From the answers you have received, you have gotten some really good advice. I have to agree that you should probably hold off on any testing as toddlers do go through many of the "symptoms" but not actually have ADD or ADHD, it's all just part of the age.
My DD was had the symptoms for years but I always chalked it up to "she's just being a kid". She seemed to do well in Kindergarden and First grade...
However, when she was in 2nd grade, my husband was deployed after 9-11 and things just got worse. I talked to her teacher and she suggested (after I asked, she never suggested ADD or ADHD first) I might have her tested as the symptoms were there BEFORE my husband was deployed... She didn't feel that it was depression about her daddy being gone...so I did.
My daughter went from literally failing the first three marking periods to getting Straight A's & B's in school for the remainder of the year and the entire next year. Luckily, the school did not hold her back in second grade as they truely felt the medication worked in her case and that she would catch up.
My Grandparents sent me a book "The Attention Deficit Child" which really helped me to come to the conclusion that I needed to have my daughter tested. And in reading that book and one other, which I can't recall the name, I found that she fit the ADHD...and I fet the ADD. I just can't get the Base Doctors to do the tests for me...they want to chalk it up to "depression"...
Good Luck and I hope things work out for you and your child.