? About Your Own Laundry Detergant

Updated on November 17, 2013
K.R. asks from Weedsport, NY
5 answers

I found one to make my own powdered using Ivory Bar but should it sud or not? I am used to looking for that. You don't use much so how do you know they are coming clean? Can you tell I'm new to this?lol What are your homemade recipes?

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answers from Chicago on

I use the Borax/Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda/Grated soap combo for my laundry and it does NOT suds, but it gets the clothes clean! I've used grated Ivory bar, but I found that Zote makes a box of flakes so I use the flakes instead of grating the soap. Takes less time to make and works just as good! The flakes are cheap, less than $4 for a box that will last you for many, many loads.

I use 1-2 tablespoons.

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answers from Las Vegas on

No suds, I use Borax, Fels Napa (or Zote), Arm & Hammer washing soda. I use 1 - 2 heaping tablespoons.

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answers from Atlanta on

Sudsing is from a non essential additive to make you think it's working..if it suds, then it's most likely toxic.


There are safer alternatives than ivory...

Hope this helps.

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answers from Houston on

I know suds are not good. But I love to see the lathering in laundry soaps and in shampoos.



answers from Portland on

I use the Biokleen laundry detergent. No suds, but the clothes come out clean.

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