Advent Calendar Ideas for 7 and 5 Year Old

Updated on November 30, 2012
S.G. asks from Fort Eustis, VA
4 answers

Hi moms,
Tonight is the night for us to get our advent calendar ready to roll. What are some of your favorite things to put in your Calendar? We have done candy, this year we will offer a little money, and we use slips of paper for activities like "Let's drive around and look at Christmas lights" and "Let's make Christmas cookies today!"
What kinds of ideas could I use this year? We like to focus on time together and special activites that will keep us all in the Christmas spirit.

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answers from Sacramento on

one year i found a tiny santa jingle bell xmas ornament with my sons name on it (at a hallmark store) and he loved that. I also made some cute little finger puppets. I used a wooden display cupboard that a friend used to use for her shot glass collection, so it has little cubbies that work just perfect for a calendar, even though it's a bit large!my son also collects fossils, so i would put at least one of those in too. good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I'm doing an activity advent calendar with my 3 and 4.5 year old. This week we are making wreath ornaments, paper stockings, and poinsettia. We also will write to Santa, have a special lunch out, etc.

The 13th is national cocoa day, so we will have hot chocolate. One day we will just dance to Xmas music, another we will make a cookie house. Of course we will make snow flakes and jingle bracelets, cards to send to friends, etc.



answers from San Francisco on

"Let's sing Christmas songs"
"Let's go ice skating"
"Let's bake xmas cookies and take them to the local convalescent hospital."

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