My son was the same way, it was around the same time, 2-3rd grade that the problems really came to head. He was diagnozed with ADD/ADHD. We were talking with the teacher or principal every other day. When it was a subject he liked, he had tunnel vision and didnt want to move to the next subject. He not only would not want to write, but he would get mad and dig the pencil in and rip his paper with his frustration and anger.
Part of it is his personality and learning style. A great book called 'How They Learn' by Cynthia Tobias was fantastic. Really helped me understand his personality and learning style. This helped me work with his teachers to find alternatives to completing the work. One thing we did was get the teachers to limit his writing. If they had to write 10 sentences, he only wrote 7. They allow typing of the work instead of writing. Just little modifications really helped. This allowed him to gain confidence that he could keep up. His thoughts were, if I cant do it, why bother.
The learning style was only part of the problem. He did have ADD/ADHD so we looked at our options. We decided NOT to put him on meds. I have researched the ADD/ADHD symptons using natural alternatives. He is now showing his potential (very bright child) the growth factor is wonderful.
The problem with ADD/ADHD is that their bodies are missing the nutritian and the overload of the toxins and chemicals in many of the products we use being absorbed into their bodies, this will limit the production of the nuero transmitters that go to the brain and help with focus and attention. Removing those toxins and taking nutritionals to give them "brain food" has helped my son with focus and attention. I want to fix the problem, not mask it with a bandaid of prescriptions that will mask the symptoms, but not remove them.
These facts are well documented. Oprah has done lots of shows on the effects of the chemicals and toxins used in everyday products and the side effects they cause, from asthma, allergies, infertility etc. The website also gives more information.
If you have interest in learning more about the effects and how to alleviate the symptons in a natural way, feel free to email me. I can email you some documents with facts.
PS My son has went from modified writing to writing books!
S. M