Hi! i was a bed wetter, until I was nine, and the most important thing that I remember was my parents response to this issue... Sorry, Mom, but it seems you are making this a real issue that is forcing your child to defy you... And based on your entry, not trying to make you feel offended, but, it seems you might tend to become "over the top," with the issue. SO PLEASE RELAX!! If you continue on this type of frustration sounding method of trying to "reform," her, you are gonna be doing this until much later! Humiliation is NEVER gonna work, so you need to change, right now, or lose your ability to reach your daughter, when other feminine issues get in the picture... Somewhere your daughter and your interactions got messed up, weel bad, and if you do not stop and BREATHE, you are handed to serious trouble. I know that 7 is a longtime to still wet, it frustrating, as a parent and due to social standards, that we feel everyone judges us by... For me, the constant bickering with my Nother was the first nail in our road to being able to taqlk, openly... I soon, learned to hide things from her, some they did not find out until I was a full-grown adult! do you want that relationship? I don't think so! First of all if she wets the bed, if she will not get up to change them , let her sleep on the wet sheets, and if company comes, and she havent changed them, allow peer pressure, amke the move forward for her. Invite a cousin who she likes to assist her, it is good, if they are older, and can understand what she need to do... My cousin was great in getting me to move forward, without Mom breating down my neck, ranting over and over... She is old enough to wash her sheets, clothing; you can teach her how to use the equipment, with simple, PATIENT, guidance that enforces her to independence, with POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT! Your current method are sending NEGATIVE MESSAGES, instead. At & years she is far more capable then you are allowing her to be. At five my daughter could iron, wash, sort, clean, take out trash, and obtain an allowance, since these simple tasks, were her "job," to get money for the things, she wanted... And she had a bout of night wetting, but, I found out BY TALKING TO HER, instead of YELLING, that she had concerns because my schedule had changed, so much she was worried that I didn't love her as much, and was leaving her... We talked, and I reassured her, and we talked about ALL the things that were bothering her (I was on active duty, during a war, my job made me absent more, so I called her more!). I was relieved that in two weeks, she stopped, because I made her "growing up," a game that she could obtain rewards for her short and longterm efforts... We had a reward board made that included what she felt were good and wanted rewards for her doing the positive things, and I worked on my own board of learning how to talk to her more (I had rewards, too), and allowed more independence for her. We set a one month goal, and soon life was grand, we both had a small slightly competitive game of it, and I did allow her to "win," by showing her that though you fail, you do not quit, but, keep trying, until you accomplish your final overall goal... Good long term life skills for her adulthood days. for myself, as a child, the handling by my parents like your way, didn't work! It was my doctor who changed the way, they handled it. I underwent medical testing to see if there were not other issues that might be hindering my ability to urinate properly, such as urine/blood tests; X-Ray and MRI for bladder, cysts, digestive organs; a developmental evaluation for lost or missed milestones; a pyshological evaluation for underlying issues (some kids urinate when they are overly stressed or belittled or bullied); and a Gynecological eval (some young girls have malformations in their genitalia and urological tract.). I hope the prior is not need, but, you need to assess everything. there are major breakthorughs in pediatric urination, since my days! Allow her more freedom,, and stp over-parenting with the telling of what she is NOT doing! Sometimes, in the rush of all the daily requirements to keep our family supported we tend, to focus, more on the negative of what our kids do, when we want a positive response, when we need to do the opposite, with the positives they do, instead! Make up a clothes suitcase that she has to carry with her to the bathrrom, and back to the car, for each change... The items can be picked by her, and become a nightly or weekly event to repack, and place this on the reward chart for completion! For me i used old clothes, so she got a little uncomfortable, because these clothes were the ones, she didn t fit too well, but kept her dry, and clothed... I just noticed yesterday in Toysrus, that there is a "potty training watch, " that gives intervals for the child to manage the time to go to the bathroom, funny thing, when I looked at it, I laughed, but, now, I see why it was shown to me.. LOL!! I think you need to take a step back, and reassess your methods, because there are numerous methods to help you, including reading with her to help her express herself, more directly with you, because based on your input, I think you are losing your child, because she is learning parental defiance, versus coming to you, when she really needs you! Remember that this is only the beginning of what she will need help wit, so I recommend that you revise your methods, it is ok, that our child are not perfect, if the peole in your life has issues and do not assist you in supporting her and you more, than maybe, they need to reassess their own issues, because it seems there are things in her environment that might be causing her to urinate, defy and frustrate you... Maybe a full lifestyle assessment might be in order to reduce frustration for all concern... Sometimes, as a parent, we have to look at our own methods, if we want ourchild to make a certain change for the better... I hope this helps, because for me, it was the inclusion of my own needs and words that made me finally stop urinating, because I was treated more like a person, than a possession of frustration... However, ther is bad news... Now that I am much older now, it seems old habits tend to return. because I find that I have to get to the bathroom, much sooner than my younger bladder could... I guess, I will be ready for DEPENDS, soon... This is one thing my Mother told me in fun, while we were discussing my daughter's bed wetting... "Remember one day, your child will be choicing your diapers, doctors, medications, and nursing homes, so remember that what goes around comes around... So, you better be nice!" LMAO! Good luck!
I read your "what happened,' and I want to strongly recommend that you have your doctor refer your for a developmental evaluation, because i think there is something that is underlying (not to worry you), that might need more intervention. Especially, if this rebellion or lack of effort is affecting other areas in her life, without you helping her.. I think it is best to rule out everything, then find a method to resolve...