7 Weeks Pregnant and Extreme Cravings

Updated on February 20, 2013
L.R. asks from Georgetown, MA
8 answers

Hi all,

Has anyone experienced cravings for lots of food during a third pregnancy? It's funny- with my first child, I couldn't keep any food down for almost 6 months. It was a brutal pregnancy. With my second child, I had some morning sickness from 7-12 weeks, but it was reasonable and then disappeared. With this baby, knock on wood, I haven't been sick at all and only want to eat. This is so strange for me. Have others had such polar opposite pregnancies? Did it mean anything different?

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answers from Hartford on

I had hyperemesis gravidarium with all three pregnancies, but when I was able to keep food down I craved mashed potatoes, pepperoncini, olives, ice cream, Claussen pickles, McD's chicken sandwiches, vanilla Coke, clam chowder, grilled cheese sandwiches, veggie subs from Subway. Oh, and my MIL's spicy pasta sauce.

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answers from Portland on

With my first I only had morning sickness for 2 weeks. For awhile I craved orange juice/oranges like crazy, then nothing till the very end when I started craving sweets.

This time, I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant. Only 1 week of morning sickness so far. I'm hungry all the time. I haven't had many cravings. Yesterday I craved cheeseburgers. I ate one for lunch & another for dinner, lol.

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answers from Dallas on

My three pregnancies went pretty much the way you described. My last one was a breeze (other than low back/hip pain). As far as it meaning anything different, no, our bodies just react differently to pregnancy each time.

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answers from Honolulu on

Well I have 2 kids.
With the first one, I pretty much had a bigger appetite and varied. But no specific cravings for junk food or sweets.
And my child per that pregnancy, she eats pretty much anything and varied.

With my 2nd pregnancy, I craved SALADS.... 24 hours a day everyday, all the time! And my child with that pregnancy, he loves salad. Even though he is a "picky" eater.

With both pregnancies, I had... BAD morning sickness AND migraines all at the same time.
It was not fun.

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answers from Houston on

During my second pregnancy, I CRAVED cinnamon. I would think constantly of different foods that I could incorporate it in to. Cinnamon toast, French toast, cinnamon toast crunch cereal, cinnamon teddy Graham's, cinnamon graham crackers, sopapillas, etc....!!! It decreased drastically halfway through the pregnancy. I have two girls, and there were no cravings that strong during my first pregnancy. Weird! ;)

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answers from Washington DC on

Certainly facing "food" differences in my current pregnancy than my first one. I am hungry all the time! I have been trying to satisfy the hunger with fresh fruits and veggies but no luck at all. In fact, I just ate a cup of grapes and ready for more! The one craving I have really had in the past few weeks has been Chinese-style food. I had Pad Thai three times this week, I had a spicy fried rice mix a few weeks ago and told my husband on Monday, "I could go for some Chinese food"....it is so strange. Although, chips, salsa and guacamole would be good right about now too! ;o) So far, it hasn't meant anything different to me other than where can I get my next snack?

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answers from Philadelphia on

First pregnancy, I craved white foods. Pasta alfredo, marshmallows, vanilla ice-cream, milk, etc. Weird.

Second pregnancy, I craved red foods and tropical fruits. Couldn't get enough pineapple, mango or papaya. Pasta bolognese. Lasagne. Tomato soup. Strange...

Third pregnancy, I had no specific cravings, but I could NOT eat salmon of any kind or salad. Two of my favorite things. My favorite go-to meal at a local restaurant HAD BEEN blackened salmon salad. I ordered it and almost threw up when it arrived at the table. SO. WEIRD.

Luckily, all food cravings went away and I, once again, love salmon and salads. No, wait, THOSE cravings went away, only to be replaced by cravings for chocolate and wine (which will haunt me 'til the day I die, pregnant or not).

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answers from St. Louis on

1st and 2nd pregnancies I have a bit of morning sickness. This time around (almost 11 weeks along), I have had MUCH more nausea. To the point where eating every hour or two or sleeping has been the only thing to cure it! I've tried preggo pops, sprite, crackers, fruit, veggies, over the counter nauesa meds (prescribed by doctor)....the last week or so it has waned and I'm very happy about that.

What I HAVE noticed this time around is that when I'm hungry, I"M HUNGRY...meaning I'm ravenous!!!!!! It's like food has taken on an entire new meaning to me and I've always liked food. That is why I'm trying to stick to my elliptical workout a few times a week!

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