Mine were removed when I was about 9, they also were very enlarged. They also pulled 4 permanent teeth and 4 baby teeth. 8 painful holes in my mouth was the worst part of having my adenoids removed!
how old where your kids when they had their adnoids taken out. my 5 year old daughter is going in for xrays to see they are inlarged. she snores at night and her tonsils are not inlarged. her dr asked if she stops breathing at night and i said i have no idea to be honest. she has a lot of fluid in her ears but no infection. if her adnoids are large they will send her for a sleep study (oh fun). im not overly worried yet.. may change if she needs sergery.. but i want to educate myself on this so i can help to explain it to her and try to not make her scared.
my husband had his adnoids and tonsils taken out at 5-6 years old. but im looking to see what your moms experiences are with your children ;)
got called back by my daughters dr xrays show inlarged adenoid in her throat so now we going to see the ent ;) now im getting anxious because i feel its one step closure to surgery and that scares me even though i know its for the better and i know she will be in the best hospital in our area.
thank you all for the wonderful advice. yes her pedi and i talked about it at her 5 year appt yesterday. if her xrays come back that they are inlarged then we will be sent to a pedi ent. it would have to be done quickly because we move the first week of july ;). it will be her first surgery and i guess im just worried :)
Mine were removed when I was about 9, they also were very enlarged. They also pulled 4 permanent teeth and 4 baby teeth. 8 painful holes in my mouth was the worst part of having my adenoids removed!
My son has enlarged tonsils and adenoids... Also, fluid in his ear, no infection either.. He is scheduled for surgery June 1st.. He's getting tubes put in his ear, then his adenoids and tonsils removed.. He's 5.5.....
Having fluid in the ears can cause potential harm with speech in the future.. My son constantly was saying "what".... I thought it was selective hearing but apparently I was wrong...
I'm not super concerned about the surgery because everyone I've talked to, says their kids where night and day after the surgery.. I am, however, nervous about him going under. Just because I'm his mom... I heard days 5-7 can be very painful for them.... Good luck!!!
My son had his adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears at 13 months old. This stopped the ear infections and quieted the snoring somewhat. He has very large tonsils, and he is mildly apneic (stops breathing at times while sleeping). The ENT plans to remove his tonsils when he is 3, the earliest he will do the surgery if the tonsils don't obstruct the airway. If your daughter is not unusually sleepy or not acting herself during the day, chances are that she is getting enough oxygen to her brain and sleeping well at night. Is it her pediatrician giving this advice or an ENT?
3 years old. My DD always had colds, snored horribly, didn't eat (horrible weight loss), and we thought she had mild food allergies. Her life has changed- hardly any colds, gaining weight, no snoring. The general anesthesia stressed me out. She came out if it thrashing and screaming- lasted for about 20 min. I wasn't prepared for that. She was under for maybe 15 min. Recovery, super easy. She was eating chips a couple of hours later. This was the best thing we could have done for her.
My son had adnoids and tonisls out right before his 5th birthday. He had multiple ear infections and tonisilitis and snored very loudly and would stop breathing. They did not require a sleep study, but I guess my son had so many other factore that it really didnt matter. I was terrified about the surgery but it all went very well. All kids are different. My son took serveral days, almost a week to bounce back, but my cousins daughter was fin 48 hours later.
My son had them out at age 3. He snored loudly and wasn't hearing well (we didn't realize his hearing was bad though--he had lots of fluid too). The ENT first looked at him and told us he didn't think the adenoids were that big. he took an xray and came back and said they were the biggest he has seen in a long time. No sleep study, just took them out. The thing I wish is that I had pushed them to take the tonsils too while he was in there. The ENT said they weren't that large, but he said the same thing about the adenoids at first too. My son still snores, his speech still sounds like he has a gob of snot in the back of his throat and I still believe that the tonsils need to come out. I haven't convinced an ENT to do it yet. Plus, the recovery after the adenoids was not fun, and I wish that he could have done the tonsil recovery at the same time, instead of at age 6 when he knows more. He was cranky and miserable for about 3 days. The plus is that he does hear fine now. My advise- if they put her under for the adenoids, insist they do the tonsils too.
My son had huge tonsils that had become an obstruction.
They were not infected, they were just big to the point where they almost blocked his throat.
We had his tonsils and adenoids out soon as he turned 4.
Afterward he could sleep well without snoring and swallow without difficulty.
My 4 year old son just had his adenoids taken out on March 6. He loved the whole experience! He got to wear his pajamas to the hospital, ride in a bed with wheels, had a tv in his hospital room, got to drink soda pop and popsicles and he just loved everyone doting on him. Seriously, I was afraid he would try to hurt himself in some way just so he could go back to the hospital! LOL! The actual surgery took all of 15-20 minutes. He did have to stay a couple of hours to make sure he came out of the anesethesia alright. That was my only concern. He has reactive airway disorder (similar to asthma) so I wasn't sure how he would do with the anesthetic. They just did a breathing treatment beforehand and all was great! His recovery time was pretty simple too. I gave him children's tylenol for some minor pain the first day a couple times, but nothing after that. He just laid around for a few days and then was back to his regular activities. It made a world of difference for him! He snored loudly at night, would get very winded at play and would always fought with allergy like symptoms. We have had none of that since!
I would say if her adenoids are enlarged to just go ahead with the procedure. Why do they feel like they have to do a sleep study first? That doesn't seem necessary unless your daughter has some other issue they are concerned about. Good luck! It really is a very simple and routine procedure and recovery is easy especially since they are not taking the tonsils out too.
2yrs old and 5yrs old...the younger the better I'm told
Mine had them out at 6. Everything went great! He used to get sick a lot and not anymore.