Adult Ear "Issues"

Updated on April 19, 2008
S.S. asks from Waterford, MI
14 answers

OK, moms, I have been watching advice for children with ear infections, etc. Here is a weird one for you - I have ear wax drainage! (MY EAR IS NOT CLOGGED.) Just my right ear. It is seriously annoying. Every morning when I wake up there is a pool of liquid in my ear and it causes a seal/pop effect while I am sleeping. Has anyone faced or heard of such a thing and what did you do? I don't have infection, I take supplements that make sure of that; but, my doctor (who is very good)keeps putting me on ear drops. Then it comes back a week or two later. UGH! I am tired of sticking kleenex in my ear! Thanks for any advice!

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So What Happened?

What happened? After much thought (and a little fear) you encouraged me to schedule an appointment with a ENT doctor. The appointment was yesterday. They actually vacuumed my ears outs! Weird. They they told me to NEVER put anything in my ear. They gave me ear drops for the infection (my drainage was a sign of infection) and assured me that this would clear up. I will let you know if the drops work. Heaven knows I have been down this road enough to be nervous!

Thanks for all of your advice!


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answers from Detroit on

Go to a health food store and ask about "ear candling". It is suppose to be very soothing for the ear, and it clears out anything that is clogged in there. I haven't tried it myself, but I have heard that it is great.

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answers from Saginaw on

I don't know what this will do for you, but I know of two home treatments for ear issues that may help.

Slice a fresh clove of garlic into a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, and warm it gently just until you can smell the garlic. Remove the garlic from the oil, and let it cool to room temperature. Put a couple of drops into your ear while it's pointed at the ceiling and let it sit there for, well, as long as you can stand it... like a minute or two. Then point your ear at the floor, with a tissue to catch the oil that seeps out for about a minute. The garlic kills all kinds of viruses and bacteria, and the oil can rinse out ear wax that is a problem. It may just be that the glands that clean the ear are partly blocked or something is irritating them, so a little wash-out might be all that's necessary.

Alternatively, every morning standing in the shower, cup your hand around your ear, and point it at the spray... hold your head so the water stays inside for a while, then tip it out to drain it.

It sounds like swimmers ear to me, and both of these treatments I've read recommended for that.

If that doesn't work, try a little bit of cotton wool in your ear, instead of the tissue -- less obtrusive and not as noisy for you.

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answers from Kalamazoo on

Hi, S.. You didn't mention whether your Doctor was an E.N.T. or a General Doc. If you haven't been to an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor, I strongly recommend it. One saved me from chronic sinusitis. What works for me and the E.N.T. approves, is placing peroxide in my ear once a week. I take a Dixie cup, bend it to form a lip and pour in enough peroxide to fill both ears. Have a towel handy for over flow. You will actually hear and feel the wax disolving. At first it was creepy but now I love it! (sick, I know) When the noise ends I let the excess run out on to the towel, flip over and do the other ear. It works like a charm. As I have aged I have noticed that my ears produced more wax. The "drops" didn't work for me either. This method is safe, easy and inexpensive. Let me know if you try it and if it works for you. BUT, I would see a E.N.T. FIRST, as stated above. We are turning into pen pals! Take special care. Denise.

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answers from Kalamazoo on

I see people already suggested it, but I would try the ear wax candles.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

About the ear drainage issue.... have you tried ear cones? I am not sure if that is what they are called, but you can buy them at most health food stores & I am surprized if you haven't heard of them. They look like long thin cones, made of a type of fabric and beeswax I believe. You put them in your ear and actually light the end with a match! (Ok now everyone is laughing!) Seriously, these work. The tiny burn at the other end of the cone, creates a light suction action and brings everything in your ear, up into the cone! Relieves any type of pressure. Works wonders.

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answers from Detroit on

Hi S.,
Yes i know what your talking about I've had the same thing going on with me for the last 2 yrs or so. My doctor would give me ear drops to and would make it go away for a few days. But about a month ago i went to get my allergy shot from my allergist and he asked how i was doing. I told him my ear was blocked but still draining and had a slight cold comming on. He looked into my ear and said i had some type of fungus in there. I really don't remember what he said the name of it was but he gave me a script for Cortisporin Ointment to put in my ear. Low and behold within 3 days my ear cleared up and has stayed clear since. What a releif it is to sleep with out the seal-popping anymore. Hope this helps you out.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi, I am an audiologist and it sounds like your condition has lingered for quite some time, and the eardrops are not cutting it. It sounds like you may need to see and ENT/otolaryngologist (an Ear Nose and Throat specialist)rather than your PCP. You may need to go on antihistamines to dry it up or something. I would not contiue to infinitely put eardrops in...this can lead to other issues.
Hope that help,

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answers from Grand Rapids on

I'm an audiologist and I work in an ENT office. I would never recommend "ear candling" It does not provide and real benefits, although it may feel good due to the warm air flowing in the ear, it does not get rid of anything that is built up in the ear, no matter what anyone says. If they were to go to a physican's office before and after using one they would be told that there was no difference in what was seen inside their ear canal. Also I never think it is a good idea to light a "candle" and hold the flame close to your head or allow wax to possbily drip down into your ear. Usually you Dr would be good for providing drops or clearing wax however if this is an ongoing problem you should see and ENT doctor. They deal with this every day and many ways to treat ear problems that your regular doctor does not have available to them. It may not be wax but an infection or fluid in your middle ear. Good luck.

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answers from Detroit on

My husband just had his ears flushed out by his doctor. He used drops that softened the wax and made it start dripping out ahead of time and then they squirted water using a weird syringe type thing to flush all the water out. The doctor then reccomended that he use hydrogen peroxide before taking a shower to keep the build up to a minimum. The hydrogen peroxide is supposed to flush out the wax in a similar manner that the syringe thing did. I would get a second opinion from a different doctor though....Good Luck!



answers from Detroit on

Oh dear Lord, S., yes! I understand! My experience was a bit different, but VERY similar. I went to the health food store (NOT like GNC, but a real health store with vitamins, homeopathics, etc.) and bought ear wax candles. My husband gave me a couple different treatments and I got significant relief. After that, I pulled back on my processed foods; breads, crackers, snacks, or even meals, with white flour/processed flour and sugar. I have incorporated more fresh fruits and vegetables (even pulling back on dairy) and drink 10 cups of water each day. It is GONE. Once in a while I get a build up of wax, but I can usually see that my recent diet had gone a little nutso and I clean it up again. It's just managing the diet. I have even done the same with the kids and we have seen SIGNIFICANT relief with pimples, ear wax, sleeplessness and (here's the big one) ADD & ADHD! Processed foods really send our system wacko because our bodies identify them as unnatural and foreign, therefore, building defenses against what we consume, receiving no nutrients, and ultimately, breaking down. It's not easy in this day and age, but well worth it. Good luck and God bless you and your family.



answers from Benton Harbor on

Please, please, please, please....DON'T put a candle in your ear! This is just insane! Go back to the doc, or find another one. You could have a perforated membrane or another underlying issue. I know people swear by the 'ear candle' but think about the logistics behind's the most ridiculous thing you can do...not to mention it's not the safest thing in the world!




answers from Detroit on

You might want to try for your answer this site has alot of good advice for medical questions...this is the site I am on all the time reading about some kind of medical problem good luck



answers from Detroit on

I actually had the same issue. My ear would drain a lot at night & all during the day. I thought something had to be seriously wrong. It was not thick like reg. earwax. It lasted about a year. Now it is much less, but still gets drainage, or even dried crusty "wax". I sometimes would put rubbing alcohol on my Q-tip to help dry it out. It still gets really itchy, so no real solution for you, just letting you know I've had the same issue. Someone told me it was because I take a lot of baths & water gets in my ear. ?



answers from Saginaw on

Be careful with excess drops. My dad had a similar proglem and ended up with a severe fungal infection in his ear. Of course it was uncomfortable, feeling like something was in there, so he syringed it often. Between that and the drops the constant mositure in there allowed a fungal infection to occur. He went to an ear/nose/throat doc and got a antifungal oral med and it took about 6 weeks to totally clear. After that the doc told him to use only mineral oil when he felt they were dry. Ears are precious. I'd check out an ear/nose/throat doc if I were you. They work with ears every day and get get you fixed up in no time. If you do, let us all know what you found out please. And/or if you find something else that works, let us know.

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