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The more attention you give your son/child when he is having his temper tantrums - the more he will do it. When he screams, tell him that is not acceptable behavior and he will NOT get his way when he screams. And STICK to it. Consistency counts.
Get a mommy's helper if you get stuck on bed rest to help deal with your son during the day while your husband is at work. If you can afford it - put him in day care during the day to get him socialized and allow you to rest and take care of yourself.
Understand this - it is true....Ignore his temper tantrums. He does it for attention. The more attention he gets. The more he'll do it. You can tell him to use his BIG BOY words. "I understand you are upset. Mommy cannot help you when you are having a temper tantrum." Don't make it too long. Use the KISS method (Keep it Simple Silly).