This is common. Just don't force it. She won't starve.
For the first year of life, a baby's PRIMARY source of nutrition is breastmilk/formula. Some breastfed babies, for the first year, primarily feed on breastmilk, not solids. They are fine.
She's probably just not ready... give her time. It's okay. There is no "rush" to have them eating "solids" like a grown kid or toddler. They are needing to get used to it... and each baby has their own pacing.
Not sitting still is also common. They are a baby and they are just that way. Even as a toddler, they have a hard time sitting still. They don't even have impulse control yet either, until they are about 3 years old. Lots of babies don't like high-chairs too.
You best ask your Pediatrician about introducing all those foods to her. For us, my Pediatrician said not to introduce "meats" until 1 years old. And introduce foods that are only safe for babies....per allergenic reactions.
As for "milk"... this is started at 1 years old. Not before then. Now, she should be having breastmilk or formula.
Their digestive organs and system is STILL developing. Thus, don't introduce foods unless you know it is age appropriate.
Also, ask your Pediatrician about giving her "Polyvitamins." It's liquid vitamin drops that you put in their milk, for babies.
For me, I was still nursing my kids on demand at this age. Or formula. But it was on demand. I never "scheduled" nursings/feedings... even if it was every hour that they needed to nurse, I did. On and night. For a baby, this is still important. If she wants her bottle, give it to her. She is rejecting solids... but in time, she will adjust to it.
My son was similar to that.. I just made sure he fed/nursed on demand, and I used the Polyvitamins too.
Just make sure that your baby is still growing and gaining weight appropriately? At 9 months, she should have her "well-baby" check up. Discuss your concerns with your Pediatrician then.
Each baby is different. As long as she is developing normally, gaining weight, and alert and growing, she should be fine.
When she is throwing a fit at meal time.. just stay calm. Don't force it. No need to scold or punish at this age. If she refuses to eat, just stop. Wait for another time. Give her her milk.
All the best,