Hi I have had the same problem almost the whole winter. So have my two kids my daughter had it for three months!! We have all seen our doctor and he swears up and down its just a cold they can last for months. I have met so many people with the same issues and it appears this year just is one of the nastiest years for colds.You can get up to 8 in a season and they can run together.. Ugh! And yes it gets worse at home. When your home you slow down even just a little bit and being indoors its just enough to let the mucus begin to build up and symptyoms to start. I only got my sore throats just before bed and by mid morning rushing around my throat felt better. By day I had the stuffy head and headache though. Its miserable. I am just now starting to feel better after two months! I guess its your bodies psycological defense to get you through the day. A good way to tell if it really is allergies is if your eyes are itchy and watery, and if your sneezy. Hang in there! Its a duzzy but it does go away...someday! Its funny we got a new puppy two months ago and I was so amazed his poop did not smell!....until yesterday! Yuck its rank! It never dawned on me that my cold could have been preventing me from smelling it! I miss that part! Lucky for me he goes way out in the yard. I hope you feel well soon! Emergen-C works great! They have it at Raleys or safeway! Take care!