Dear T B,
I don't know your specific child or schedule, but it sounds to me like you're trying to get him to sleep too much during the day. Not necessarily too much, but too often. He gets up at 7 and you put him down approximately 2 1/2 hours later. If he sleeps until around 11 and you want him to be ready to go back to sleep at 1, that sounds like to much, not to mention that he wouldn't wake up from his second nap until after 2pm. Where is there time for a 3rd nap before a 6:30 or 7pm bedtime?
I would try splitting it it into 2 naps further apart.
My kids were the worst nappers on the face of the planet as far as actually sleeping during the day. But, they slept all night. They did have quiet rest time everyday, and some days they liked it better than others as far as fussing, but the emphasis was never on them sleeping. They had music boxes and soft lullabyes they liked. I didn't want to force the issue either since they slept so well at night.
It just sounds to me like you are wanting him to sleep too much during the day and that will lend itself to him wanting to be awake at night.
I wish you the best.