I recently bought my daughter a Gerber Cool Twisties Cup. I think we have only used it once so far, but she likes it. I don't think it leaked when she used it. I can't remember how far the straw goes down in the cup, maybe you can see in the store.
My mom also recently bought her one of the Nuby straw cups. It was HORRIBLE! My daughter still tries to tilt the cup up to drink even though there is a straw, and when she did this with this Nuby cup, her water or milk just poured right out the air flow hole at the top! I just looked on the Nuby Web site at their description of this cup... "Parents never need to worry about any messes with a Nûby™ No-Spill™ Straw: No Spills! No Leaks! No Mess!" Boy is this a lie!!