A., I was this high energy person that was totally washed out after my first pregancy - and three years later - still wiped out! LONG story short - I learned the need for healthier diet and taking supplements...however...the fatigue and need to take a nap daily (every single day!!) still did not leave me; before and after naps, I did feel much better. I learned in those days that not all vitamins are created equal - so I was taking *high quality* vitamins.
When a friend told me about Melaleuca, Inc. - The Wellness Company - I was so willing to try their products...absolutely loved them...but refused to try their vitamins...didn't want to rock the boat. Finally, I was talked into trying them for one month...knowing it was money back quaranteed. I set aside the $120 a month worth of supplements I was taking...took their $20 pak with the intention of going back to what I *knew* was good in one month. The energy level change was so drastic - I got sceptical that there was an artifical stimulant in the Melaleuca vitamin...as is in some of these juice drinks. Did my homework, took what I learned to my doctor who confirmed that the solubility, availabilty of the nutrients was the reason I was helped so much. After 18 years of naps...I was so grateful to find a lasting solution - and look at the money I saved.
All that to say - Melaleua has solid research on their solubility/availibility compared against other top brands...and instead of the normal less than 10% you get with those companies...you can count on high 75%, 80% or 90% usage. That makes a huge difference in everything!
I yearn for others to learn that money is being spent on products that are just not quality enough to do what they are buying them for... $120 a month and 18 years of daily naps gone...and for the last 17 years...my energy has been great for $20 a month. A few others things got fixed, too.