endometriosis.

When I was wheeled back to my room my baby came with us...the nurse said that I could breastfeed her quickly if I wanted to. So with the help of my husband and the nurse (because my arms were still pretty numb) I nursed on both sides before they took her to the nursery to finish the routine baby stuff.

She was born at 11:06 pm...and I was up and walking before noon the next day. It wasn't the prettiest sight...and I was slow...but it was WAY faster and better than my other surgery...and they even cut along the same scar line.

Like the others said...get up and MOVE...even though it hurts. Anyone who has had ANY type of abdominal surgery will tell you that. If you just sit there and worry about the pain then you will end up causing yourself MORE pain and grief in the end. Moving helps keep it "loose" I guess...I don't just works.

Best wishes for a WONDERFUL birth experience!



answers from Houston on

10 Months ago I had my second child. The first was natural and easy, breezy, but this time to do Gestational Diabetes, I required a C-section. I am here to tell you, you need not worry at all. It was a wonderful experiance for us. Not only did we get to pick her Birthday (within reason), but it was a very pleasant experiance over all. I was awake and the doctors chatted and listened to music. Because of that part, my daughter actually has her own song, because the song "Brown Eyed Girl" was playing the moment she was born, which I thought was so neat. My hubby was with me and the surgical part did not bother him at all. All they do is make an incision with a blade so there are no scary noises, and you don't even see, feel, or know it's happening. My hubby thought it was very neat to get to see it for real. It is also fast, the whole thing takes about 45 minutes. This method is actually safer and less traumatic for the baby since there is no squeezing through the birth canal and these babies are actually prettier, because their heads have not been squished. LOL. Recovery was not near as bad as I expected. They give you good medication and I was up and around the first day. The sooner you're up and about, the better you feel, I promise. Also, the scare is right at your bikini line so you can't even see it in your bikini or even you're smallest, sexiest pair of panties. I know this is a lot of info., but I too was scared and dying for info. right before so let me just again tell you, it was a wonderful experiance. If I were to have another one, I would definitley go C-section again. Also, I had a regular Epidural and it worked like magic. Still concious, not groggy at all, and awake to experiance the whole thing completley pain free. Do not be afraid, it will be wonderful. Many, many blessings to you, your family, and your angel on the way!!!!

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