Please put her back down on her hands/knees EVERY TIME you see her start cruising. She needs the time on her hands/knees to organize her midbrain---which is where she develops the ability to use her eyes together well, understand social nuance, respond appropriately to noise in her environment, and MANY more important things.
Getting up on the sides of her feet makes me wonder about the appropriate integration of her Babinski reflex OR the possibility that her sensation is hypersensitive on the bottom of her feet. Either way, these are things I can teach you to work with---she would probably benefit from both.
For as long as possible, PLEASE keep her from walking precociously----I know it is fun to see her walk, but it is NOT in her best interest. Being early walkers is a commonality in many children with learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD.
Mom to 8 children (Yep, been pregnant 8 times with the SAME dad)
Neurodevelopmental specialist