Ouchy! Talk to the pharmacist about topicals you can use, you are sure it is hemmroids?
My son bled a bit when he pooped for awhile, something that happens more to young boys than young girls apparently. What the pediatrician had me do was give him a half dose of Miralax. It is tasteless and colourless, and smooth and mixes well with water or juice. Follow the directions on the label, and ask the pharmacist if it is unclear.
Sometimes kids get constipated, then they over strain, and then; yup, hemmroids. Also increase her intake of fruit and vegetables, and (oatmeal after the hemroids calm down). with my son, I'd lightly say, "mmmm, fruit, it will help you poop easier!" and he would eagrly comply. Prunes, just one every few days, were a special treat...Moister than raisens...though raisens work well too :)
Finally, make sure she is drinking enough water. That will help quite a bit too. Hope this helps.