Try Ultimate Aloe juice. It tastes great. This is what I use. 2 ounces a day and I go everyday. :)
Strawberry kiwi is my favorite. You can even put it in a glass of ice water to give the water some flavor.
Has anyone tried Activia? What do you think about the taste? What is the diff. between Activia and Activia Light? What has been your side effects (if you don't mind sharing)? Not trying to be gross...just wondering. I am not usually very "regular" and heard this helps. I have also heard that people who eat it get horrible gas, bloating and pain. I am not really hoping into my car as fast as possible to get it if that is the case. Iv'e just tried the FiberOne bars and really like the taste of the oat/chocolate ones but also thought I would try a yogurt. FiberOne seemed to work just fine for me yesterday...don't want to go overboard! lol
Try Ultimate Aloe juice. It tastes great. This is what I use. 2 ounces a day and I go everyday. :)
Strawberry kiwi is my favorite. You can even put it in a glass of ice water to give the water some flavor.
Activia tastes good. I had no digestive issues at all. I don't eat it though because I keep a jar of probiotics in the fridges that I can sprinkle on anything if anyone in the house if having any kind of digestive issue from diahrea to constipation. I tried the fiber bars and they just give me a lot of gas instead of fixing the real issues, which is an imbalance of bacteria in the gut.
I actually like Activia and Activia Light. The light has less calories. For gas, I use Beano. It is wonderful.
You just have to find the balance between the two the Beano and the Activia.
Remember to drink plenty of water. If you are dehydrated it is hard to poop (Sorry for the pun) ;-)
i have tried them...i have IBS and am lactose intolerant so...it helped some what with my not being reg. but than it made me bloat because of my dairy sensitivity...i dont think it helped all that much though...just my opinion.
Didn't really notice a lot of bowel benefits but I do think that Activia tastes much better than either Dannon or Yoplait. My daughter liked it better, too.
If you tend to be irregular try adding more fiber to you diet as in fresh fruit and veggies and salads. Also drink more water. Ativia does not do any more for you than any other yorgert. In fact the makers of Activia were taken to court I believe by the FDA to change their advertising. They made up words to sound like medical terms and falsly claimed results.
Do not go the laxitive route. Your body can become so dependent upon laxitives that you won't be able to go without them.
Honestly just adding a few extra glasses of water and some natural fiber will do the trick.
If this doesn' help get an appoitnment with your OB/GYN. My best freind had a problem with constipation and it turned out to be fibroid tumors in her uterus, pressing against her colon. Once she had a hysterectomy the constipation went away.
I eat Greek yogurt instead and don't have issues. I needed to cut back on sugar and since I have cut out artificial sweeteners for the past several years, my cysts have stopped multiplying or growing in my breasts (coincidence, who knows?). I just envisioned the not-as-sweet yogurt as if it was a fruity pudding and was able to acquire the taste.
You can use any good quality yogurt, not just Activia products, to help you with regularity. Even frozen yogurts. I prefer Greek yogurts.
I think Fiber bars are expensive, but if it helped, go for it.
Depending upon how irregular you are and how much 'assistance' you need to give to having a good BM, I would recommend:
An apple a day, the whole, a natural kind with all the skin
Basic Fiber cereal, eaten anyway you like, even on top of yogurt
Yogurt, Greek is best. Look into other recipes, besides just sweetened ones. I love the Tatziki, which is yogurt mixed with cucumber, mint, dill, pepper, etc...It's a great spread on sandwiches.
I have IBS-diarrhea and Activia has been great. It really does calm my system. The taste is really good, too. No gas, bloating or pain ... in fact, it clears that up for me.
Activia Light has a slightly more artificial sweetness, but otherwise no major difference.
Activia doesn't offer any more benefits than any other yogurt. The company was sued and settled out of court for making health related claims about helping with constipation. And yogurt is usually suggested to help with diarrhea, so what's up with that?
I use Benefiber and it works for me.
I liked Activia. I experienced less gas and bloating. Never tried Activia light. I've always had a high fiber diet, but I'm really sensitive to a lot of foods. While I was eating Activia, I was able to pinpoint some foods that were causing gas, which I never even realized. So now, I just avoid those foods. Good luck!
I actually eat Activia Light on a regular basis because (wait for it) I like the taste of it best. My mom is always asking me what's wrong because I eat it but I finally have her convinced that my system is fine (which it is) and that I simply eat it for the taste. I have had no problems with boosting, gas or pain but I'm not eating it to fix anything. They used to have a money back guarantee if you don't like the product so it's worth trying. The raspberry is my favorite but I usually get the strawberry because I shop at a small grocery store with limited selections.