Obviously you are still trying to figure out what sort of parenting/sleep philosophy you want to use - which is always a struggle as we hope for hte "magic bullet" which often doesn't exist! The one that resonated best with me was Tracy Hogg - the Baby Whisperer. She posits that you should never leave a baby cry it out but rather work with them to teach then how to sleep. So if you are set on ferberizing that won't help you much.
Anyway, it's worth considering the whole picture - the day/night continuum. Because counter-intuitively, good naps beget good night sleep, and the amount she is eating during the day will influence if she's hungry at night. So you have to re-vamp your whole routine, not just focus on nightime feedings.
Also do you "tank up" before bed and do a dreamfeed? I think both are very helpful with getting that long stretch of night sleep. By tanking up it means give her as much to eat as you can before bed (which at that age for us was around 9 - i've copied her "routine " form that age below. Then, before I would go to bed at 11:30 or so I'd go in and pick her up and latch her on and feed her while she was sleeping. I'd put her back in the crib and that would tide her over til AM.
I checked back to when mine was 7.5 months old and here's what she did:
FIRST FEED - b/t 7:00 & 7:30 eat (BF only) – I give this feeding right when she wakes up, before changing her
SECOND FEED - between 9 & 9:30 eat (2 oz milk with 4 tbsp oatmeal cereal, 2 tsp prunes, 1 tsp tofu, offer 5 oz milk) . I give her this feeding as soon as she shows any sign of being tired – a yawn or eye rub or irritable – then she naps right afterwards usually. So first nap is real early - often by 9:30.
THIRD FEED 1:00 eat (2 tbsp each carrots & squash, 1 tbsp peaches & 5 oz bottle)
NAP right afterwards
FOURTH FEED - 4:00 eat (4 tbsp peas (one whole container), 1 tbsp apples & 4 oz bottle)
NAP at 5ish - a short cat nap to "rest up" for the bed time routine
FIFTH FEED - 7:00 eat (4 tbsp rice cereal, 2 tbsp pear & nurse)
8:30-9:00 (nurse before bed)
11:00 nurse while sleeping
BEST of luck to you!