How is your baby other than weight gain? Is her head growing? Is she meeting developmental milestones? I have seen thousands of babies over the years and honestly, with breastfed babies, the weight gain varies tremendously, but I have noticed most of the time they are very petite or very plump! Having a breastfed baby under 20 lbs at a year is extremely common and not a sign of failing to thrive. If the head growth isn't occuring, no length gain or new skills developed, then I would start to worry. But weight gain is definitely not something to panic over unless it is in conjunction with something else. My first daughter was 15 lbs at a year and was the smallest child around for the first two years of her life (she was extended breastfed). Then at 3, she shot up in height and is now one of the taller children in her age group at 4 years old. My 10 month old twins are both petite as well. My son is almost 13 lbs (wears 6 month clothes) and is walking, climbing, trying to verbalize and already is socially interactive and my daughter is almost 12 lbs (wears 3-6 month clothes) and is crawling, standing and highly interactive with verbalization. Both are growing well in length, head growth, skill development, etc. So I do not worry about their size and weight. And I ignore the growth charts. If you feel the need to see where your child is, make sure your ped is using a breastfeeding growth chart and not a regular one as there is a significant difference in growth between formula fed babies and breastfed babies. But I would be more concerned with where child is developmentally and in watching steady head growth before getting worried!