A Canker Sore on a 4 Yr Old.

Updated on May 03, 2007
H.N. asks from Everett, WA
11 answers

my four yr old son has a lil canker sore in his mounth and it's really bothering him. i never knew a lil child could get one. is there anything i could give him or use to help it not hurt him so much?

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answers from Portland on

I would try some kids orajel. It worked with my daughter. In the meantime avoid salty and acidy foods they will just irritate it.

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answers from Spokane on

you can make a paste with baking soda and water to put on it. That will help it heal faster. Cut andthing asidic out of his diet and have him drink only water until it is gone.



answers from Seattle on

I used to get canker sores, too, and one thing that helps is baking soda. just a little bit right on the sore, it will sting at first, but it really takes the ouchy out after that. good luck!



answers from Seattle on

There are some things you can get at the store. But don't let him have things like nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, acidic foods for a while will help. And don't load him up on those types of things in between, just a healthy balance. I have had cancer sores in my mouth ever since my cousin and I decided to eat an entire bottle of ketchup. But I've found if I'm mindful of these issues it helps. Also taking vitamin B-6 and Llysine helps. But you should ask your doctor about that before you give him any supplements like that. Hope this helps.



answers from Eugene on

If you have him chew a Tums and hold it in his mouth where the canker sore is, it will ease the pain and it will make it heal faster. He can do this once a day untill it is gone.



answers from Portland on

There is the normal over the counter meds, but my son gets them all the time and I just have him wash his mouth out with a little salt water in the morning, and especially at night before bed. It usually lasts 2-3 days, but I only hear about it for a day or so.
My son is 8 and has been getting them for a few years... it all depends on what the child carries. I didn't have them as a child, but my husband says he remembers having them all the time.



answers from Medford on

I use this product called kanka. It doesn't feel good at first but it will numb the area and heal it. I had tons of canker sores when i had braces and i would put this stuff on and i could hit the sore and i couldn't even feel it! My daughter thinks it is nasty but hey it works!!



answers from Portland on

I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with your question. I have a 6 year old and she's never had a canker sore (OUCH!) so have no advice to give you. But I wanted to ask - have you always been a single mom to your premature baby? I ask because a friend of mine has a 30 weeker (born on Christmas), and she is struggling to make ends meet because she can't put her daughter in daycare so she can work. She unfortunately does not have a great support system - so no family that can watch the baby. Any advice? It would be greatly appreciated!!!



answers from Denver on

T-Tree oil would work to help with the pain and will heal it quickly.

If you would like to know more visit my healthy living news:




answers from Seattle on

My children haven't had one yet, but when I did as a child, the only thing that seemed to do any good was swishing hot salt water in my mouth. A four-year-old might be unable to do that, but you could pour (a lot of) salt into a cup of hot water, then swab it on the canker with a Q-tip.

Is there something really acidic he's eaten lately? Sometimes orange juice or pineapple can trigger one (at least, some people think they can). I don't know if a true cause of cankers is known.



answers from Portland on

Cankaid. I think it is spelled like that. My son recently had one as well and it was BIG. I asked the pharmacist at Fred Meyer and he recommended two and said that the were basically the same thing and to choose the least expensive of the two.

It signicantly diminished in one day, and was gone by the second day. Highly recommend.

Take care!

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