I had the same surgery done when I was younger. Admittedly, I wasn't that young when mine was done (I was 7). However, as the years pass, I have seen that they are doing those type of surgeries younger and younger. However, I did see a girl that was about 2-2 1/2 go through the surgery at a day care center I worked at. She would have days where there would be a yellow discharge from her ears which I found odd as I didn't recall having that happen after my surgery. I also had to have my tonsils removed when my surgery was done because I was sick all the time as a child-tonsilitis and constant severe ear infections. What to expect for after care, I really don't recall anything except that the tubes fell out on their own. I still had ear infections after that but, aside from 2, they really weren't anywhere near as bad nor as frequent as they had been (to my understanding) as prior to the adnoid removal and tube inserting. With those 2 bad ear inffections, they talked about putting me back in for tubes again. However, the conditions they set had not been met. As an example, the first time they had talked about putting tubes in my ears again, I was in high school and had an ear infection for almost 3 months with no help or change on antibiotics. On the previous visit to finally getting better, I was told that if it didn't clear up by the next visit it was something they were going to do. The second time, I was in my early to mid 20's and had an ear infection so bad that I had blisters in my ears. At that point, I was told if I got any more they were going to put tubes in my ears again. Knock on wood, no ear infections since that one. So, the tubes should reduce the amount of ear infections your son gets but it may not necessarily completely get rid of them. Good luck to you both.