My 8 month old daughter loves to grab and pull my hair too. She's actually quite proud of herself when she gets a handful or few strands. Not good. She typically does this when she is tired, or relaxing while sitting on my lap in the glider or even feeding. However, since she's began her hair tugging phase, I continually say to her "gentle." She definitely knows the word now. Sometimes she responds by being just that - more gentle or not (depending on her mood/demeanor). I also take her hand and let her gently touch my hair. She's seems to enjoy it. As long as I don't need Rogain for woman anytime soon, I plan on continuing to reinforce the "gentle" aspect (and hope it is useful with other activities, particulalry with other children). I think it's important to note, for me I don't want to start saying "no" as I think it's a bit harsh, and she's starting to speak (Da-Da, Ma-Ma, hi, etc) so I don't want "no" to be at the forefront of her vocabulary. Best of luck and remember each situation and child is different... there is no exact science to these issues.