Sounds like she is right on schedule with my little one. Elizabeth started this last month, 9 months old. At first I was completely shocked when she decided to throw herself down on the floor and bite the carpet because she wasn't getting her way. I have to say it made me giggle a bit at the dramatics of it all.
I agree with the not giving in and telling her no. We also tell her "no fits" and just calmly look at her and wait for her to get over it. I don't raise my voice to her. I just speak in my normal tone. I don't want her to think she can get a reaction through throwing a fit. The only time she gets a loud NO is when she is about to do something that could harm her.
I don't know if you have been hit yet, but that happens at this stage too. I have been hit, bit and pinched with her fits. When she does this, I hold her hands and tell her no. Then I take her hand and lightly rub it down my cheek telling her to pet nice. I'm really the only one she hits, but I read in one book that babies do this with the one they trust the most. So lucky me.... :)
It has gotten tons better this month. She seems to have more understanding when things aren't acceptable.